Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Blockchain Technology Links & References

Blockchain Technology Links & References

Many futurists and thinkers posit that Blockchain will be the next evolutionary development of how we handle future trillions of transactions and the security and trust around these transactions.  Blockchain will replace financial institutions, the internet and many trappings of our modern transactional infrastructure.  Someone asked me to describe Blockchain in a few words.  Blockchain are encrypted, distributed, immutable ledgers of transactions with security for these ledgers embedded, and changeable only by a large amount of effort.  References follow, including a 20 minute Ted Talk on Blockchain.

Links for Further Research on Blockchain Technology

Public key cryptography explained


Peer to Peer


Ray Gruszecki

Dec 31, 2018


  1. Solve Care is a global healthcare platform that uses blockchain technologies to administer, coordinate and pay for medical benefits.

  2. your article on blockchain is very interesting thank you so much.
    blockchain course in hyderabad
