Friday, April 29, 2022

Putin and ICBM’s


Putin and ICBM’s

 Not something that we think about every day, but when Putin “rattles his nukes”, he is not necessarily only talking about small battlefield weapons.

 Ultimate nuclear weapons are ICBM’s with multiple nuclear warheads (MIRV’s), that can destroy most of the major cities in a modest country with one launch.  And there are thousands of active ICBM’s in the world in countries such as the U.S., China, Russia, U.K., France, India, North Korea. 

 Clearly, there is still enough nuclear capability in the world to completely destroy our blue marble and kill everyone on it.

 Putin is being embarrassed by how poorly his vaunted Russian military have performed in light of the determined resistance the Ukrainians have mounted, using the billions of military aid that virtually the whole world has supplied to them.  Putin may not be mad, as some claim, but a wounded ego from military failure, exacerbated by crippling sanctions on Russia, and particularly on Putin and his fellow oligarchs, may cause him to react irrationally.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 29, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Twitter and 2020 Election


Twitter and 2020 Election

 Lest we forget, the media and big tech, notably Twitter, blocked news contained in Hunter Biden’s laptop, just before the 2020 election, that was damaging to Joe Biden.

 Four states, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, with 51 electoral votes and a paltry 125,469 popular votes, constituted Joe Biden’s miniscule margin of victory.  Trump would be president if the truth about the contents of Hunter’s laptop were known, which they would have been if Elon Musk had owned Twitter, and had applied the truly free speech that he promises.

 But for the suppression of the news, we would not be living in Biden’s dystopia, with runaway inflation, runaway crime, open borders, energy dependence and all of the other destructive elements of the Biden administration.  Also, does anyone think that Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president?

 The handing of the 2020 election to the incompetent Joe Biden by the collective suppression and manipulation of selected news has to be one of the most egregious wrongs perpetrated on this country by any political party.  I’m sure that this figured in Elon Musk’s decision to raise $44 billion to take control of Twitter and re-impose some modicum of free speech.  That it hit a raw leftist nerve is evident from their bleats and ranting and tirades against free speech and freedom of information.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 26, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

Elon Musk and Twitter Purchase


Elon Musk and Twitter Purchase

 Elon Musk is a South African, Canadian, U.S. American physicist, inventor and financier, who is the richest person in the world with a net worth of $220-280 billion, depending on stock prices.

 Although he refuses to label himself politically, and although he is mercurial, his actions over the long term indicate that he leans Libertarian.  He seems to be honest and a straight shooter.  He contributes to both political parties, and supports and offends both democrats and republicans equally.  He seems to seek and back the truth and free speech, a rarity in someone as wealthy as he is.

 Musk did not become the richest person in the world by making rash technological and business decisions.  He has successfully started and developed companies such as Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, Neuralink, Zip2, OpenAI and Solar City.  Elon Musk is reminiscent of Thomas Edison for inventiveness and business acumen, and of Nicola Tesla for his technological creativity and benevolence toward humanity.  Musk’s naming his electric cars Tesla’s is no coincidence.

 Now he owns Twitter, and we laud him for his professions regarding free speech.  But as the old saying goes, “money talks and BS walks”.  Free speech or not, Musk obviously considers freeing Twitter from the shackles of left-wing censorship, a money-making proposition.  Musk obviously believes that the truth will sell and make money for Twitter/Musk.  Let’s hope he’s correct and he doesn’t end up flipping it.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 25. 2022

Elon Musk and Twitter


Elon Musk and Twitter

 Unbeknown to most, Google and Facebook own many of the popular U.S. based social media platforms.  Facebook owns WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram.  Google (Alphabet) owns YouTube. - Twitter, Telegram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Reddit have been independent.  Six major social media companies, including TikTok are own by Chinese interests.

 When modern social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook and others posit themselves as representing the digital world public square, they cannot degenerate into the private leftist fiefdoms of Jack Dorsey or Mark Zuckerberg.  They may be private companies, not subject to government freedom of speech laws, and unfairly protected by Section 230 of the “Communications Decency Act”, but they should be should be an open forum if they are to represent themselves as a “public square”.  

