Thursday, January 31, 2019

Moon, Mars, 2000 mph

Moon, Mars, 2000 mph

I just watched “First Man”, about Neil Armstrong and the first astronauts, and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. The whole world was captivated by grainy, live, analog TV from the moon, and the suspense around the three astronauts getting back to earth safely.

I cannot fail to be amazed that all of that was accomplished with mechanical and analog brute force, and less technology that we now wear on our wrists. We can’t even compare, because our watches are so far more advanced than any technology that existed in the 1960’s.

With that kind of start, one would think that 50 years later, we would have outposts on the moon and on mars, and would be on the way to exploring the earth-size moons of the gas giants.
Instead, we have frittered away trillions of dollars on wars and social issues like identity politics and searching for which bathroom to use. And where are the flying cars Asimov & Ray Bradbury promised so long ago?

Anyone born after 1972 has never seen grainy analog live TV of men walking on the moon.  Past 2003, commercial supersonic flight has also not been an option for mankind.

In the 1960’s and early 1970’s, with technology not as advanced as I now carry on my wrist, men traveled to and explored the moon and brought back pieces of it.  Just a few years later, for the last quarter of the twentieth century, we could fly supersonically from The U.S. to Europe in a little over three hours (for a lot of money). 

One would think that space exploration and faster than sound commercial flight would have evolved over the past 50 years.  Instead these have stopped for a variety of reasons, primarily economic, as referenced below.  Instead our advances have been in communications and information technology, in the science of medicine, (if not its application), and in a variety of comfort and ego enhancing inventions.

I can’t help thinking that if mankind had not frittered away trillions of dollars on wars, the military and ineffective social programs, we would now be able to fly anywhere on our planet in a couple of hours, and would have habitable settlements on the moon, Mars and possible one or more moons of the gas giants.  And maybe flying cars, that sci-fi has been predicting forever.

Ray Gruszecki
January 29, 2018

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