Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Much of the out of power left wing in our country is literally unhinged.  They seem to suffer from a malady called “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, a hatred of Trump so strong that it overcomes all traces of balanced and rational reasoning about the politics of the country.  They do not represent any sort of meaningful political opposition to Trump’s populism, just a strident, rabid, anti-Trump diatribe.

They in fact border on treason and sedition by letting this hatred of Trump, the man, run to complete mental unbalance that calls for violence and revolution.  They call themselves the “resistance”, as if they were in Spain in the 1930’s or Nazi occupied Europe in the 1940’s.  A better term for them is “obstructionists”, since they obstruct any meaningful political dialogue or progress.

The most recent trend of the left is a slide even further left aimed at outright socialism, abolishing ICE, opening our borders, promoting sanctuary cities/states, backing Antifa and BLM violence and riots – and on and on.

Now Trump’s recent trip to Europe and his meetings with NATO, UK and Putin were not his finest hour, particularly as regards media optics.  We don’t know what was discussed in his one-on-one meetings with Putin, but the public parts of his trip did not look all that good.  Now if he had been any of his left wing, media darling predecessors, he would have received a ho-hum, and perhaps some mild criticism.  Not Trump.  If crucifixion were still a punishment, the left wing establishment would be pounding in the nails.  Some of this Trump Derangement Syndrome cabal were calling for impeachment because Trump did not call Putin a liar about the involvement of the GRU in our 2016 election process, in response to recognition seeking reporters.  Apparently it did not occur to the biased MSM that perhaps Trump and Putin discussed more weighty matters, such as Ukraine, Syria, North Korea, Russian aggression, sanctions, etc.

The abuses of Trump by the left have no recent precedent.  I can imagine that the abuses of Lincoln by the slave holding south were worse, but there was no instant world-wide communication in the 1850-60’s to disseminate them.  The fact that so many Americans of that “silent majority” these days watch Fox News and eschew a good part of the MSM indicates that they are not fooled by all of the left wing anti-Trump rhetoric.

And of course Trump continues being Trump, with continuing ego, bluster, showmanship and reality show demeanor.  He is sometimes embarrassing, almost paranoiac (Who would not be paranoiac after threats of violence and continued vituperation against himself, his family and staff?). Then he promotes valid, conservative principles (and judges), and many of we republicans/libertarians forgive him for his seeming paranoia and buffoonery. 

Not much will change Trump’s base, as evidenced in 2016, because all of the noise emanates from the same coastal and urban elitist sources that similarly vocalized a lost cause for Hillary in 2016 – the left wing main stream media, Hollywood and its minions, George Soros and similar deep pockets agitators, the vocal, obstructionist left.  Also, if the democrats continue their movement even further left, toward socialism, obstructionism, open borders, sanctuary cities and against law and order, their chances of them attaining pluralities in either house of congress seem slim.  There may not be a red wave in 2018, but it is dubious that the wave will be blue.

The left wing anti-Trump media is beside itself because Trump was not more overtly aggressive with Putin in Helsinki.  I guess they expected Trump to call Putin a liar to his face in an international forum, to assuage notoriety-seeking reporters.  The fact that Trump admitted that he made a semantic mistake that resulted in a misinterpretation that he disbelieved the U.S. intelligence community about Russian interference in the U.S. 2016 election, and instead believed Putin, makes no difference whatever in the left’s continuing diatribe.

It would not have made any difference whether or not Trump believed Putin and advertised it loudly, since the indictments against 25 civilian and GRU Russians are moot and will never result in prosecutions.  The accused are Russian nationals and untouchable.  These indictments are for show only that the high priced Mueller lawyers are doing something.

It’s amazing that the whole left wing, government, media, intelligentsia, forgets that Trump in his 18 months in office has been tougher on Russia than the Obama administration was in their full eight years.  This article presents the facts.  http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/397212-president-trump-is-tougher-on-russia-in-18-months-than-obama-in-eight

Ray Gruszecki

July 19, 2018

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