Sunday, April 11, 2021

FDR and Biden


FDR and Biden

 Joe Biden evidently fashions himself as an FDR surrogate when it come to the expansion of an intrusive and invasive government into the very fabric of all Americans’ lives.  This is Joe’s most recent political incarnation after myriad others in the past, depending on the prevailing political winds.

 FDR’s actions in the 1930’s were informed by such figures as his distant cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, John Dewey, Endicott Peabody, Henry George and others.  Also, FDR surrounded himself with thinkers and doers such as Harold Ickes, Henry Wallace, Harry Hopkins, and his “brain trusts”, first Raymond Moley, Rexford G. Tugwell, and Adolph A. Berle, Jr., all professors at Columbia University, and later, Cohen, Corcoran, and Frankfurter of The Harvard Law School.  All of these people were intellectually and politically astute and experienced operators, who reflected the progressive philosophies of the time, and contributed substantially to Roosevelt’s “New Deal”.

 Joe Biden’s handlers seem to consist of either 1960’s hippie and flower child retreads on the Alinsky model, or young sociology or gender studies majors who are versed in the theories of identity politics, cancel culture and “wokeness”.  Biden haltingly reads from the teleprompters prepared for him, but there does not seem to be much intellectual depth in his presentations, just “frothy emotional appeal” that seems to be “lapped up” by the ovine masses, even though Biden lies boldly and constantly to the faces of America.

 This is From the Mises Institute, which is a libertarian nonprofit think-tank located in Auburn, Alabama, on FDR:

 “And now Franklin Roosevelt, too, has come to represent a certain conception of America, one that is worlds apart from Jefferson's vision, and different from anything that even Lincoln could have imagined. Roosevelt stands for the national government as we know it today: a vast, unfathomable bureaucratic apparatus that recognizes no limits whatsoever to its power, either at home or abroad. Internationally, it gives every evidence of intending to run the whole world, of extending its hegemony — now that the Soviet Union is no more — to every corner of the globe.

Domestically, it undertakes, through an annual budget of close to $2 trillion, to assuage every real or invented social ill and thus enters into every aspect of the people's lives. In particular, it is engaged in what even a couple of decades ago would have seemed fantastic — a campaign to annihilate freedom of association, subjecting the American people to a program of radical social engineering, in order to transform their voluntarily held traditional beliefs and values and way of life.  More than anyone else, Franklin Roosevelt is responsible for creating the Leviathan state that confronts us today.”


Joe Biden is no FDR, by any means, even discounting his obviously diminished mental abilities.  Love him or hate him, FDR was a giant.  By comparison, Joe Biden is a gnat, with delusions of grandeur, but with minions and a propagandizing media who are exceedingly dangerous to our constitutional freedoms, to our economy and to our foreign footprint.

 In their hatred-fueled anti-Trump free-for-all, the Biden cabal has rushed back toward past practices that have been proven to be destructive and detrimental to the country, to wit:-  opening our southern border and the ensuing massive crisis, closing the Keystone Pipeline and loss of 11,000 jobs, irrational EO’s on gender, virtue signaling returns to the Iran nuclear deal, Paris climate accords and WHO, all to the detriment of the USA, massive, multi-trillion dollar tax and spend programs coached with attractive sounding euphemisms like “American Rescue Plan”, “Infrastructure Plan”, American Jobs Plan”, where the bulk of these plans is tax and spend, “Green New Deal”, and other democrat pork, instead of what the title implies.  Also, fascistic attacks by “executive order”, on our first and second amendments, concertina wire lockdowns of the capitol because of an imagined “insurrectionist” threats, while neglecting a summer of Marxist inspired rioting and destruction in our cities.

 Many fault FDR for implementing socialism, (social security, et al), in the country.  Not to argue the point, but FDR’s world, with the country just emerging from a debilitating economic depression, and entering a world war against regimes bent on world domination, dwarf our relatively comfortable and peaceful world. 

 The opportunistic Biden cabal is rushing headlong into implementing far-left principles incubated by leftist thinkers over the past 70 years.  The fact that they are attempting to rush toward an alt-left, one party system, using dictatorial executive orders and meager majorities in congress, stress that their goal is some form of fascistic, one-party government for the country.

 These alt-left radicals need to be curtailed, and the ovine masses, held in thrall by the propagandizing media, needs to wake up, and acknowledge the destruction of our constitution, our history and our heritage.  The thieves of our freedoms need to be voted out, and we need to return to the fundamental founding principles of our republic.

Ray Gruszecki
April 11, 2021

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