Thursday, July 15, 2021

Will America Ever Recover?


Will America Ever Recover?

 Will America ever recover from “Jim Crow” Joe Biden and his socialist/communist handlers?  We hope so, for we Americans have prevailed over various past attacks to our liberty, freedom and values, such as McCarthyism in the 1950’s, the anti-war and race riots of the 1960’s, a debilitating civil war in the nineteenth century, two world wars, and many other civil and political upheavals.

 In spite of the impact of ruinous policies on the country, the cognitively deficient Joe Biden pats himself on the back as doing a great job, in an ersatz arrogance generated and supported by his Marxist puppeteers.

 In truth, everything these Marxists touch turns to crap.  They have now pretty much undone everything positive that President Trump had accomplished, and replaced it, and more, with Marxist based, liberty diminishing programs and rules. 

 The current Marxist based attack on our society, culture and heritage is truly alarming, because it employs the tools of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, to permanently make our country a one party, totalitarian, socialist, dictatorship, on the model of Maduro’s Venezuela and other socialist/communist dictatorships.

 Since the classic communist class struggle doesn’t fit well in a relatively wealthy country like the U.S., the socialist/communist left has replaced class with race in their efforts to tear down our capitalist-based society, and replace it with a socialist dystopia. 

 A distorted hero/martyr of the left in this effort, is a black criminal and drug addict, unfortunately killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis last May, and elevated to an undeserved god-like status.

  Organizations that have wheedled their way into popular, government, media and corporate acceptance and support, are Marxist based Black Lives Matter and to some extent, Antifa.  Both of these are acknowledged Marxist inspired organizations, yet are accepted by many Americans as valid social justice movements.

 Some of the tools being used to destroy the foundations of American history, culture, heritage and values are anti-history theories such as Critical Race Theory, again with origins within the communist dialectic, and the New York Time’s 1619 Project, which are being taught to our elementary school children, with the backing of the teacher’s unions.  These teachings posit discrimination based on skin color, and black/minority supremacy over white “systemic racism”.

 Other insidious propaganda and indoctrination techniques include “wokeness” identity politics and cancel culture, which are intended to accomplish the same in our overall society as being taught in our schools, - that the country is “systemically racist”, and must atone through reparations, for the past 400 years.  Most of these propositions have been slavishly accepted by most elements of our society, certainly by the main stream media, Hollywood and big tech, but also corporate America, and even, recently, the military.

 Politically, the senile Joe Biden, orchestrated by the democrat-socialist left, would like nothing better than to consolidate socialist/communist one-party power forever.  Of course, with a very slim house majority, and a 50/50 senate, this sounds like delusions of grandeur.

 Nonetheless, what the leftist democrats want to do, is eliminate the senate filibuster, making the senate just another weak majority body.  If they can accomplish this, (and they are close), they can pack the SCOTUS with additional leftist judges, pack the congress with additional leftist states, like DC and Puerto Rico, and therefore exclude the republicans from government, and ensure a one-party totalitarian, socialist/communist government forever.

 Even without the potential destruction of our two-party system, what Biden and his puppeteers have destroyed in their six months in office is amazing.

 They have spent trillions of dollars, already leading to inflation, and want to spend $4 trillion more, primarily for “green new deal” pork and bailout of poorly run democrat cities.

 We have an open southern border, where not only economic immigrants, but also potential terrorists, drugs, including fentanyl, have open access to our country.

 Crime is rampant, particularly in our democratic-run cities, after leftist efforts to “defund the police”.  Biden’s & minions’. Answer?  Guns are doing it, so pass laws restricting legal gun ownership.

 Since Biden and his handlers have shut down oil leases and pipelines, we are no longer energy independent, and gasoline prices are approaching $5.00/gal in some states.

 We are a laughing stock internationally.  “The suckers are back”, say the Europeans, while China’s Xi, Russia’s Putin, Turkey’s Erdogan, and other despots lick their chops at our weak excuse for a president, his “rock ‘n roll” secretary of state, and his “woke” military. 

 We have re-joined organizations that are detrimental to the U.S., such as the Paris Climate Accords, and are acquiescing to the Iranians on the defunct Iranian nuclear agreement.

 And the recent crowning achievement is to invite the typically left-wing United Nations to investigate the “systemic racism” in our country.

 Many people becoming aware that not all is as it seemed in November, 2020.  President Trump was right, and did right in many instances where he was excoriated by the biased left-wing media, including for a fraudulent election, although discussing this latter is taboo in Biden’s “communo-fascism”.

 Moderate “Grandpa” Joe Biden is no moderate.  He has swallowed the socialist/communist Koolaid, and sways with the prevailing political winds, as he has done for 50 years.  He, and his administration are attempting to destroy this country, before rebuilding it as a socialist/communist dystopia, just like Marx, Lenin and Trotsky postulated.

 Hopefully in 2022, we will vote these clowns out, (if we still can), and render Biden and his handlers ineffective, or hopefully impeach him and Kamala Harris as socialists and communists, and make Kevin McCarthy president until Trump returns to steer the country back on its traditional free path in 2024.

Ray Gruszecki
July 15, 2021

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