Thursday, April 14, 2022

Textbook Dystopia


Textbook Dystopia

 In a few years, textbooks will have been written, and college students will be studying how not to run a government, using the current Biden debacle as the most egregious example.  Paul Krugman and Robert Reich will no doubt had been given additional Nobel prizes for measuring the extent of the disaster that they helped create.

 Highlights of such future study might be:

 -        You don’t elect a president based on personality alone.  You evaluate the actual results of the incumbent.

 -        You don’t try to repackage Marxism for young voters as something new and wonderful without providing historical perspective.  Marxism has never succeeded without totalitarianism. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.

 -        You don’t try to implant an unattainable socialist altruism on the reality of effective government.

 -        You don’t try to reimpose economic systems, such as trillion dollar Keynesianism, which have been shown to break economies in the past.

 -        You don’t try to impose a “green”. Carbon-free energy structure without fully understanding the technology of such an approach.  Copying Germany, with its many limitations and problems is not enough to justify upending our country.

 -        You don’t mess with peoples’ children, pets, religion, constitutional rights and other social mores, and try to replace them with “woke” and “politically correct” distortions.

 -        Remember that the roughly 3% LGBTQ+++, and 1% trans gender folks should not be discriminated against, but also, they should not set the rules for behaviors for the whole country.

 -        You don’t back and subscribe to “cancel culture”, which punishes anyone disagreeing with the new, “woke” rules for society.

 -        You don’t back and subscribe to radical groups like “Black Lives Matter”, an avowed Marxist organization that has absconded with millions in well-intentioned and heartfelt contributions.  Socially active groups should be fully vetted before they are loudly proclaimed as standing for social justice and allowed to defraud well-meaning donors.

 -        And on and on and on to a myriad of “don’ts” that can literally ruin a country in 15 months. 

 Hopefully, the country is resilient enough to heal these gashes in its core principles by removing the destructive political forces that caused them, at the ballot box.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 14,2022

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