Sunday, July 18, 2021

State Election Rules and Audits


State Election Rules and Audits

 Discussion of the fraudulent or stolen 2020 election by the democrats has been censored by the socio-fascist Biden administration, their biased media accomplices, and the equally biased big tech oligarchs.  Mention of the thousands of whistle blowers reporting election anomalies and down-right fraud and cheating has been dismissed and censured out of hand, as has the unconstitutional tampering with state election laws and rules by democrat party operatives.  Also dismissed are media efforts during the election campaign, to either withhold news detrimental to the democrats, such as the details of Hunter Biden’s laptop, or manufacture and embellish news detrimental to President Trump and the republicans.

 Democrats have rationalized that election aberrations, such as mass ballot mailings and harvesting, lack of identity verification and control, and outdated poll and death lists, were necessary because of the Covid pandemic.  When asked “how could Joe Biden, sitting in his basement, garner 15 million more votes than the saintly Barrack Obama did in a previous election”, the democrats’ response was, “not to worry”, “nothing to see here”.

 But even though what now stands as government, together with the massed biased, dishonest media and big tech, yowl at every turn, responsible state leaders are passing laws to redress the 2020 election frauds by making it more difficult to cheat, and conducting audits of the 2020 election results.  Arizona and Georgia are close to reversing their 2020 election results, and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin could soon follow.  

 Per the attached link, if all four swing states reverse their 2020 election results, President Trump would have won the election, with concomitant effects on the congress.  However, there is no mechanism under the constitution to replace a president and members of congress six months to a year into the present term.  As the article says, “we just don’t know”.

 Let’s just hope that the American people, once they know what’s happening, will not allow a group of smart-assed socialist/communist democratic operatives, to so blatantly change our country into a totalitarian, one-party, hard-left oligarchy

Ray Gruszecki
July 18, 2021

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