Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hamas Hiding Behind a Little Girl

 Hamas Hiding Behind a Little Girl

 Pretty, emotion-provoking Palestinian little girl from Gaza.

 Who would not immediately and viscerally respond to this little girl’s picture positively, and with sympathy for her and opprobrium for the nasty Israelis that are persecuting her family in Gaza?

 Forgotten are the burnt and mutilated bodies of infants butchered possibly by the cousins and uncles of this little girl two weeks ago.  All that the antisemitic, pro-Hamas world remembers are the results of bombings as the Israelis rightfully seek to eliminate the virulent Hamas terrorists from their enclaves in Gaza.

 And, of course, any discerning soul could see that this propaganda to elicit the world’s sympathy is exactly what Hamas intended.  After butchering 1300 innocent Israeli civilians, Hamas now hides in their tunnels in Gaza, or behind little girls like the one in the picture, to escape the justifiable wrath of the Israelis.

 The continually biased media has been, and continues to be complicit in the Hamas propaganda.  Reuters is normally balanced in their news coverage, but sadly, they seem to have joined the anti-Israeli propaganda parade.

 Ray Gruszecki
October 25, 2023

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