Thursday, June 30, 2022

The January 6 Fictional Media Show


The January 6 Fictional Media Show

 A definition of “kangaroo court” that I found, “a court characterized by dishonesty or incompetence”, fits the democrat (+2) January 6th “committee” perfectly.

 The Jan 6 “committee” is an unabashed left-wing attempt to taint President Trump’s and other Americans’ protest of the 2020 presidential election as an “insurrection, and to prevent Trump from running for president in 2024.  The so-called “committee” is a multi-media, one-sided presentation filled with lies and innuendoes, sprinkled with some truths, of what happened at the capitol on January 6, 2021.

 Ex-ABC News president James Goldston has produced the hearings as a major broadcast event.  The “hearing” is in no way judicially sanctioned with adversarial actions and responses.  It is a one-sided left-wing dramatic presentation.  Most honest Americans will not be fooled by it.  Only the slavishly inveterate left-wing will find any meaning in this fictional presentation and its litany of lies and false witnesses.

 No matter how this “kangaroo committee” tries to disparage the January 6 demonstration against a questionable election, and at risk of being called an unrepentant conspiracy theorist, several facts about the election should not be forgotten.

 Even if one dismisses the many anecdotal aberrations reported by whistle blowers during the election, one cannot forget the censorship and suppression of news about Hinter Biden’s laptop, and the impact that this had on the election. 

Let’s remember, if the news about Hunter’s laptop was not suppressed by the dishonest leftist
mob just before the 2020 election, Joe Biden would never have been elected.  All you have to do is look at the numbers, which I repeat below.

 Biden won the electoral college in 2020 by 306 to 232, with 270 electoral votes necessary to win.  This included Arizona with 11 electoral votes with 10,457 winning popular votes; Georgia 10 electoral, 12,670 popular; Pennsylvania 20 electoral, 81,660 popular; Wisconsin 10 electoral, 20,682 popular.  These four states add up to 51 electoral votes, and would have given Trump a winning total of 283.  The total popular vote in the four states necessary to attain these 51 electoral votes would have been 125,469 out of the 18,360,000 total votes cast, or less than 7 tenths of one percent of the total votes cast in these states.

 It is pretty obvious that these small popular voter margins would have easily been overcome, and Trump would have been re-elected president, if the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Joe Biden’s “pay for play” activities were known, and had not been suppressed by our dishonest politicians, mainstream media and big tech.  And all of this is without the reported ballot harvesting, dead voting, unidentified voters, and all of the other reported election abuses.

 So, the January 6 “committee hearings” in the wake of what amounts to an illegal election remains truly farcical in the overall scheme of things.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 30, 2022

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Morals and Ethics - Abortion


Morals and Ethics - Abortion

 Back in the mid-2010’s, I undertook a review of Morals and Ethics in the world with a focus on what my beliefs were concerning society’s “hot topics”.  This is what I came up with respect io abortion:  The links are still valid.


 A pretty comprehensive overall study of abortion laws and practices around the world has been done by the Pew Research Group.  This link refers.

 Science has defined that life begins in that one second that it takes egg and sperm to unite to form a zygote, a single cell that is the combination of egg and sperm.  Life does not begin with syngamy, the first division of the zygote, or at some more recognizable form of an embryo.  Life begins with fertilization, the formation of a zygote.  A good scientific explanation of the beginning of life is given in this link.

 This being the case, any attempt to stop or curtail life’s further development, through abortion or other means is killing life.  Is it ever justified?  Not in my opinion based on scientific fact.  The laws permit abortion.  Scientifically, abortion means killing a human being.  This is not a right wing or right to life position.  It is a scientific fact.  The decision around abortion is an ethical and moral dilemma for every person forced to make a choice whether to let life develop, or kill it.  A difficulty in the debate around abortion is relating to life at a molecular/zygote level.  If you can’t see it, how can it be life…? Etc.  And the rationalizations about the size of the embryo, which trimester, etc. all belie the major issue here.  Do you want to kill it or let it continue to develop into a complete human being?”

 There is nothing in the science that has changed the above conclusions.  Life begins upon conception.  That new life has its own DNA and life’s characteristics.  The feminist “My Body, My Choice” is an empty slogan, because the new life is a distinct entity, and not part of the “My Body” mantra.

 At any rate the question of aborting and killing life is back with the people in the states where it should have been for these past nearly 50 years.  Trying to construct a federal constitutional right out of thin air, where none existed, and propping it up with weak, but emotional and violent arguments all of these years was the real “abortion”.

 Since 1973, when Roe vs Wade was first passed, 63,889,756 infants have been killed by abortion in the U.S..  How many Jefferson’s, Einstein’s, Mozart’s, Mother Teresa’s, and other potentially great people has abortion killed?

 Ray Gruszecki
June 25, 2022


World Sources and Uses of Energy


World Sources and Uses of Energy

 There is nothing at all wrong with accumulating and using energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind, water power, tides, trash, crap, - and any other natural, renewable resources that can be exploited to produce energy.    

 Of course, the ideal long-term solution of the world’s energy needs is not to collect sunlight, but to make it.  Fusion of hydrogen to helium, with release of energy comparable to the sun’s energy production sounds simple, but what it entails is basically making a small star, and controlling it in an energy plant to produce energy.  No one has been able to do it for these 100 plus years.

