Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Ruminations on the Kavanaugh SCOTUS Hearings/Nomination

Ruminations on the Kavanaugh SCOTUS Hearings/Nomination

The left’s reaction to their failure to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation to the SCOTUS was the same as their reaction to their loss of the presidential election to Donald Trump in November of 2016.  In both instances, the leftists first responded with interminable yelling, screaming and spitting at their perceived opponents, in the post-Kavanaugh case, U.S Senators and their staff.  This escalated to left wing mobs taking to the streets, attempting to damage government office buildings, impeding normal activities and traffic, and accosting government staff and workers at restaurants, public places and their homes.

Protests are a first amendment right in the U.S.  Violence in the streets and threats to individuals involved in their daily activities are not first amendment protests.  They are illegal leftist mob transgressions against society. All that are missing are the red banners and slogans of anarchy and communism. In some cases, they have been replaced by the black ski masks and flags of the antifa and blm thugs.

This unhinged mob activity by the left, coupled with their well-advertised and well-funded move even further left than normal, toward democrat-socialism, (a la Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez),  has to trigger alarm in the U.S. electorate prior to the mid-term elections in November, 2018.

The Kavanaugh inquisition by the leftists, complete with false accusations and character assassination, has further exacerbated the already deep divisions in the country.  I cannot help observing that the reactions of the leftists to their loss in the matter, with the republicans (including Trump) standing fast, and with  judge Kavanaugh’s ascension to the SCOTUS, was exactly the same as when the leftists lost the 2016 presidential election.  This includes threats of impeachment, threats of violence, inflammatory rhetoric in the mainstream media and impediments to the senate doing its job.  Protests are a first amendment right, but protests don’t include threats and mob action against government officials and their families in restaurants, in their offices or at their homes.

Contrast this mob behavior and the verbiage of Schumer, Feinstein, Hirono, “Spartacus”, Kamela Harris and others, to the mild civil pronouncements of those old white republican senators like Grassley, McConnell et al, - and the positive, neutral view of Kavanaugh himself, after what was done to him and his family.  The leftists even tried to denigrate the ceremonial white house swearing in ceremony as something dastardly.  As after the 2016 election, what unbelievably sore losers, who will not accept results within the lawful system!

Other than the elevation of Judge Kavanaugh to the SCOTUS, another positive result of this whole disturbing confirmation process is that it seems to have awakened that sleeping giant of American politics, Nixon’s “silent majority”, unobtrusive republicans and independents that don’t fail to see and act upon, and vote against, egregious bias, bigotry and unfairness.

All the yelling and wailing and violence is backed and funded by activist groups like the Soros crowd.  Paid young socialists may make a lot of noise, but will they vote in the midterms?


Now that one of the most qualified judges in the country has been approved for the SCOTUS, after being dragged through the lies, accusations and innuendoes of the democratic members of the Judicial Committee and senate, the mainstream media, their partners in the crime and their willing or unwilling pawns in the process. it is time to pay the piper.

Dianne Feinstein and her staff, the unscrupulous architects of the hatchet job on Judge Kavanaugh, should be censured by her senate colleagues, but this will most likely not happen in this 51-49 senate.  She should also be voted out of office, but this is hardly likely in her “sanctuary” People’s Republic of California.

Christine Blasey Ford was treated like a Faberge egg throughout this process, to quote Kellyanne Conway, notwithstanding the fact that Ford and her democrat activist lawyers could not produce one iota of corroboration to prove her “100 percent” accusation that a 17 year old Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her.  I’ll go ahead and say what everyone is afraid to say in this #metoo environment.  Christine Ford, wittingly or unwittingly, lied to congress under oath.   This is a felony, and also she can also be sued for slander in the civil courts for her false accusations. Is her emotional story, under oath, without proof enough to stain Judge Kavanaugh forever without any repercussions?

