Friday, July 30, 2021

Covid, and Control of the Country


Covid, and Control of the Country

 The world all of a sudden, had a killer virus, (released intentionally or accidentally), from China in late 2019.  President Trump, after some fumbling on how to handle the then unknown virus, pretty much immediately ordered and financed big pharma (with government funds), to develop effective vaccines against this Covid-19 killer virus.

 This was at the same time that Trump was leaning on big pharma to reduce their exorbitant prices for some drugs, which did not endear him to the industry, and they got back at him by withholding the good news about successful vaccines a few weeks, or so, until after the November, 2020 elections.

 As the vaccines were nearing successful completion of development, in an unheard of nine months from start, Joe Biden, and particularly Kamala Harris loudly proclaimed that they would not take the vaccines if they were recommended by President Trump.  This, of course, further politicized the issue of the vaccines, and threw the country into an increasingly doubtful state about the vaccines that persists to the present day.  There is now a lot of denial about this, but here is VP Harris, last year:

 Among the political correctness, “wokeness”, cancel culture, critical race theory, multi-trillions in socialist spending and taxes, and myriad other socialist/communist predations being inflicted on the country, the one thing that Biden and his handlers seemed to be doing right was encouraging the country to get vaccinated.  Of course, this was accompanied by such ridiculous virtue signaling as wearing a mask (or double mask), while vaccinated, in the middle of an outdoor field, but the impetus for everyone to get vaccinated seemed sincere and pertinent.

 Alas, with time, though, as his boss Obama once said “Joe would f--- it up.”  And he and his handlers sure did.  “Masks on, masks off, vaccinated masks off for good”, -- oh wait, delta variant or zeta variant, or whatever, and masks back on again!  The vacillation and lack of consistency and a cohesive picture is appalling, and smacks of well-intentioned, but inept liberals trying, but failing, to act like adults.

 The Biden cabal’s intent to get everyone vaccinated was well intentioned.  But they have undercut the effort by politicizing it, and now are acting in a heavy-handed, totalitarian manner, to ram vaccination and mask wearing, including normally immune children, down people’s throats.  People are resisting vaccination, to their detriment, but what it’s proving is that people will only tolerate so much, before they take a stand.  Let’s hope they take a similar stand with “wokeness”, critical race theory and other “off the wall”, leftist inspired nonsense.

 Unfortunately, the controversial, but pragmatic businessman that ran the country before this current useful idiot, tweeted his frustrations late into the night directly to the people, and pissed many of them off with his pithy comments, notwithstanding his otherwise good works.  He withstood the massive intra-government, media, big-tech and Hollywood forces arrayed against him for four years, but they finally brought him down in a dubious election fueled by Covid-inspired election rule changes, media lies and two impeachments for trivialities.

 So, we head toward socialism/communism, with the thinnest of leftist margins, and with much of the younger country blissfully unaware that this corrosive ideology has never, ever worked successfully, wherever it was implemented, and has resulted in the deaths of 120 million people in the twentieth century.

 We can only hope that the greater American public will stop being docile, obedient sheep to the current democrat overlords, and vote them out of office during the mid-term elections.  If they do not, another two plus years of socialist rule will solidify our country as the United Socialist States of America.

Ray Gruszecki
July 31, 2021

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