Thursday, October 19, 2023

Emerging from Dysfunction?

 Emerging from Dysfunction?

 What is wrong with this picture?

 Hamas terrorist butchers from Gaza attacked Israel and brutally murdered nearly 2000 civilians, - peaceful men, women and children, who were relaxing on a weekend.  Unspeakable atrocities against women and children were recorded by early observers.  Babies were not beheaded as originally posited and that went viral on the internet, but pictorial evidence of burnt and slain bodies of infants at Kfar Aza kibbutz were given to Secretary of State Blinken by Netanyahu’s office.

 With Israeli forces poised to react militarily against the Hamas terrorists, young gen-z activists around the world, have taken to the streets and are demonstrating.  For Israel and her slaughtered people?  No, against Israel and for the Hamas terrorist butchers.

 What is wrong with this young generation, who cannot distinguish true evil from political action?  Have they been that brainwashed in left-wing schools and colleges teaching Marxist ideologies?  Can they not see that the real agents backing the recent attacks on Israel are the Shia Iranian mullahs, whose aim is to destabilize the area and undo positive actions toward peace within the Abrahamic Peace Accords?

 I lived and worked in Southern Lebanon in the 1960’s with Palestinians displaced by the formation of Israel in 1948.  I have seen the camps and the breeding grounds for the hatred of Israel even back then.  Where I lived and worked, South of Sidon, has been Hezbollah country for the past 50 years.  Wars have been fought over this area since the Six Day War.

 So, I am probably more familiar with the Palestinian cause than most Americans, who blindly support Israel.  Millions of Palestinians were displaced by the formation of Israel in the aftermath of the holocaust and extermination of Jews by the Nazis during the second world war.  That does not excuse the current terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah from perpetrating their hatred and atrocities on modern Israel, the only really democratic country in the Middle East.

 After nearly two weeks, the attack and atrocities by Hamas on Israeli civilians is nearly lost in the din of anti-semitic propaganda developed by leftist activists and their fawning media lackeys.  Weak-kneed, mewling Joe Biden and his handlers and minions talk at the situation, and cite “humanitarian” concerns for the poor, oppressed Palestinians in Gaza, those same people that chose the Hamas terrorists to lead them.

 The situation was exacerbated by casualties at a Gaza hospital, proven after investigation to be caused by a Hamas home-made rocket falling back on itself.  But Hamas, of course, immediately blamed Israel, without any proof, and most of the world, led by a dishonest media added to the opprobrium against Israel.

 Now, as propaganda and misinformation continue to inflame the situation, Israel stands poised to send ground troops into Gaza (why haven’t they already?), and Hezbollah is stepping up attacks from Southern Lebanon, and threatening to escalate further.

 We have the weakest and most ineffective government that we have ever had in recent memory, being run roughshod by the likes of Putin in Europe, Xi Jinping in China, the Iranian mullahs and the Sunni militants in the Middle East, and various and sundry petty despots and dictators.  We have a weak, vacillating senile old puppet hack, being manipulated by sophomoric left-wing socialist retreads from the 1960’s and 1970’s.  And, not to spare the other useful idiots, we have a majority party in the House that cannot choose a Speaker.

 Where is the charismatic leaders and the legislators and judges that have the political acumen to lead us out of the divisive hatred that has overtaken the country?  Will it be Trump, leading in the polls, but from a possible jail cell imposed by his persecutors?  Or young Vivek Ramaswamy, full of vitality and rhetoric?  Or Nikki Haley, drawing on her experience as Governor and UN Ambassador?  Or Bobby Kennedy Jr., drawing on the famous name and his own almost libertarian politics?

 Someone has to save our country before we succumb to hatred, incompetence and stupidity.  Those who are religiously inclined believe that our country is God given, and that God will save us.  We are almost at the point where only God and a strong faith can prevail over the many destructive ills.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 19, 2023

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