 To the chagrin of the left-leaning big tech algorithm makers that filter out non-leftist opinions, along comes unpredictable libertarian Elon Musk, with $44 billion, who promises to clean up Twitter’s algorithms.  Woe and alas, but all manner of pornography like truly balanced free speech in 140/280 characters will be allowed into Twitter to poison the minds of some of the sheep that write the “hard news”!

 This is a good article about why Twitter, which is relatively small in the panoply of the social media giants, is as important as Musk finds it.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 25, 2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022

More on Marxism/communism/socialism


More on Marxism/communism/socialism

 Marxism has been re-branded and re-packaged for American voters by the influential voices controlling the democratic party, as something new and wonderful without providing historical perspective.  These leftist influencers seem to have forgotten that Marxism has never succeeded without totalitarianism. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.

 Marxism/socialism/communism always starts out with dissatisfaction of the status quo, and with idealistic promises for the future. Everyone is entitled to “free stuff”, particularly those that are deemed to have been culturally denied in the past. This includes free health care, free abortion, free education and a myriad of other free social services, including a guaranteed job and at least a $15/hour minimum wage. Additional little fillips are “wealth taxes” on “the rich” and on successful corporations, reparations for minorities and forgiveness of college loan debt.

 How are these all to be paid for? Why, by increased taxation, of course, coupled with a redistribution of wealth from the capitalist “fat cats”. In other words, socialism proposes to penalize the wealthy innovators to provide “free stuff” to everybody else, including those who are idlers in society.  A favorite phrase of the socialists is that “the wealthy should pay their fair share”, forgetting that the wealthy have already paid the legally required taxes to get where they are.

 Obviously, all of this does not come naturally, so other rigorous means are necessary. It is absolutely essential to take the guns away and disarm everyone. Speech disagreeing with “politically correct” social justice mundanity must be curtailed and termed as fascist or “white supremist”. Laws against emigration and movement by wealthy people and companies need to be enacted.

 Stronger government and erosion/cancellation of individual and civil rights must lead the body politic toward totalitarianism and away from any remnants of democracy. These drastic measures are necessary because taxation can only go so far. Confiscation requires a strong, dictatorial government. Socialism, communism and fascism require a commitment to the use of force. You cannot decide what to do with the other guy’s money unless you are committed to use force to take that money from him. All socialist programs are mandatory and enforced by the government. This is the reality of socialism — a pseudo-religion grounded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny.

 So, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see why socialism never works in the long term, and always leads to the Maduros, Stalins, Maos, Castros and other dictatorial butchers, and to the deaths of over 120 million of their own people in the 20th century. Alternatively, socialism/communism morphs into market-oriented dictatorships like China, Vietnam and Laos.

 And yet socialism is no longer a parlor game for academics but a political alternative taken seriously by millennials and other thinkers, who don’t recognize that much of what they enjoy in life is a result of free market capitalism and would disappear if socialism were to be implemented. We can maybe excuse some youngsters like AOC’s naiveté because of youth and inexperience. How do we excuse people like Bernie, Markey, Krugman, Reich and others who are Biden’s handlers, and should know better?

 The ravages of the Biden administration’s turn to Marxism are everywhere evident after 16 months in office. No elaboration is necessary.  All that is needed is a trip to the supermarket or gas station, or to read or hear the news about the next aberration or blunder by old Joe and his incompetent handlers.

 What has happened in this country since Biden was handed the presidency, (details for another time), is a resounding affirmation that the wide-eyed altruism promised by scratching the surface of socialism never works.  Marxism/communism/socialism needs totalitarianism, and not democracy to flourish.  Let’s hope that these idiots that are ruining the country can be thrown out in the mid-term election, and some degree of rationality and common sense returned to our government.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 17, 2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022

“The Passion of the Christ”


“The Passion of the Christ”

 I watched Mel Gibson’s magnum opus “The Passion of the Christ” again on Good Friday.  It’s not a pleasant movie to watch.  It tells the story of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross with brutal, cinematic honesty.  It draws accurately from all four of the synoptic gospels to portray 30 A.D. Roman-Hebrew politics and associated violence and brutality.  In spite of the controversies around its graphic depictions and claims of anti-Semitism, this movie should be seen by every Christian, not just charismatic Catholics like Mel Gibson.

