Sunday, April 10, 2022

They Got Away with It


They Got Away with It

 The democrats, big media and big tech rigged the 2020 presidential election and handed the presidency to Joe Biden.

 They hid news and lied about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which incriminated the Biden crime family, including Joe Biden, the “big guy”.

 Two years after the fact, more and more is being exposed about the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop a few days before the election.  Of course, the usual suspects, such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and other left-wing outlets that are in the pocket of the democrats are still hiding the monetary connections shown in the laptop to Joe Biden, “the big guy”.  The 50 so called “intelligence experts” who called the laptop and its contents “Russian disinformation”, with no evidence, are now scurrying for the cover of their lying peers.

 It is also unconscionable that the FBI has had the laptop since December of 2019, and apparently has just been “sitting on it”.  Thankfully the shop owner in Delaware where Hunter left the laptop made copies of the hard drive.

 This article discusses the details about the rigged election, but I repeat my own analysis: four swing states, Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, with 51 electoral votes and 125,469 popular votes, was Biden’s miniscule margin of victory, easily overcome if the truth about the contents of Hunter’s laptop were known

And they got away with it.  They installed Joe Biden as president, and in 15 months, they effectively ruined our country.

 If the country expels the “woke” idiots, “Greeners” and other Marxists, and the republicans take the congress in the mid-terms, can they impeach Biden and get him out of there?  The house can impeach him, like the democrats did Trump, - twice.  But they need two-thirds of the senate to remove him. 

 Even if they removed Biden (can you say 25th amendment?), who is his replacement?  Kamala Harris, who would be worse than Biden, with her irresponsible cackle and word salads, followed by Nancy Pelosi, who seems more concerned with holding in her teeth, than in the context of what she is saying.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 9, 2022

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