There is plenty of sympathy for Dr. Ford.  Apparently something happened to her.  It just was not Judge Kavanaugh who was responsible.  Also, Christine Ford is not a defenseless teenager.  She is a mature professional woman and a professor who holds advanced degrees in Psychology, and who teaches the subject.  She was unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the unscrupulous Senate Judicial Committee democrats and their recommended activist lawyers, who did not represent her interests, but those of the anti-Trump, anti-Kavanaugh activist leftists.  Her activist lawyers should be fined or disbarred.

And what of the other accusers who hid behind the #metoo movement to slander Judge Kavanaugh?  Should they not be prosecuted?  Surely we have to establish that there are penalties, criminal and civil, for falsely and purposefully accusing an innocent man.  Wrongful accusation is a fundamental human wrong, dating back to early biblical times.  We cannot just forget what was done to Judge Kavanaugh and the inquisition that was imposed on him.


I have run out of adjectives with which to characterize our congressional leftists, particularly leftists on the Senate Judicial Committee.  “Appalling”, “outrageous” and “egregious” come to mind, but none of those adjectives do these purveyors of slanderous character assassination proper justice.  I’ve been accused in some social forums as coming across as angry or “cruel” because I’ve called leftists on their appeal to emotion rather than reason when making political points.  Well I’m not cruel, but I sure as hell am angry at the systematic abrogation of any kind of fairness or decency during this so-called confirmation process. These leftist senators are there to “advise and consent” rather than to destroy a uniquely capable and qualified Supreme Court nominee by accusations, innuendo and lies.

All else having failed, including attempts to characterize his indignant defense of his reputation and family as lacking the right “temperament” for a SCOTUS judge, (this after 12 years on the second highest court in the land, the D.C. Circuit), dissection of his high school year book and other equally ludicrous attempts to discredit him, these leftist committee members now say that the FBI report is insufficient, and that the FBI is in “collusion” with the White House and the republicans.  They like that word “collusion”.  Certainly the American public, particularly “undecideds”, and even some that lean left, can see through this fraud and can apply common sense decency and fairness.

Every dirty trick in the book having failed, the screaming mobs are activated.  The strident “resistors” blocking government buildings, elevators, senators’ offices and building corridors carry obviously professionally crafted signs and scripts, indicating a lot more than just grass roots protests.  One of the mob’s big points – “It’s a job interview, not a trial”.  Yeah, that’s why the witnesses are sworn in, under God, at these hearings.  I’m sure that investigation would readily turn up a Soros conspiracy fueling these loud and vulgar “protests”. 

Those inveterate leftists whose politics encompass socialist policies, “political correctness”, “groupthink”, strong government control and other trappings of the “nanny state” will never be convinced to back a constitutionalist for the SCOTUS, rather than a “social judge”, who backs social mores rather than the law, and who legislates from the Supreme Court bench.  The rest of America, who believe that the SCOTUS should interpret the law and let the congress legislate, cannot help to back a constitutionalist.

How this attack on Judge Kavanaugh will affect the midterm elections is now being a subject for spirited discussion.  Leftist pundits and talking heads have posited that the country’s women will swing left because of the #metoo and “believe her” movements, even though there is no corroboration of any of the accusations against Judge Kavabaugh, and this has now been confirmed by still another FBI investigation.  Does anyone really think that American women are gullible enough not to see through this systematic attempt to destroy Judge Kavanaugh and his family, and this perversion of the rule of law?  This is still America, and it’s still “innocent until proven guilty”.

In the meantime, polls in closely contested states have swung right, rather than left, fairly strongly in some cases.


It is becoming more and more evident that the unscrupulous democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee may have overplayed their hand.  There are now rumblings of bringing charges of perjury or defamation against anyone who lied under oath to Congress or to the FBI, and appointing a special counsel to investigate collusion by the democratic committee members to defraud the Kavanaugh hearings.

The most rigorous of these proposals is to prosecute all of the accusers and witnesses who have perjured themselves under oath, and also their lawyers if they were complicit in crafting the perjury.  Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee should be investigated and censured or impeached if proof of fraud is found.