 Only the Roman government had the authority to put Christ to death.  Christ was condemned to be crucified at the insistence of the Jewish Sanhedrin in face of original reluctance by the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, who was finally convinced, after “washing his hands”, and who ordered Christ flogged and crucified.  The Jewish insistence that Christ be crucified is an historical fact, and not some manufactured anti-Semitism.  But Rome gave the order, after insistence by the Sanhedrin.

 Mel Gibson could not get a major studio to finance the movie, so he invested $30 million of his own money.  Overall, Mel Gibson earned somewhere in the range of $400 – $475 million off “Passion of the Christ”.

 The movie was filmed in Italy, with mostly Italian actors, speaking ancient Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew.  Jim Caviezel, who played Christ, suffered a lightning strike, a dislocated shoulder, hypothermia and many bruises during the filming.  He needed two heart surgeries.  Being a devout Catholic, he says he would do it again.  And he might have to, since Mel Gibson is working on a sequel, - Jesus’ resurrection.

 Some references:

 Ray Gruszecki
April 16, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Textbook Dystopia


Textbook Dystopia

 In a few years, textbooks will have been written, and college students will be studying how not to run a government, using the current Biden debacle as the most egregious example.  Paul Krugman and Robert Reich will no doubt had been given additional Nobel prizes for measuring the extent of the disaster that they helped create.

 Highlights of such future study might be:

 -        You don’t elect a president based on personality alone.  You evaluate the actual results of the incumbent.

 -        You don’t try to repackage Marxism for young voters as something new and wonderful without providing historical perspective.  Marxism has never succeeded without totalitarianism. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.

 -        You don’t try to implant an unattainable socialist altruism on the reality of effective government.

 -        You don’t try to reimpose economic systems, such as trillion dollar Keynesianism, which have been shown to break economies in the past.

 -        You don’t try to impose a “green”. Carbon-free energy structure without fully understanding the technology of such an approach.  Copying Germany, with its many limitations and problems is not enough to justify upending our country.

 -        You don’t mess with peoples’ children, pets, religion, constitutional rights and other social mores, and try to replace them with “woke” and “politically correct” distortions.

 -        Remember that the roughly 3% LGBTQ+++, and 1% trans gender folks should not be discriminated against, but also, they should not set the rules for behaviors for the whole country.

 -        You don’t back and subscribe to “cancel culture”, which punishes anyone disagreeing with the new, “woke” rules for society.

 -        You don’t back and subscribe to radical groups like “Black Lives Matter”, an avowed Marxist organization that has absconded with millions in well-intentioned and heartfelt contributions.  Socially active groups should be fully vetted before they are loudly proclaimed as standing for social justice and allowed to defraud well-meaning donors.

 -        And on and on and on to a myriad of “don’ts” that can literally ruin a country in 15 months. 

 Hopefully, the country is resilient enough to heal these gashes in its core principles by removing the destructive political forces that caused them, at the ballot box.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 14,2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

Russian and American Propaganda


Russian and American Propaganda

 The Russian News and social media are even better at pro-Putin propaganda than our American media are at pro-democrat and pro-leftist propaganda.  While American media and left-wing elitists installed Joe Biden as president by hiding and distorting the news just prior to the 2020 elections, the Russian media similarly supports and builds up Putin, including his unprovoked attack on the sovereign country of Ukraine.

  From CNBC: “In March 2022, over 80 percent of Russians approved of activities of the Russian president Vladimir Putin. The popularity level saw an increase during the Russian invasion of Ukraine that started at the end of February 2022. During the COVID-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020, the rating declined, before increasing again in the late summer of that year.”

 I get TV from Russia via IPTV.  While I am not fluent in Russian, I can pick up some meaning from my also somewhat limited knowledge of Polish, which is a similar Slavic language.  It is evident that the Russian media fully supports Putin’s actions in Ukraine, as described above, to the consternation of the Western world.

