Friday, October 20, 2023

Cultural Marxism

 Cultural Marxism

 It is pretty evident, after observing the leftist political orientation of many of our young people, or gen-z generation, that they have been indoctrinated into cultural Marxism in our schools and colleges.  Exactly how did this happen?  Communism and virulent socialism died for most of the Western world as part of the European political upheavals of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, didn’t it?

 The point is that economic Marxism may have failed, but it was replaced by the cultural Marxism which invokes race, “social justice’, feminism, gender diversity and a plethora of other sociological issues as part of its continuing social mantra.

 What got me researching is to answer why so many of our young people support and demonstrate for anti-social, Marxist principles.

 This is a long read, but it is a pretty complete account of how our colleges and young people have been corrupted by cultural Marxism, and part of the reason that they demonstrate in support of the Hamas terrorist butchers, and not the innocent Israeli civilians.

 I also have a large print copy of this article.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 20, 2023

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