Friday, April 1, 2022

“My God, How Can He Stay in Power?”

“My God, How Can He Stay in Power?”
Through the years, we see a lot of ‘dirty tricks” being perpetrated by the political parties in Washington, DC, to gain an edge over the other party. The left-wing democrats and their accomplices in the media are particularly adept at obfuscating issues or hiding or distorting news and situations to their advantage, and to the detriment of the hapless republicans.
The republicans are not above this practice. Mitch McConnel withholding consideration of Merrick Garland, Obama’s choice for the supreme court in 2016, comes to mind. This is notwithstanding the fact that Garland, as Attorney General under Biden is being proven to be a left-wing hack, just as McConnel feared, not impartial, and has exhibited strong socialist tendencies.
But rarely, if ever before, have the combined elitist leftist forces so blatantly rigged an election to ensure that their candidate got elected as they did in 2020. They withheld and perverted news from the voters that would have ensured Biden’s defeat. And then they embarked on a propaganda campaign to shut down inquiries about their actions, and to convince the American people that all was fair with the election.
Perhaps it would have not been so bad if the president they installed illegally was a Roosevelt, or a Truman, or even a Bill Clinton, - a strong leader for democrat party principles. But who they installed was Joe Biden, a political hack who, in nearly 50 years in Washington was hardly ever on the right side of a decision, and who clearly was suffering from diminished mental acuity due to some form of dementia.
And the people running Biden? There are glimmers of intelligence and common sense. Admiral John Kirby seems to be one. Most of the others are either retreads from the Obama administration, or sophomoric proponents of socialist poly-sci principles or slavish followers of those mavens of Keynesian or Marxian economics, Paul Krugman and Robert Reich.
Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors, particularly Jared Bernstein, Heather Boushey, and Cecilia Rouse, together with Biden, have managed to nearly destroy our economy. An example of their thinking? The way to cure inflation is to pour trillions of dollars of additional socialist spending into it. Another way, trillions in additional taxes. I’m not making this up.
And Biden gets up there in front of the teleprompters, and proceeds to read what a great job these destroyers of our democracy and our economy are doing. Biden accepts no blame for the abysmal, and nearly dystopian state of our poor country. He pats himself on the back with an arrogance born of nearly 50 years of lying in congress.
“My God, how can he stay in power?” – doesn’t only refer to the bully in Moscow. The mid-terms, and 2024 can’t come soon enough.
Ray Gruszecki
April 1, 2022

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