Obviously not all of the above is going to happen.  Lawyers and Senate members are almost immune from any sort of punishment.  However, it is thought that Diane Feinstein’s egregious behavior is indeed subject to censure by the Senate.

In this #metoo environment, Judge Kavanaugh’s accusers are viewed, particularly by leftist women, as heroic survivors of sexual harassment, who came forward and should be believed even if they cannot furnish any details, corroboration or proof.  Just accusing a man of sexual harassment is enough.  Having said that, two of the women could not furnish any proof, and were vague and forgetful about the details of their accusations, rather than willfully perjurious.  It is not too far a reach to posit that these women were pawns or “useful idiots” of a well- established leftist plan to “get Kavavaugh at any cost”.  Legal representation by Debra Katz and other well-known leftist activists does not make this too far a reach.

The third accuser’s story is so lurid that she has retracted parts of her sworn testimony.  Alan Dershowitz, not exactly a right-winger, has suggested that this accuser be prosecuted as an example of what cannot and should not be done, even under the auspices of the #metoo movement.

Particularly many women are sympathetic to Christine Ford’s emotional and compelling story in front of the Senate Judicial Committee.  But that’s exactly what it was – an emotional story that took advantage of the #metoo environment that posits that no proof of sexual harassment is necessary, just an accusation.  Clearly something happened to Dr. Ford back in the 1980’s.  She does not know where or when or how she got there or how she got home.  All she “remembers” is having “one beer”, and “Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge being there, 36 years ago”.  An analysis of her body language on the stand shows her to be deflecting and dissembling on several attempts by the very gentle Ms Mitchel to define facts.  She was shown to be lying under oath about her involvement with polygraphs and being evasive several other times.

Once Judge Kavanaugh has been on the Supreme Court for a while, some of the injustice perpetrated on him by the democrats of this congress will fade, similar to the Clarence Thomas affair in the 1990’s.  What will hopefully not be forgotten by the American electorate are the depths to which the democrats sank to destroy a good, solid judge and scholar of the law.  We cannot let the mob, particularly a mob pressing to overthrow “innocent until proven guilty”, and establish socialism and as a form of government to have its way in the 2018 midterms.


The undignified howlings and yappings of the rabid activist leftists who have attempted to destroy Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and who continue to violently accost republican senators and other administration figures in the streets, in restaurants and in their homes, do not reflect the opinions of regular mainstream Americans.  Away from the Acela and coastal California, and across the 84 counties of the country who voted republican in 2016, are where the real opinions of the country can be found.  They are heard at the political rallies in the outback.  They are seen in the reactions to blatant unfairness and character assassination in recent swings toward republican candidates in midterm races in several important states.  People have simply had enough of the democrats’ methodical efforts to destroy an exemplary judge and his family.

These leftist activists and their mainstream media accomplices posit that not accepting the emotional accusations of Judge Kavanaugh’s accusers, without proof or corroboration, will cause women voters in the country to hew to the democrats’ cause.  These leftists take their “groupthink” to bizarre levels.  Do they really think that American women are as bigoted as they are in their blind obeisance to the #metoo movement?  American women voters can certainly observe the grossly unfair dirty tricks used against Judge Kavanaugh and his family.  Feinstein and the committee democrats have turned the beneficial aspects of the #metoo movement into a malevolent attempt to destroy a Supreme Court candidate.

Blue wave in the 2018 midterms?  There could be a historical blue ripple for the party out of power in the house, but there also could be an ahistorical red wave if Trump doesn’t trample all over the positives that his administration has created in our society and economy.

No surprises on the Kavanaugh situation.  More gutter politics by the left. More character assassination attempts on Kavanaugh.  More insinuation and innuendo.  More strident rhetoric.  Most likely more accusations ostensibly supported by the #metoo movement.  Did anyone expect the FBI to do their job, report, and have the Senate get on with it?  As soon as the republican gentlemen of the Senate went along with the one week delay for the FBI’s meaningless investigation, the democrats on the committee started wailing for more time.  This was patently obvious, since their whole object is to continue to delay, delay, delay.

