Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Rigged Election


The Rigged Election

 If the administrative state, major media, big tech and leftist elitists had not covered up the existence and contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, President Trump would have most likely won the election, and we would not be living in Joe Biden’s dystopia.

 Many who originally voted for Biden say that they would have voted for Trump if they knew the truth about Hunter’s laptop.  These are the very small election margins that needed to be overcome for Trump to be re-elected.

 Arizona, 11 electoral votes, 10,457 popular votes

Georgia, 10 electoral votes, 12,670 popular votes

Pennsylvania, 20 electoral votes, 81,660 popular votes

Wisconsin, 10 electoral votes, 20,682 popular votes


Total, 51 electoral votes, 125,469 popular votes


President Trump had 232 actual electoral votes.  The above would have given him 283 electoral votes, and the presidency, for 125,469 popular votes across four states.  Total votes cast in the country in 2020 were 155,508,985.

 So, even forgetting the alleged state election rule fixing and ballot box chicanery, for an almost negligible number of popular votes, if the actual news about Hunter Biden’s laptop were known, President Trump would have been re-elected.

 And we would still be energy independent.  Our gas prices would be around $2.00 per gallon.  Our inflation would be negligible.  Putin would not have invaded Ukraine. We would have a southern border.  Crime would not be rampant in our cities.  Males would not be competing in women’s sports. And we would know which bathrooms to use.

 Trump may still be tweeting if his tormentors continued, but our society would not be turned upside down and distorted beyond imagination, as it has been under Biden’s erratic administration.

 Whether anyone will ever admit it, the withholding and distorting of real news by a collusion of political, media, big tech and left-wing elitists, will continue to be a black mark on our country and our democracy.  It may be swept away because President Trump is such a controversial personality, but it will never be wiped cleaned until the perpetrators are exposed for what they did – rigged and stole a presidential election.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 5, 2022

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