 The same applied when I visited Russia in 2017.  Putin had an 80% approval rating back then, too.  Russians that I met were not “in your face” about it.  But they felt marginalized by actions, like sanctions, against them by the West, and felt that Putin was restoring Russia’s dignity and integrity.  Obviously, pro-Putin propaganda has them feeling much the same way in 2022.

 I found the Russian people that I met to be quite modern and European in outlook, and very helpful.  I recall getting turned around from the Metropole Hotel in Moscow, where I was staying, near Red Square.  I asked directions from a chic young woman, who pulled out her smart phone and gave me directions in English.  This was just one example of most Russian people being gracious and helpful.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 11, 2022

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Russia in Ukraine


Russia in Ukraine

 All of the West’s emotional reaction and energy these days is aimed at Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine, a sovereign country, and the atrocities reportedly committed in Ukraine by the Russians.  The most recent atrocity: A Russian missile attack that killed at least 52 people at a train station packed with women, children and the elderly fleeing the threat of a Russian offensive in the east.

 I am as outraged by the Russian actions in Ukraine as anyone, probably more so, since Southeastern Poland and Eastern Ukraine are ancestral areas.  I do not know anyone there, but I’m sure that I have many nieces and nephews and extended family living in that area.  In fact, I just recently established contact with a young woman with my same last name who lives in Kyiv.

 Having said all of that, I like to stay balanced and go back to causes.  Why did Putin attack Ukraine?  The immediate popular answer is that he saw a weak, doddering, ineffective Joe Biden and his incompetent puppeteers, and saw his chance to aggrandize territory that he felt was part of the Russian Empire. 

 To support Putin’s thinking, historically, the Kievan Rus was ancestral for 400 years to Ukraine, Belarus and Western Russia.  Also, Ukraine was a founding communist republic of the Soviet Union.  So, there was plenty of history to support Putin’s belief that Ukraine, particularly the eastern part, should be part of greater Russia.

 That may have been Putin’s contention, but not the Ukrainians’, who value their Cossack descended independence, and do not consider themselves Russian, Cyrillic script and language similarities notwithstanding.  They no doubt also remember Stalin’s Holodomor, the forced starvation of upwards of 5 million of their progenitors in 1932-33.

 The history showing Ukraine as close to Russia fit into Putin’s Machiavellian KGB fueled plans quite nicely.  He would just blitzkrieg across the frozen and mainly flat country with his modernized Russian military, and make short work of the Ukrainians, whom he considered nearly Russians.  Just like he did with the Georgians in 2008.  Maybe Putin should have taken a lesson from the Chechen wars of the 1990’s when the Chechens fought Russia for three years in two wars.

 The Ukrainians had something to say about Putin quickly conquering their country.  The Ukrainians, whose heritage derives from historic fighters like Scythians, Mongols and Cossacks. had been strengthening their military and their defenses ever since Putin first seized the Crimean Peninsula and parts of the Donbas region in 2014.

 The Ukrainians had plenty of their own defensive hardware, and the NATO countries, particularly Germany, sent them additional effective defensive weapons.  The U.S. lagged behind, but authorized over $1 billion in military aid, dragging their feet all the while, and shaking in fear at Putin’s nukes.  It’s a sad pass when socialist, “woke” Europe and Germany lead the way against Putin’s aggression, and the U.S. lags behind, mired in “wokeness” and incompetence.

 Rather than a quick conquest, Putin got his ass handed to him by the Ukrainians, led by their charismatic young leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has become a hero to the western world.

Ukrainian citizens were handed out firearms to fight in the streets.  Ukrainian SAMs shot down Russian aircraft.  Armed drones and Javelin short range missiles knocked out Russian tanks.  Young conscripts in the Russian military defected when they learned that they were fighting “nearly Russian” Ukrainians.  Spring mud engulfed Russian vehicles.  The Russians made some gains in the east and south of the country, but they failed to take Kyiv and retreated to Belarus and the east.

 Published Russian atrocities, and Zelenskyy’s pleas for heavy equipment to fight the Russians continue to activate the EU, and more slowly, the U.S., to provide Ukraine with very effective   S-300 SAMs, armor, and other modern anti-air and anti-tank weapons.  In light of the highly visible predations by the Russians, there is even talk again of sending Ukraine Mig-29’s from ex-Soviet satellite countries.

