Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Anti-Semitism and the Left Wing

 Anti-Semitism and the Left Wing

 Left-wing students and young people have been holding anti-Semitic demonstrations all over the world, and particularly at colleges and on the streets of U.S. cities.  (And in our congressional hearings).  These demonstrations are not only ant-Semitic, they are anti-Israel and pro the Hamas terrorists that butchered 1400+ innocent Israeli civilian men, women and children on October 7.

 In modern times, how did anti-Semitism migrate from tiki and AR carrying right wing extremists, ala Charlottesville, to mousy, purple-haired college student liberal coeds?  I embarked on some research to find out.

 There has been an undercurrent of anti-Semitism and persecution of Jews in the world since the biblical diaspora.  It has been prevalent throughout history.  This timeline refers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_antisemitism

 The referenced excellent article on the topic is from “The Conversation”, which I vetted to be an honest, balanced source.  It confirms that left-wing activists all over the world have become decidedly anti- Israeli and pro Hamas.  The article explains how this happened, but is a little light on elucidating why it happened.

 Quoting a few paragraphs:

 “Traditionally, antisemitism in the United States was promoted by far-right organizations and movements, such as the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi groups and skinheads. Such groups focused on propagating traditional antisemitic narratives alleging Jews’ racial inferiority, their control of the financial sector and their role in global cabals aiming to undermine America and Western civilization.

 More recently, progressive and left-leaning movements that are critical of Israel’s policies – especially with regard to the Palestinian population in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967 – have become linked to antisemitic practices, too.

 In the U.S., our data shows that 95% of antisemitic incidents motivated by Israel’s policies were perpetrated by far-left or unidentified activists. Just 5% were perpetrated by known far-right activists.

 Thus, it is not surprising that following the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack, Jewish organizations on American campuses became the main targets of violent activism by Palestinian rights supporters.

 We find that antisemitic hate crimes are occurring especially in politically progressive areas of the country. The New York metropolitan area and the Northeast in general, and urban centers in Florida, California, the Northwest and the Midwest are experiencing the majority of antisemitic incidents.”


 Ray Gruszecki
October 31, 2023

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