Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hamas Attack on Israel

Hamas Attack on Israel

 Virtually nobody seems to give a “fiddler’s f---" about the atrocities perpetrated by the terrorist organization Hamas, on innocent Israeli civilians last Saturday.  Rumors magnifying the atrocities abound.

 Oh, there have been windy analyses of why Israeli and U.S. intelligence could not have seen how Hamas was able to develop the command and control mechanisms to mount such a devastating attack.  Some blame Israeli complacency and political infighting, and even their laxness during a religious holiday.

 And it seems that the Murdoch right-oriented media covered the attacks truthfully and honestly, while those to the left of the spectrum seemed to make excuses for the Hamas terrorists.  Several left-wing mobs on several college campuses such as Harvard, supported the Hamas terrorists, and not the Israeli victims.

 One egregious account of the atrocities committed by Hamas relates to the killing and beheading of babies at Kfar Aza kibbutz.  Sources were IDF Major Nir Dinar who was early on the scene, I24 reporter Nicole Zedek, and later, Tal Heinrich, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Some news outlets covered this story.  Others refrained. 

 The IDF will not confirm that Babies were beheaded, or that Israeli women were raped.  This story could have been an embellishment after the IDF soldiers saw the horror of murdered Israeli women and children at Kfar Aza kibbutz.  However, Nicole Zedek, a reliable I24 reporter, continues to insist that she saw beheaded babies “with her own eyes”.

 On Friday, October 13, Netanyahu’s office released three photos of dead babies on “X”, which they showed to Blinken.  Two are burned and charred beyond recognition.  The third is of a baby’s body, with the head area bloody but fogged out.  These pictures look genuine and are pretty horrible.  Some have said that in these times of AI, they could be AI generated misinformation.  I find this to be inconceivable.

  The emergence of anti-Semitism on American and world university campuses and city streets is truly alarming after Hamas butchered over 1300 Israeli civilians.  It points to the unmitigated rot that our “higher education” , (and some of our society), has become.  It is little wonder that we continue to slide into dangerous and corrosive political ideologies that we thought were long ago relegated to the dust bin of history. 

 Ray Gruszecki
October 13, 2023

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