Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Twitter and 2020 Election


Twitter and 2020 Election

 Lest we forget, the media and big tech, notably Twitter, blocked news contained in Hunter Biden’s laptop, just before the 2020 election, that was damaging to Joe Biden.

 Four states, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, with 51 electoral votes and a paltry 125,469 popular votes, constituted Joe Biden’s miniscule margin of victory.  Trump would be president if the truth about the contents of Hunter’s laptop were known, which they would have been if Elon Musk had owned Twitter, and had applied the truly free speech that he promises.

 But for the suppression of the news, we would not be living in Biden’s dystopia, with runaway inflation, runaway crime, open borders, energy dependence and all of the other destructive elements of the Biden administration.  Also, does anyone think that Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president?

 The handing of the 2020 election to the incompetent Joe Biden by the collective suppression and manipulation of selected news has to be one of the most egregious wrongs perpetrated on this country by any political party.  I’m sure that this figured in Elon Musk’s decision to raise $44 billion to take control of Twitter and re-impose some modicum of free speech.  That it hit a raw leftist nerve is evident from their bleats and ranting and tirades against free speech and freedom of information.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 26, 2022

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