Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Enemy of the People


The Enemy of the People

 President Donald Trump once called the press “the enemy of the people”.

 Like everything that Trump said, or tweeted back then, this statement was met with yowls of derision and condemnation from his detractors, mostly from the media he was dissing.

 It has become increasingly evident to any discerning, honest person, that the media in this country is “in the tank” for the democrats and the leftists.  The so-called “free press” and media not only offer left-wing opinion instead of the news, they refuse to report and try to bury any news that is unfavorable to the left.  They continue to treat, as valid news, any “fake news” or conspiracy theories that would harm conservatives or libertarians.  Past examples are the completely false “Russian collusion” hoax beat to death by the biased media, and the withholding of the Hunter Biden laptop story, that impacted the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.

 This Biden administration, and Joe Biden himself, will stand there in front of the cameras and lie blatantly to our faces about so many things that its difficult to keep up.  These alt-left handlers of the senile Biden seem to be applying Vladimir Lenin’s old saw that “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”.

 And fully 90% of the media in the country echo these lies in the press, TV and big tech social media.  The ovine masses, spending their “free” $1400 per capita government handouts, getting vaccinated with Trump originated vaccines for which Biden is taking credit, and with their feelings no longer distressed by true, but often raw tweets from Trump, lap up these lies and give these liars a 55% approval rating.  Obviously, a la Lenin, the lies have become the truth, to the continuing erosion of our country’s founding principles.

 If it were not for an irascible old Australian fox in the 1990’s, and a patrician New Englander in the 1960’s, we would have precious little truth to counter the socialist democrats’ continuing lies assailing us daily.  Others, like the Wall Street Journal, still report the news honestly and with integrity, but our historical newspapers of record, like the New York Times and Washington Post are nothing more, these days, than left-wing, alt-left propaganda tools.  The same goes for most of the broadcast media, save for Rupert’s heritage, which is continually attacked, with attempts to shut it down.

 There are others in the fray.  Andrew Breitbart’s legacy alt-right media outlets try to neutralize what we see and hear on CNN and MSNBC, as do OAN, Newsmax, and a few other right wing media entities.  But news and opinion from the right is dwarfed by the massive leftist effort, whose propaganda and lies continue to pervade our lives daily, and keep the sheep in their leftist designed pens.

 Unfortunately, our biased media is complicit in Biden’s spurious 81 million plus votes in the last election, as well as the alt-left’s headlong rush to try to make our country a one-party, fascio-socialist totalitarian regime.  The perversion of “freedom of the press” is major factor in the abrogation of our founding principles, our heritage and our freedoms.  

Ray Gruszecki
April 24, 2021

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