The left’s purpose is to get a “no” vote from RINOs Collins, Murkowski, and possibly Flake.  They need two of these to kill the nomination.  One won’t do, because Pence will break the tie, but the republicans cannot afford to lose two.  One can just imagine the pressures from both sides being placed on these senators this week.

I’ve been around a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of dirty politics, but I’ve never seen anything as odious and cynical as pulled off at this hearing by Feinstein and her minions.  Not for Robert Bork.  Not for Clarence Thomas.

And it surely did enhance my opinion of Judge Kavanaugh’s competence when he went on the offensive to defend his name and reputation and family against the gutter snipe leftists of that committee who waited until the last possible minute to leak Dr. Ford's name, steer her toward Debra Katz and the Soros radicals, and turn the senate's "advise and consent" role into a kangaroo court.

How utterly hypocritical of leftists to dare talk of composure and grace when they are systematically destroying a good and decent man and his family.  For shame!


Now some of the real reasons for delaying the judicial committee hearings another week are becoming apparent.  It’s to load continuing unbearable disapprobation and scorn on Judge Kavanaugh and his family. His strong and vehement denials of the unfounded accusations against him, and the eloquent support of his family and lifestyle, are being characterized by the leftists on the committee, and amplified by their MSM cohorts, as him having too “belligerent” a temperament to sit on the Supreme Court.  In other words he should have stayed silent and let the hatchet job by the leftists against him and his family stand.

And speaking of the MSM, they are aglow with praise for Dr. Ford, even though what she has is accusation with no proof or witnesses. According to CBS, she also has over $700,000 in two gofundme accounts (Soros?).  Other than Fox, the MSM are nearly silent as to what happened to Judge Kavanaugh, a true tragedy of our politics and society.

One can only hope that the FBI character background check will finally silence the unspeakably bigoted Feinsteins, Hironos, Bookers, Blementhals, Kamelas, etc. of the judicial committee, but this is wishful thinking.  No doubt they will pull another filthy trick from the mire of their politics to continue to smear Judge Kavanaugh and his family.

If you believe the MSM consensus, the blatant injustice perpetrated on Brett Kavanaugh and his family falls on deaf ears in our current Americana.  “Political correctness”, “social justice”, “me too” apparently have spread insanity throughout our population.  Or maybe not.  Our heartland is still there and Americans are not stupid people that can be easily conned and stay conned.  Republicans really need to get out there and ensure a large election turnout that knows the truth and is willing to do something about it.


I am as pissed as Lindsay Graham sounded at the cynical, despicable, unconscionable slander that the senate judiciary democrats perpetrated on Bret Kavanaugh.  This was not just “politics for a cause” or “leftist resistance” or a positive application of the #metoo movement for women’s rights.  This was a coordinated effort to destroy a good man’s life and reputation.  Nothing that Trump has done is his long and controversial career can even hold a candle to this leftist smear job.

Although I have never been a big backer of Trump, the man’s oversize personality and peccadilloes, I am thankful for Trump, the president, who is willing to fight these slanderous slugs in their self-made gutter.

Trump pretty much stayed out of this one, but by his crude, direct ways that you leftists hate so much, he has shown that he is willing to apply some the gutter techniques he learned in his NYC business activities against gutter dwelling leftists like Feinstein, Kamela and Spartacus.  That’s the reason 84% of the counties in the country elected Trump – to combat the spread of the unprincipled and socialist left.

And yes, I may vote democrat again, as I did for Ann Richards here in Texas, after her opponent, Clayton Williams joked about enjoying rape, but it will be a really long reach for me after seeing what these character assassins did to Judge Kavanaugh.

Adjectives and invective can’t do sufficient justice to the despicable democrat minority on the senate judiciary committee that we have all observed at the recent so-called SCOTUS “confirmation hearings”.  Trump could have chosen Christ himself as a candidate for the Supreme Court, and the democrat obstructionists would have found a way to slander him and drag him into the muck that constitutes that side of the committee.

