Saturday, April 10, 2021

Lying Media. Lying Biden


Lying Media. Lying Biden

 This is a meme, and put out there to elicit a satirical response.  Unfortunately, it is all too true.

 This biased media is largely responsible for aiding and abetting the alt-left take-over of our country by the handlers behind the inept and impaired Joe Biden.

 Our supposedly “free press” excoriated President Donald Trump for five years.  They then buried and twisted news that appeared to be anywhere near favorable to Trump and negative toward Biden.  Their action about Hunter’s abandoned, incriminatory laptop is a case in point, but this is only one example of opprobrium heaped upon Trump, and praise accorded to Joe Biden in his basement, during the presidential campaign.  To their credit, the democrats’ Machiavellian/Trotskyite/Alinsky techniques worked.  They seized power, and are on their way to making this a monolithic, one-party, country.  

 This same “free press” then turned the unfortunate and untimely civil disobedience of January 6, into a white supremacist sedition and insurrection, instilled fear in their gullible ovine followers, and resulted in the lock-down of our capitol behind concertina wire barriers.

 Any protests about how the democrats abrogated the Federal Constitution by illegally taking the responsibility for elections away from the state legislatures in the swing states, have been denigrated by our “free press” into Russian disinformation and white supremacist conspiracy.  They have effectively forbidden free first amendment debate, and relegated it to a distorted view in their politically correct, “woke”, cancel culture.

 And the effusive praise of this same biased media, heaped upon the inept Joe Biden and his destructive alt-left government, defies logic.  Whereas most of the media continually attacked President Trump in a carnivorous daily melee, they now meekly offer inane, praising platitudes, and don’t even cover obvious news, such as Biden’s “kids in cages”, our deteriorating energy situation, and many other destructive results of 3 months of Biden and his minions.

 Public perception seems to be that the Biden cabal is doing “a great” job, handling vaccinations and the pandemic.  Again, the dishonest media has reinforced the idea that old, grandfatherly Joe is responsible for the vaccination programs, apparently having forgotten that the vaccines are here because of Trump’s “warp speed”, and that vaccination availability and procedures were put in place by Trump, before Biden took office.  Biden is trying to take credit for all of Trump’s good works, and hypocritically, with no thanks to Trump.

 I’m not sure that Joe is fully aware, but the Biden public puppet comes across as a hypocrite and liar.  All politicians shade the truth a bit to try to look good, but Biden’s public persona is ludicrous, as indicated by Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post’s four Pinocchio’s for his lies about the Georgia voting law.  Biden lies to our faces nearly every time he speaks.  These are “in your face” lies, not Trump-like braggadocio. 

 It would almost be better to have Bernie Sanders as president than poor, old, lying Biden.  Bernie has been a socialist and border-line communist all of his life, and makes no apologies.  Since most of what the Biden cabal is doing reflects Bernie’s views anyway, we may as well have Bernie as president.  At least Bernie would tell it the way he feels it should be, and stick with it, rather than Biden’s lying, vacillating, hypocritical nonsense.  I’m strongly opposed to Bernie Sanders’ socialist/communist views, but I am attracted by his consistency and “stick-to-it-ive-ness”.

Ray Gruszecki
April 10, 2021

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