Sunday, October 29, 2023

Can We Save Our Country?

 Can We Save Our Country?

 There are hopes that this completely inept, “woke”, politically correct administration of a weak, senile old buffoon of a party hack will soon be voted out of office and relegated to the dustbin of history.

 Then, one looks at the 2022 mid-terms, where something like “Cultural Marxism” based educational propaganda, rectification of the unconstitutional abortion law and equally unconstitutional bribes regarding student loans resulted in a democrat senate, and a barely republican house that can’t seem to choose and keep an effective speaker.

 And, even more disturbing are the recent demonstrations in our colleges and cities that are not in support of the innocent Israeli men, women and children butchered by Hamas terrorists 3 weeks ago.  The demonstrations are in support of the Hamas butchers as part of some twisted Marxist Critical Theory of oppressed and oppressor.

 Is there any hope for our country in the near term?  These people elect our president and congress, and they have not done very well recently.  Have they become so indoctrinated to Marxist socialism that they will completely destroy our country?

 We need a strong and charismatic president and equally charismatic legislators to change the direction of the country.  The one politician in the lead for the 2024 election is Donald Trump.  Will he lead from a jail cell?  Because that’s where his democrat enemies have contrived to put him, lead or no political lead.

 There is no sense in saying, “well, if Trump were president, Putin would have never invaded Ukraine, or the ayatollahs would never have given the OK for Hamas to invade and butcher civilians in Southern Israel.”  The first is probably true.  Not so sure about the more rabid Hamas.

 A any rate, we are headed for World War III because we elected an incompetent, arrogant, senile old political hack, and his sophomoric “woke” extremist handlers and minions, espousing and bumbling through their 1960’s and 1970’s socialist justice philosophies, rather than being animated by pragmatic domestic and foreign policies. 

 That’s right, World War III.  An increasingly modern and militaristic China is poised to take Taiwan by force.  Will a weak, mewling politically correct Biden administration and military do anything about it?  And if not, what is next? Philippines? And on and on in the Pacific, while Putin reconstitutes the old Soviet Union, and the ayatollah try to impose Shia Islam on the Middle East.. 

 Who’s to stop them?  Biden will barely mumble through tough-sounding speeches, with no teeth, written by his sophomoric social justice warriors, which will bounce off of the real adults in the world.

 Trump, with congressional majorities, could fix the country and stand up to its foreign adversaries, particularly if he could keep his mouth shut and his thumbs off the tweeter and Truth Social.  He had a great economy going during his first term, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit and the economy went in the toilet.  He got vaccines developed in nine months, for which few of his enemies gave him credit.  Also, the world was relatively peaceful during his four years in office, we had a real southern border, and crime in the cities was under control.

 Then, his collective enemies, political, media, legal, socio-economic ganged up and fixed the election against him by hiding and manipulating the real news that would have moved the election in his favor.  His reaction, protesting the results of the election were twisted into charges of insurrection, he was once again impeached by Nancy Pelosi and her minions. He has been mercilessly persecuted by his collective enemies ever since.  Although Trump is leading in the race for president in 2024, there are efforts by his collective enemies to prevent him from running.

 Lacking Trump, we need another Reagan, Lincoln, or one of the Roosevelts as executive, and real majorities in the house and senate.

 But dream on.  Even with a real leader as president, our country and its congress is so hate-filled and divided that it is doubtful that they will ever get anything positive done.

 Something has to be done to get our country out of this morass.  God-fearing people say that “God will provide”, and “in God’s time”.  Let’s pray that’s the case.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 29, 2023

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