Feinstein and her minions have irreparably damaged not only Judge Kavanaugh, acknowledged by everyone that knows him to be a literal choir boy and paragon of good behavior, but also Dr. Blasey-Ford, who appears to be a brave and credible dupe of the same manipulators that went after Judge Kavanaugh.  The dignity and respect that the old republican gentlemen of the judiciary committee afforded to Dr. Ford will not matter a whit to these despicable democrat obstructionists.

Unfortunately nothing was proven because nothing was provable.  Hopefully, most thinking women will see through the democrats’ con and realize that sympathy for an accusing woman and the attendant optics do not outweigh the uncorroborated nature of the accusations against an innocent male judge.  Particularly egregious are continuing accusations, too lurid even for the New York Times, and other accusations from Stormy Daniels’ porno lawyer.  Of course the democrats will not let this go, and will try to continue the con against women voters.

One can only hope that the committee approves Judge Kavanaugh to the full senate, who quickly confirm him, ending this comedy of errors.

I personally have voted for democrats in the past, as politics have waxed and waned.  I honestly can say that I can never see myself voting for a democrat in the future.  I literally could not tolerate the stench in the gutter.

Chuck Grassley is an old style gentleman of the senate who thinks that senate rules and decorum still apply.  It’s sad to see how this lawful, rules-based body has been perverted by unprincipled leftist mob rule that completely disregards any modicum of either parliamentary procedure, or simple decency.

As McCarthy points out, the latest #metoo twists in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings are not about the democrat activist woman represented by her democrat activist lawyer, nor about Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  The whole affair has been orchestrated by Senator Feinstein and her minions on the committee, at the last possible moment, after holding onto the original accusation of the alleged 36 year old sexual abuse for three months.  It doesn’t take a poli-sci PhD to see through this nonsense.

Chuck Grassley should strengthen his backbone, grow a pair, and stop trying to assuage the accusatory California activists.  The rationale is that the optics of old white senators questioning a woman about a 36 year old accusation would have a deleterious effect on the votes of women in the country.  IMHO, this kind of thinking does as much of a disservice to women and women’s rights as some of the #metoo abuses.  Do we think that women are not intelligent enough to see through cynical, blatant abuses, such as perpetrated by Feinstein and the left?  Grassley’s gentlemanly politeness and accommodation to the abusive leftists is becoming cloying, and detrimental to all concerned.

The contention by the left in this “Upside down #metoo society” is that an unproven accusation leaked at the last minute by leftist activists is sufficient to impugn the character and possibly stop the appointment of a highly qualified judge to the Supreme Court.  No proof is required, just the accusation, to be voiced, at the accuser’s convenience in a kangaroo court setting devised specifically to accommodate the accuser.  And, of course, the accused judge has to “testify” first to something not yet verbalized by the accuser.  If the whole process is not “upside down”, I don’t know what is.

I went to college in Boston in the 1950’s, and although I was not exactly a “frat boy”, I was on the fringes of that environment.  In my generation, although it may have been in the dark ages of women’s rights and gender equality, when a girl said “no’, it was “no”.  We plain and simple stopped.  We drank and caroused, and of course there were some abuses, but my contemporaries could never conceive of the coarse behavior that is now being testified to in the Senate.  I’m sure the same is true for successive generations of students who were raised in normal, god-fearing, American homes.

The egregious thing about the Kavanaugh affair is that accusations without any proof are enough to impugn guilt to a squeaky clean judge.  And we look at the whole thing, not with a presumption of innocence until proven guilty, but in a strictly emotional, political circus environment.  Public opinion, not the rule of law, prevails, based on who presents the most popular and charismatic image, and whose sound bytes and youtube clips are the most engaging.

The more lurid accusations against Kavanaugh seem to be falling away from their own preposterousness, but they are still referenced by the anti-Kavanaugh obstructionists on the judiciary committee.

Ray Gruszecki

October 11, 2018

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