Monday, April 11, 2022

Russian and American Propaganda


Russian and American Propaganda

 The Russian News and social media are even better at pro-Putin propaganda than our American media are at pro-democrat and pro-leftist propaganda.  While American media and left-wing elitists installed Joe Biden as president by hiding and distorting the news just prior to the 2020 elections, the Russian media similarly supports and builds up Putin, including his unprovoked attack on the sovereign country of Ukraine.

  From CNBC: “In March 2022, over 80 percent of Russians approved of activities of the Russian president Vladimir Putin. The popularity level saw an increase during the Russian invasion of Ukraine that started at the end of February 2022. During the COVID-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020, the rating declined, before increasing again in the late summer of that year.”

 I get TV from Russia via IPTV.  While I am not fluent in Russian, I can pick up some meaning from my also somewhat limited knowledge of Polish, which is a similar Slavic language.  It is evident that the Russian media fully supports Putin’s actions in Ukraine, as described above, to the consternation of the Western world.

 The same applied when I visited Russia in 2017.  Putin had an 80% approval rating back then, too.  Russians that I met were not “in your face” about it.  But they felt marginalized by actions, like sanctions, against them by the West, and felt that Putin was restoring Russia’s dignity and integrity.  Obviously, pro-Putin propaganda has them feeling much the same way in 2022.

 I found the Russian people that I met to be quite modern and European in outlook, and very helpful.  I recall getting turned around from the Metropole Hotel in Moscow, where I was staying, near Red Square.  I asked directions from a chic young woman, who pulled out her smart phone and gave me directions in English.  This was just one example of most Russian people being gracious and helpful.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 11, 2022

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