Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Living Lies


Living Lies

 With each passing day, the Biden administration moves further and further toward socialist totalitarianism.  This is manifested by what once was once termed “political correctness” and “social justice”, but which increasingly taken on the mantle of “wokeness”, cancel culture”, and plain old socialism/communism.  

 Rather than a critical appraisal of this drive toward a one-party dictatorship, on the model of Venezuela, or twentieth century Eastern Europe, the mainstream media in this country looks more like the old Russian TASS or Pravda, or today’s RT, than an American free press.  ABC. CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT and WaPo, slavishly echo the party line lies of the socialist, left-wing Biden cabal.  They seem more interested in what flavor ice cream Joe likes, rather than the fact that he is ruining the country.

 The lies and obfuscation pervade all aspects of our society, from distortions about the Covid pandemic, vaccinations and masks, to lies about election laws and fraud, to lies about the effects of multi-trillion social and environmental programs on inflation, to lies about what is happening on our southern border, with unvaccinated illegal aliens, drugs, (including deadly fentanyl), streaming across the border, to lies about the massive numbers of black on black killings in our largest, democrat run cities.

 We are living in a truly dystopian society, caused by the mountains of inept and ineffectual executive orders and rules passed by Joe Biden at the behest of his handlers.  In the meantime, poor old Joe pats himself on the back with his old arrogance, now supported by the fawning media, as he stumbles and mumbles to put a cohesive sentence together.

 If this were President Trump, there would be talk of 25th amendment action.  But this is a democrat, and it has to be evident to everyone, that there are two levels of justice in the country, one level of justice for republicans where the president is impeached with impunity over trivialities, and another level of justice for the democrats, where Hunter Biden charges millions of dollars for infantile bubble art which allows access to “the big guy”, while charged with firearms crimes and with an incriminating laptop, again glossed over by our biased media.

 Alas, alas for our poor, beleaguered country!

Ray Gruszecki
July 27, 2021

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