 Putin’s current objective seems to be to split off and absorb the chunks of Eastern Ukraine and Crimea that he has occupied into Russia, in a negotiated peace settlement, and to ensure that the rest of Ukraine never joins NATO.  On this latter point, since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Finland, with an 830 mile border with Russia, is considering joining NATO, negating whatever happens on the original 250 mile Russian/Ukrainian border.

 Russian and Ukrainian history, a weak and incompetent American administration, Putin’s ruthless KGB background and some incredibly faulty military advice, informed Putin’s original decision to try to absorb all of Ukraine in one fell swoop.  Since that failed, he will most likely  try to cut off Ukraine from the southern seas by holding on to occupied territory in the east and south as part of any cease fire.

 The Ukrainians, on the other hand, want the Russians entirely out of Ukraine proper, including Donbas and Crimea. Given enough military hardware, it seems the Ukrainians are capable of driving the Russians out.  It seems that it’s going to be a long war.  Let’s hope that the “wokesters” in Washington stop being intimidated by Putin’s nuclear posturing, and give the Ukrainians the heavy weapons and aircraft they need to beat the Russians.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 10, 2022

They Got Away with It


They Got Away with It

 The democrats, big media and big tech rigged the 2020 presidential election and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

 They hid news and lied about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which incriminated the Biden crime family, including Joe Biden, the “big guy”.

 Two years after the fact, more and more is being exposed about the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop a few days before the election.  Of course, the usual suspects, such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and other left-wing outlets that are in the pocket of the democrats are still hiding the monetary connections shown in the laptop to Joe Biden, “the big guy”.  The 50 so called “intelligence experts” who called the laptop and its contents “Russian disinformation”, with no evidence, are now scurrying for the cover of their lying peers.

 It is also unconscionable that the FBI has had the laptop since December of 2019, and apparently has just been “sitting on it”.  Thankfully the shop owner in Delaware where Hunter left the laptop made copies of the hard drive.

 This article discusses the details about the rigged election, but I repeat my own analysis: four swing states, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, with 51 electoral votes and 125,469 popular votes, was Biden’s miniscule margin of victory, easily overcome if the truth about the contents of Hunter’s laptop were known

And they got away with it.  They installed Joe Biden as president, and in 15 months, they effectively ruined our country.

 If the country expels the “woke” idiots, “Greeners” and other Marxists, and the republicans take the congress in the mid-terms, can they impeach Biden and get him out of there?  The house can impeach him, like the democrats did Trump, - twice.  But they need two-thirds of the senate to remove him. 

 Even if they removed Biden (can you say 25th amendment?), who is his replacement?  Kamala Harris, who would be worse than Biden, with her irresponsible cackle and word salads, followed by Nancy Pelosi, who seems more concerned with holding in her teeth, than in the context of what she is saying.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 9, 2022

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Rigged Election


The Rigged Election

 If the administrative state, major media, big tech and leftist elitists had not covered up the existence and contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, President Trump would have most likely won the election, and we would not be living in Joe Biden’s dystopia.

 Many who originally voted for Biden say that they would have voted for Trump if they knew the truth about Hunter’s laptop.  These are the very small election margins that needed to be overcome for Trump to be re-elected.

 Arizona, 11 electoral votes, 10,457 popular votes

Georgia, 10 electoral votes, 12,670 popular votes

Pennsylvania, 20 electoral votes, 81,660 popular votes

Wisconsin, 10 electoral votes, 20,682 popular votes


Total, 51 electoral votes, 125,469 popular votes


President Trump had 232 actual electoral votes.  The above would have given him 283 electoral votes, and the presidency, for 125,469 popular votes across four states.  Total votes cast in the country in 2020 were 155,508,985.

 So, even forgetting the alleged state election rule fixing and ballot box chicanery, for an almost negligible number of popular votes, if the actual news about Hunter Biden’s laptop were known, President Trump would have been re-elected.

