Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Where is the Outrage, - Again?


Where is the Outrage, - Again?

 This Fourth of July weekend there were 287 violent deaths and 687 acts of violence in the country.  Most of these were shootings by black men shooting other black men in mostly black   democrat run cities.  17 deaths, including 2 children, and 108 shootings happened in Chicago.

 Where is the outrage?  Where is Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesting in the streets at these atrocities, as they did during the summer of 2020 in response to the killing of a black criminal and junkie by a cop in Minneapolis?

 These black on black killings are not in the current narratives of those black mayors running our cities, or the upscale Washington narratives of the Marxists running a senile Joe Biden.  The universal response and rhetoric to these killings? – pass increasingly restrictive laws against legal firearms owners, lying to the uninformed masses that this will somehow impact the illegal street guns available like candy in our large cities.

 So why all this violence, amidst calls to “defund the police”, and calls for other social disorder by our political and sociological leaders?  In order to answer this question, we have to realize that what is happening in this country is an attempt at a Marxist revolution, where our American liberties, values and culture, are being replaced by Leninist, Trotskyite and Alinskyite principles.  Instead of class war in our wealthy country, race is being used as the divisive sociological element.  Violence and chaos in our cities are links in the Marxist march to a one-party, totalitarian socialist/communist government.

 From Lenin: - “The Leninist branch of Marxism argues that a proletarian revolution must be led by a vanguard of "professional revolutionaries", men and women who are fully dedicated to the communist cause and who form the nucleus of the communist revolutionary movement. This vanguard is meant to provide leadership and organization to the working class before and during the revolution, which aims to prevent the government from successfully ending it”.

 From Trotsky: - “Revolution is impossible without the participation of the masses. This participation is in its turn possible only when the oppressed masses connect their hopes for a better future with the idea of revolution. In a sense the hopes engendered by the revolution are always exaggerated.”.

 From Alinsky: - “A revolution without a prior reformation would collapse or become a totalitarian tyranny. A reformation means that masses of our people have reached the point of disillusionment with past ways and values. They don't know what will work but they do know that the prevailing system is self-defeating, frustrating, and hopeless. They won't act for change but won't strongly oppose those who do. The time is then ripe for revolution”

 We need responsible government.  We need leaders who pass and apply laws that protect the people.  We need American patriots who are not afraid of the ridiculous social (and socialist) trends such as “wokeness”, “critical race theory’, cancel culture that are now pervading our society.  We need common sense.  We need a return to American founding principles, rather than allowing the Marxists to tear our country apart.

Ray Gruszecki
July 6, 2021

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