Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Trump Tweeted


Trump Tweeted

 Trump tweeted.

 Trump was brutally honest.

 Trump stabilized the southern border to a trickle of refugees, and was building a border wall to permanently control our border.

 Trump strengthened Federal anti-rioting laws, and assisted local and state law enforcement, as allowed by our system of Federalism.

 Trump (actually Jared Kushner, his son-in-law) developed the Abrahamic agreements leading to the almost impossible result of peace between Israel and several Arab states  

 Trump held both our friendly trade partners and our antagonists, to fair trade agreements, rather than one-sided agreements where his predecessors made arrangements always in favor of the other parties, and not the U.S.

 Trump insisted that our NATO allies pay their commitments of 2% of their GDP, to the consternation of our big European allies, who were “getting a free ride” at our expense.

 Trump appointed three Supreme Court judges, to yowls, false accusations, character assassinations and rioting by the angry alt-left.

 The “Warp Speed” vaccine development program under Trump produced and made available, Covid-19 vaccines within nine months, rather the normal, several years.

 Trump shepherded the country from a record high economy, through the debilitating Covid pandemic, not always with a sure hand, but doing the best possible in unknown territory.

 Trump was in process of bringing us out of the Covid generated downturn, when Joe Biden got “elected” by 15 million more votes than the saintly Obama did, by sitting in his basement.

 Trump elicited a pride in America, our flag, our history, our culture, and all of our people, whatever the color of their skin or ethnic background.

 But Trump tweeted.

 And Trump was brutally honest.

 And now we have a weak puppet president, run by Marxists, who have vindictively undone all of the above, and who are trying to convert our country into a “woke” cancel culture, fed by identity politics such as “The 1619 Project”, “Critical Race Theory”, defunded police and other trappings of the continuously emerging Marxist dystopia.


 Trump tweeted.

 Trump was brutally honest.

Ray Gruszecki
June 29, 2021

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