 And we would still be energy independent.  Our gas prices would be around $2.00 per gallon.  Our inflation would be negligible.  Putin would not have invaded Ukraine. We would have a southern border.  Crime would not be rampant in our cities.  Males would not be competing in women’s sports. And we would know which bathrooms to use.

 Trump may still be tweeting if his tormentors continued, but our society would not be turned upside down and distorted beyond imagination, as it has been under Biden’s erratic administration.

 Whether anyone will ever admit it, the withholding and distorting of real news by a collusion of political, media, big tech and left-wing elitists, will continue to be a black mark on our country and our democracy.  It may be swept away because President Trump is such a controversial personality, but it will never be wiped cleaned until the perpetrators are exposed for what they did – rigged and stole a presidential election.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 5, 2022

Hungary and Poland


Hungary and Poland

 In an ocean of European political correctness, “wokeness”, “greenery”, secularism and socialism stand two bastions of modern conservatism, which have become the antithesis of the European Union in Brussels.  The countries are Hungary, with Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party government, and Poland, with Lech Kaczynski’s Law and Justices party government.  Both are regularly denigrated by their detractors as ultra-right-wing, fascist, or worse.  An honest appraisal shows these parties to be pretty much mainstream, conservative parties espousing traditional Christian values.

 Viktor Orban and his Fidesz party just won a landslide two-thirds majority victory in this Sunday’s election.  A major criticism of Orban has been that he “talks to Putin”.

 The Law and Justice party has formed a majority government in Poland after the 2019 elections.  The party also backed Polish Andrzej Duda as President of Poland.

 Both Poland and Hungary have generously accepted and are assisting refugees from the war in Ukraine.  Over 2,400,000 refugees have crossed into Poland as of April 5, 2022, and upwards of 400,000 refugees into Hungary.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 5, 2022

Friday, April 1, 2022

“My God, How Can He Stay in Power?”

“My God, How Can He Stay in Power?”
Through the years, we see a lot of ‘dirty tricks” being perpetrated by the political parties in Washington, DC, to gain an edge over the other party. The left-wing democrats and their accomplices in the media are particularly adept at obfuscating issues or hiding or distorting news and situations to their advantage, and to the detriment of the hapless republicans.
The republicans are not above this practice. Mitch McConnel withholding consideration of Merrick Garland, Obama’s choice for the supreme court in 2016, comes to mind. This is notwithstanding the fact that Garland, as Attorney General under Biden is being proven to be a left-wing hack, just as McConnel feared, not impartial, and has exhibited strong socialist tendencies.
But rarely, if ever before, have the combined elitist leftist forces so blatantly rigged an election to ensure that their candidate got elected as they did in 2020. They withheld and perverted news from the voters that would have ensured Biden’s defeat. And then they embarked on a propaganda campaign to shut down inquiries about their actions, and to convince the American people that all was fair with the election.
Perhaps it would have not been so bad if the president they installed illegally was a Roosevelt, or a Truman, or even a Bill Clinton, - a strong leader for democrat party principles. But who they installed was Joe Biden, a political hack who, in nearly 50 years in Washington was hardly ever on the right side of a decision, and who clearly was suffering from diminished mental acuity due to some form of dementia.
And the people running Biden? There are glimmers of intelligence and common sense. Admiral John Kirby seems to be one. Most of the others are either retreads from the Obama administration, or sophomoric proponents of socialist poly-sci principles or slavish followers of those mavens of Keynesian or Marxian economics, Paul Krugman and Robert Reich.
Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors, particularly Jared Bernstein, Heather Boushey, and Cecilia Rouse, together with Biden, have managed to nearly destroy our economy. An example of their thinking? The way to cure inflation is to pour trillions of dollars of additional socialist spending into it. Another way, trillions in additional taxes. I’m not making this up.
And Biden gets up there in front of the teleprompters, and proceeds to read what a great job these destroyers of our democracy and our economy are doing. Biden accepts no blame for the abysmal, and nearly dystopian state of our poor country. He pats himself on the back with an arrogance born of nearly 50 years of lying in congress.
“My God, how can he stay in power?” – doesn’t only refer to the bully in Moscow. The mid-terms, and 2024 can’t come soon enough.
Ray Gruszecki
April 1, 2022