Sunday, April 17, 2022

More on Marxism/communism/socialism


More on Marxism/communism/socialism

 Marxism has been re-branded and re-packaged for American voters by the influential voices controlling the democratic party, as something new and wonderful without providing historical perspective.  These leftist influencers seem to have forgotten that Marxism has never succeeded without totalitarianism. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.

 Marxism/socialism/communism always starts out with dissatisfaction of the status quo, and with idealistic promises for the future. Everyone is entitled to “free stuff”, particularly those that are deemed to have been culturally denied in the past. This includes free health care, free abortion, free education and a myriad of other free social services, including a guaranteed job and at least a $15/hour minimum wage. Additional little fillips are “wealth taxes” on “the rich” and on successful corporations, reparations for minorities and forgiveness of college loan debt.

 How are these all to be paid for? Why, by increased taxation, of course, coupled with a redistribution of wealth from the capitalist “fat cats”. In other words, socialism proposes to penalize the wealthy innovators to provide “free stuff” to everybody else, including those who are idlers in society.  A favorite phrase of the socialists is that “the wealthy should pay their fair share”, forgetting that the wealthy have already paid the legally required taxes to get where they are.

 Obviously, all of this does not come naturally, so other rigorous means are necessary. It is absolutely essential to take the guns away and disarm everyone. Speech disagreeing with “politically correct” social justice mundanity must be curtailed and termed as fascist or “white supremist”. Laws against emigration and movement by wealthy people and companies need to be enacted.

 Stronger government and erosion/cancellation of individual and civil rights must lead the body politic toward totalitarianism and away from any remnants of democracy. These drastic measures are necessary because taxation can only go so far. Confiscation requires a strong, dictatorial government. Socialism, communism and fascism require a commitment to the use of force. You cannot decide what to do with the other guy’s money unless you are committed to use force to take that money from him. All socialist programs are mandatory and enforced by the government. This is the reality of socialism — a pseudo-religion grounded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny.

 So, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see why socialism never works in the long term, and always leads to the Maduros, Stalins, Maos, Castros and other dictatorial butchers, and to the deaths of over 120 million of their own people in the 20th century. Alternatively, socialism/communism morphs into market-oriented dictatorships like China, Vietnam and Laos.

 And yet socialism is no longer a parlor game for academics but a political alternative taken seriously by millennials and other thinkers, who don’t recognize that much of what they enjoy in life is a result of free market capitalism and would disappear if socialism were to be implemented. We can maybe excuse some youngsters like AOC’s naiveté because of youth and inexperience. How do we excuse people like Bernie, Markey, Krugman, Reich and others who are Biden’s handlers, and should know better?

 The ravages of the Biden administration’s turn to Marxism are everywhere evident after 16 months in office. No elaboration is necessary.  All that is needed is a trip to the supermarket or gas station, or to read or hear the news about the next aberration or blunder by old Joe and his incompetent handlers.

 What has happened in this country since Biden was handed the presidency, (details for another time), is a resounding affirmation that the wide-eyed altruism promised by scratching the surface of socialism never works.  Marxism/communism/socialism needs totalitarianism, and not democracy to flourish.  Let’s hope that these idiots that are ruining the country can be thrown out in the mid-term election, and some degree of rationality and common sense returned to our government.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 17, 2022

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