Monday, October 30, 2023

Rules of War

 Rules of War

 Not even addressing the alarming antisemitic, pro-Hamas,  demonstrations that have popped up all over the world, the Biden government’s sophomoric “useful idiots” keep prattling on about “the rules of war” and “humanitarian aid”, as if the Israelis were cut from the same cloth as the barbarous Hamas butchers that slaughtered 1400 innocent men, women and children three weeks ago.   The Israeli military is moving to eliminate Hamas in Gaza.  It is a military operation, and not a sadistic, hate-filled, tortuous attack on civilians. 

 Being a “civilized” military, the Israelis seek to spare civilians and have warned them “to get out of Dodge”.  Hamas, on the other hand, hides behind innocent civilians such as emotion-provoking little girls, or hides under hospitals or other civilian targets.

 In these times of misinformation, AI generated propaganda and

Just plain lies, it’s hard to distinguish what’s really happening.

 Generally speaking, I would doubt almost anything coming from

Hamas.   The New York Times and other prestigious news sources

believed Hamas that Israeli bombed that hospital in Gaza and killed

500 innocent people, whereas, actually, a Hamas rocket backfired into the hospital parking lot.

 Netanyahu’s office has released some eye-witness accounts of the medieval horrors perpetrated by Hamas, including burnt and slaughtered infants in their cribs, brutal assassinations and torture of civilians and more.  Our Trey Yingst, a seasoned war reporter gave an emotion-filled walk-through report of the carnage in Southern Israel.  He said that he had never seen evidence of such brutality.

 And, other stories of the brutality and butchery of Hamas on October 7th keep emerging, such as the kidnapping, torture and beheading of Shani Louk, a young German-Israeli concert-goer.

 Reports are that these barbarians laughed and had a great time slaughtering women and children.  They even phoned and texted back to Gaza, proud of their accomplishments.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 30, 2023

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