Saturday, July 3, 2021

Grandpa Joe and the Marxists


Grandpa Joe and the Marxists

 I can cut Joe Biden some slack on his bumbling caused by senility.  I am his senior by several years, and have balance issues due to age, past back surgery, and several knee replacements.  I also have several good, very accomplished, friends who have succumbed to dementia and/or Alzheimer’s, and are effectively no longer with us in the real world.  Thankfully, my mind still works reasonably well, other than maybe sometimes not remembering that actor’s name immediately.

 Because of his obvious diminished mental capacity, Joe Biden should not be sitting as President of anything, least of all, our country.  “Saint” Obama recognized this when he admonished Biden not to run for president early on.  Nonetheless, the alt-left, Marxist power brokers recognized that if they could use their considerable media, big tech and propaganda resources to push “good ol’ Grandpa Joe”, with nearly 50 years of relatively undistinguished government experience into the presidency, they would have the ideal stalking horse to implement their Marxist goals.

 There is still some doubt about Biden’s election to the presidency.  Forgetting the many whistleblowers reporting anecdotal election abuses, and even forgetting the unconstitutional modifications of state election rules in the main swing states by left-wing operatives, can one forget that Joe Biden is deemed to have received 15 million more votes that the saintly Barrack Obama did, all by sitting in his basement for most of the campaign?  It is not “cool” in this “woke”, Marxist, Biden world to ask such questions, particularly after the January 6th protests at the capitol, which, rather than being classified along with the BLM and Antifa riots during the summer of 2020, are being represented by the leftist propaganda machine as “the worst attack since the War of 1812” on the capitol.

 There is no slack like that for the senile Biden, for what is happening to our country.  Both the president and our congressional leaders have sold out to the Marxist based alt-left who are trying to change our country into a one-party, totalitarian, socialist/communist oligarchy, as quickly as possible, before the people (if they still can), change the congress in 2022.

 Everything that Biden and his puppeteers touch smacks of the above drive toward socialism/communism.  Their first goal seems to be to undo everything positive that President Trump accomplished.  This includes opening the southern border to all comers, including criminals, Fentanyl and other drugs, Middle East terrorists, etc.; - closing down our economic sources of energy and pipelines, and reverting to expensive imports; - defunding police in major democrat run cities, to the detriment of black and brown minorities; - joining the international “club”, where our trade agreements always favor the “other party”, rather than the U.S., and “other parties” shirk their 2% of GDP obligation; - rejoining the one-sided Paris Climate Accords and Iran Nuclear agreement; - rather than love of our country, flag, history and values, financing and backing Marxist, anti-American “woke” cancel culture, fed by identity politics such as “The 1619 Project”, “Critical Race Theory”; - defunded police and other trappings of the continuously emerging Marxist dystopia.

 We are again the “suckers”, and the laughing stock of the international community, particularly, China, Iran and Russia, who are poised to further their national goals at our expense.  To our allies, “good old Grandpa Joe is back, with the U.S. taxpayers’ checkbook.  “It’s so nice to have you back in the club, after that nasty Trump made us pay our own way.”

 Trillions of “pork barrel” social programs have been passed, and trillions more incipient, via the reconciliation process.  Inflation, of course, is the obvious result, from printing these trillions.

 Perhaps the most insidious of the measures being considered by the Biden cabal is the weakening of the senate by eliminating the 60-vote filibuster and making it a strict majority body like the house.  Next would come the march toward a one-party totalitarian dictatorship, by hijacking of our state election laws, packing of SCOTUS to make it a rubber stamp socialist body, and admitting more states with leftist congressmen, to ensure leftist socialist hegemony forever.

 We are fed the most egregious lies and “newspeak” imaginable by Biden and his minions, and by the biased, propagandizing, pro Biden mainstream media.  The trillion-dollar programs are called “American Rescue Plan”, “Covid relief plan” or “infrastructure plan” or “jobs plan”, whereas the bulk of these plans are pure socialist “pork” or environmental socialism ala the “green new deal”.

 So, this is where we stand, with poor old Grandpa Joe bumbling and stumbling, and reading (barely), from the prepared and scripted “press conference” prepared notes, and “getting in trouble”, in any impromptu or ad hoc exchange.  And his minions building him up to an ersatz arrogance, where he actually thinks that he is doing great, rather than ruining the country, by his administration’s almost communistic drive for one-party domination.

Ray Gruszecki
July 3, 2021

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