Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Commentary on Trump, Media, etc.

Commentary on Trump, Media, etc.

Unfortunately, many from the left use Trump as a convenient piñata to denigrate the anti-socialist, republican measures he has instituted.  While I may question his past personal morals and some of his business practices, I cannot denounce his unravelling of the moribund culture and economy left behind by Obama. (And spare me the “great” Obama growth rates from the depths of the 2007-08 recession.)

Trump makes a big, convenient target for disappointed and disenfranchised liberals, who really revile the unwinding of that “nanny state” so highly prized by Obama, Clinton and the previous corrupt ruling cabal.  So when I hear all that bleating by the biased liberal media and its adherents, I know what the real target represented by Trump is – the republicanism and conservatism that is replacing the servile and inept attitude that served as government prior to this administration.

Trump is but a symbol and a whipping boy for the left’s frustration at losing the election and halting their march into making our country a second rate, apologetic second EU ala Obama.  Trump defies the coastal and urban elites by undoing Obama’s socialist policies and proving that American exceptionalism, coupled with the right incentives, can make our country economically dynamic and successful.  And this grates on the left so much that they are destroying the democrat party by sliding into undisguised socialism.

I was in NYC when Trump came up, so I’m pretty familiar with his background as a wheeler-dealer, promoter and ladies’ man.  I could care less about all that, and about Stormy Daniels and meetings about past relationships with Playboy playmates, and empty collusion/obstruction threats.  What I care about is what he’s doing for our country.  I don’t care if he stands on his head and whistles “Dixie”, so long as his policies reinstitute real American pride and well-being across our country (and across the opposition in spite of themselves).

Since I have digital subscriptions to the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and Dallas Morning News, and I have full range TV coverage for both the U.S. and overseas, I periodically review news coverage by the mainstream media.

When I look particularly for balanced and unbiased coverage of the news, I’ll turn to Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today, The Economist, Politifact or Snopes.  Since I have a conservative bent, I tend to concentrate on the Wall Street Journal, National Review, Fox news, more than the rest of the left wing media.

What I find consistently is that the unbiased sources and the ostensibly “right wing” sources present a pretty fair picture of the news, and that their opinion pieces and segments allow for dissent and discussion.  Just as an example, Fox News, which is an acknowledged right oriented news source, present themselves as “fair and balanced”, and regularly presents dissenting opinions and discussion from the likes of such left wing figures as Juan Williams, Jessica Tarlov, Geraldo Rivera and others.  I have found no such corresponding right wing dissenting figures on CNN or MSNBC, whose news fare is a constant drumbeat of anti-Trump rhetoric, without respite or dissenting discussion.

Is it any wonder, then, that Trump and his minions express enmity at what he calls “fake news”.  One would think that the press and the broadcast media would introduce some modicum of fairness into their coverage of Trump’s accomplishments, rather than continually casting everything he does in a negative light.  The balanced media and the right oriented media take Trump to task when he commits one of his gaffes, but they don’t constantly excoriate him, his family, his staff, every day for everything they do, as the left wing media do.

Ray Gruszecki
August 9, 2018

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