Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trump Could Not Possibly Win the Presidency in 2016

Trump Could Not Possibly Win the Presidency  in 2016

I have been visiting in primarily rural areas of Massachusetts, New York State and Vermont, where the normal, average Americans who mostly voted for Trump live. 

They live in liberal Eastern states in which the large population centers are democrat and anti-Trump, and which always swing these states to the liberal side of politics.  But the rural areas of these states are mainly conservative, and while not overwhelmingly pro-Trump, they are not part of the never-Trump “resistance” or obstructionism.  Hopefully these areas will elect republican members of the House of Representatives, even if the state most likely will not elect republican senators. To be noted, however, is the fact that the current governor of Massachusetts is Charlie Baker, is a republican, and the governor of Vermont is Phil Scott, also a republican.  Senators from these states are notorious left-wingers, Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, and Bernie Sanders from Vermont

All of the government, media, intelligentsia and the Acela and West Coast elites were against him.  The polls were against him.  He was laughed at in the media.  And he came out, called them all names like a vulgarian, insulted heroic icons, voiced the most outrageous proposals, and prevailed, filling halls with 20-30,000 people at his rallies.  Years of rough and tumble in NYC real estate, on reality shows and in public life prepared him to “sell” his brand to 50% of the American electorate as their champion.  Many, but not all, were disenfranchised blue collar Americans in the rust belt.  His appeal to “make America great again” resonated all across the vast expanse of the country, and even into the preserves of liberal America.

But he could not possibly win the election.  The whole country was massed against him. The popular, “philosopher king” president and his minions, and virtually the whole Washington political establishment were against him. Virtually all major newspapers were against him.  All major TV media other than Fox were against him.  Virtually all so called intelligentsia were against him.  Pretty much 100% of university thinking was against him.  All the special interest minority and lifestyle groups were against him.  The above societal elements radicalized women, blacks and Latinos and other “identity political” groups against him.  How could he possibly win the election?

And yet he won the electoral vote and the popular vote in 49 states.

After 19 months in office, the vituperativeness directed at him by the mainstream media, Hollywood and much of academia is beyond belief, and way beyond what any sitting president in recent memory has had to endure.
Why would a 70 year old billionaire with a beautiful wife and family, owning domiciles, real estate and golf courses all over the world, with his own planes, helicopters and yachts choose to be denounced and reviled as a clown and a joke?  Why would he take on the rigors of a grueling campaign schedule against the real professional politicians who had such massive forces aligned against him?  Was it for money, power, prestige?  He had all these, in spades.  The only explanation was that this rich, shallow NYC playboy wasn’t so shallow and was a true American patriot.  He saw the weakened and pathetic state of our country and populace and decided to do something about it.

And he did.  He rode the populist wave to the presidency.
I have to believe him when he says that he did this for the good of the country.  Why else?  He certainly has all the wealth and power he’ll ever need.  The White House and Air Force One are a step down for him when it comes to creature comforts.  Why endure a year and a half of a grueling political campaign to then take on the toughest job in the world?  He says it’s to make America great again.  I have to believe him.

Ray Gruszecki
Sept 2, 2018

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