Thursday, January 31, 2019

Abortion and Infanticide

Abortion and Infanticide

This is the America that electing democrats makes - a dystopian culture where killing late term babies is celebrated with cheers, and by lighting up the Empire State Building. Cuomo could not have passed his barbaric abortion bill without a newly democrat NYS senate. Same for Virginia.
The referenced articles are understandably critical, but Ponnuru puts these events in the larger perspective of Roe vs Wade and the jurisprudence around it.

From 1.) below (Ramesh Ponnuru) "Republicans have reacted to the New York law and the Virginia bill with justified horror. But it’s important to identify correctly what we should be horrified about. The central provisions of these laws and proposed laws do not liberalize abortion policy beyond the status quo. The Supreme Court’s abortion jurisprudence has for decades effectively forbidden any state from prohibiting abortion even late in pregnancy.

Roe v. Wade held that states could prohibit abortion late in pregnancy only if they made an exception for abortions meant to protect the pregnant woman’s health.

Many states have laws against late-term abortion on the books, usually with a health exception that tracks the Supreme Court’s rulings. It is a sign of how broad the Court’s rulings have been — and how much broader they have been than they have generally been described in the press — that almost no successful prosecutions of late-term abortions have ever been undertaken since Roe.

The Democratic party has, with fewer and fewer exceptions, placed itself firmly behind the proposition that the Supreme Court should not retreat an inch from its protection of abortion. Democrats who take this stance are by implication supporting a policy of legal abortion at any stage of pregnancy. Only a small percentage of Americans — 14 percent of respondents in a 2012 Gallup/USA Today poll — takes that view. But most people are unaware of how expansive the Court’s rulings have been, which lowers the political cost for politicians who take this view.

Supporters of the country’s expansive abortion regime now fear that the Supreme Court will retreat from it, either by declaring that the Constitution permits states to protect unborn children in general or by letting them offer more protection. That’s why they are pushing legislation in the states to codify that regime. It is an effort that is forcing supporters of abortion to be a little more candid about what they really want: an extreme regime that denies any meaningful protection to unborn children and threatens the protection for born ones."

Abortion References

A pretty comprehensive overall study of abortion laws and practices around the world has been done by the Pew Research Group.  This link refers.
Science has defined that life begins in that one second that it takes egg and sperm to unite to form a zygote, a single cell that is the combination of egg and sperm.  Life does not begin with syngamy, the first division of the zygote, or at some more recognizable form of an embryo.  Life begins with fertilization, the formation of a zygote.  A good scientific explanation of the beginning of life is given in this link.  When Does Human Life Begin? - Bioethics Defense Fund
This being the case, any attempt to stop or curtail life’s further development, through abortion or other means is killing life.  Is it ever justified?  Not in my opinion based on scientific fact.  The laws permit abortion.  Scientifically, abortion means killing a human being.  This is not a right wing or right to life position.  It is a scientific fact.  The decision around abortion is an ethical and moral dilemma for every person forced to make a choice whether to let life develop, or kill it.  A difficulty in the debate around abortion is relating to life at a molecular/zygote level.  If you can’t see it, how can it be life…? Etc.  And the rationalizations about the size of the embryo, which trimester, etc. all belie the major issue here.  Do you want to kill it or let it continue to develop into a complete human being?

Shame on Cuomo and on the NYS legislature! Second amendment is next on their docket. We now have two well established people's republics - NYS and CA.  Even the Soviets and the Chinese Communists had long periods in their history when abortion was illegal. Not so in our "social justice", "politically correct", elitist, coastal and urban societies. We are allowed to kill human life that can't defend itself. What a travesty!

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