Thursday, April 15, 2021

Our Democrat-Socialist Government


Our Democrat-Socialist Government

 What is truly sad and so debilitating for our country, is how the radical Marxist left and their biased media allies have sabotaged over half of our electorate toward their extreme socialist views.  For example, “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa” are accepted, by over half the country,  as being valid civil rights groups, rather than violent Marxist movements, as defined and promulgated by their founders and adherents.

 It seems that every time a black American is killed by a cop, the BLM and Antifa mobs are set in motion by social media and the dark web, and American cities burn.  Meantime, the almost pandemic numbers of black-on-black American killings in our major cities each week, and particularly in Chicago, goes unabated and virtually unreported, without so much as a murmur from the left-wing bigots that condemn every anecdotal shooting by a cop in performance of their duty, whether or not the shooting is in self-defense, accidental or crime prevention.

 Cries are raised by the radical alt-left socialists to “defund” or “disarm” or “eliminate” the police, to the detriment of primarily black communities in our cities.  These echo the rallying cries of the nineteenth century European communist movements to create anarchy in society in preparation for the communist revolution.  These radical policies are backed by the current, increasingly socialist, administration, and the clueless, gullible American public, seems to get on board and accept these violent, destructive movements as part of the body politic.

 When are the American public going to wake up and acknowledge how poor, old mentally deficient Joe Biden has been overwhelmed by his alt-left handlers, to issue increasingly dictatorial executive orders that are leading our country away from our founding principles, and into a Hugo Chavez style socialism?  I have to ask, did the suburban matrons and others offended by Donald Trump’s sometimes cantankerous comments and tweets anticipate the destruction of our very founding principles and the weakening of our foreign policy on the scale being executed by this socialist cabal that is now in power?  Is this what you voted for?

 These destroyers of our traditions, history and culture need to be sent packing as quickly as possible, in future elections.  We cannot succumb to the ever-increasing din of bigoted identity politics masquerading as social justice and the associated “cancel culture” and “wokeness”.  These charlatans need to be sent back to their burrows in irresponsible academia or left-wing think tanks, and away from any positions of political power. Hopefully a responsible American public will soon catch on to the harm that this destructive, socialist, Biden cabal is foisting upon our country, virtually “with every move they make”.

Ray Gruszecki
April 15, 2021

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