 Alarms caused by global warming, man-made or natural, have led mankind in recent years, toward sources and uses of renewable energy to reduce CO2 emissions using renewable sources of energy, as outlined in the penultimate paragraph above. They have not necessarily led toward use of close to renewable nuclear fission energy production, because of negative public reaction to three anecdotal, but spectacular industrial nuclear accidents over the past 40-odd years, Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania in 1979, Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986, and Fukushima Dai-Ichi in Japan in 2011.  World public opinion, and many government policies eschewed building nuclear power production plants because of these spectacular accidents.

 A review of major industrial countries shows that as of 2020, nearly all industrial countries still rely on Fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal), for most of their energy requirements, up to 75% in most cases.  Those with substantial hydro resources, Canada, Brazil and now China (from their Three Gorges Project), take advantage of these water resources for energy production.  The U.S., UK, Germany and Japan are leaders in solar and wind with 5-12% of total energy production.  France, South Korea, U.S., UK. Canada and Russia obtain significant energy from nuclear fission.

 So, try as they may, the world’s industrialized countries continue to use about 75% fossil fuels for energy production.  Some will use hydro power if they have large resources, and some will take precautions so that Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima never again happens, and use nuclear fission.  The practical limit of energy from solar and wind seems to be 12-15% as in the UK and Germany.

 For all their rhetoric about “going green”, when an upset in the world’s energy situation arises, such as boycotting Russian sources because of their aggression on Ukraine, the major industrial countries immediately seek whatever fossil fuels are available to burn to produce their energy requirements.  These can be gas, oil or coal.  They can’t get the wind to blow harder, or the sun to shine brighter.

 This link shows the sources and uses of energy for major industrial countries.

Ray Gruszecki
June 22, 2022

Abortion, Dobbs, Roe, Casey


Abortion, Dobbs, Roe, Casey

 The left in this country, and that includes the current crop of democrats who embrace the “woke” or “progressive”, left, would like to see the country run on emotion, particularly a destructive, blinding anger and violence to anything that they don’t like.  But the country doesn’t run on emotion.  It runs on laws.  And no matter how perverted our executive and some of our legislators become, we have a judicial arbiter, the Supreme Court, (SCOTUS), which will not allow dubious or destructive, emotionally driven rules to stand.

 I do not have a legal background, but I can read quite well.  It had been evident to all from the get-go, that Roe vs Wade (1973) was an emotional decision establishing abortion as a right, that had no basis in the constitution.  Planned Parenthood vs Casey (1992) effectively attempted a “Fix” to Roe by restating that the source of the privacy right that undergirds women's right to choose abortion derives from the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. constitution.  Casey also invoked “stare decisis”, the precedent of Roe Vs Wase.

 The very personal and very emotional question of abortion as a “right” versus abortion as a baby killer has pervaded our society for 50 years.  The constitutional legality of abortion has been in doubt since Roe in 1973, and continued after Casey in 1992.  Emotions and dubious polls whipped up by pro-abortion activists prevented a rigorous legal evaluation of abortion until this most recent SCOTUS session.

 Anticipating the “winds of change”, abortion operatives stole Justice Alito’s draft copy of the coming SCOTUS decision on abortion, setting off illegal demonstrations at Justices’ homes, and an attempt on Justice Kavanaugh’s life.  Merrick Garland and the Justice Department allowed illegal intimidation of SCOTUS justices, and the left-wing media effectively swept the assassination attempt under the rug.

 The SCOTUS justices were undeterred, and diligently stuck to the law.  They returned a 6-3 decision on June 24, 2022, to overturn Roe vs Wade and Planned Parenthood vs Casey.

 From Dobbs v. Jackson, overturning Roe and Casey – Delivered by Justice Alito:

 “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.

 The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”


 “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives. “The permissibility of abortion, and the limitations, upon it, are to be resolved like most important questions in our democracy: by citizens trying to persuade one another and then voting.”


 "Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives."


As expected, the rhetoric from the left is full of lies, invective and calls to violence.  After all, they did not get their way, and their reaction leaves no room for rational discourse, only emotion, hysteria and violence. 

 The Dobbs v. Jackson decision doesn’t make abortion illegal; it just sends the decision as to whether or not to outlaw it back to the states. AOC demanded that pro-abortionists go “into the streets,” and Rep. Maxine Waters declared, “The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them!”  Nancy Pelosi has called upon her followers to “rise up.” Insurrection? Count on it.  Chuck Schumer said "one of the darkest days our country has ever seen." (At least he didn’t threaten justices by name, as before).  With leaders like these, is it any wonder that the poor, uninformed sheep that follow the “progressive” democrats are misguided?

 After 50 years of fearfulness and skirting around, and trying to rectify really a really bad SCOTUS decision, like trying to put lipstick on a pig, this Supreme Court found the courage to reverse the really weak Roe and Casey rulings, and send the issue back to the people in the states.  With this and the Second Amendment carry ruling, it is encouraging to see that this court is taking the constitution seriously, and not as a “living document”, to be changed at liberal whim.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 25, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022

Overturning Federal Abortion


Overturning Federal Abortion

 This is a “no BS” reference to today’s Dobbs v. Jackson SCOTUS overturning of  Roe V. Wade and Planned Parenthood v, Casey.  There is a quote from Dobbs, and links to the full text of Dobbs v. Jackson, Roe v. Wade and PP v. Casey.  All references are direct, with no contamination by opinions from talking heads of differing political views.

 From Dobbs v. Jackson, overturning Roe and Casey – Delivered by Justice Alito:

 “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.

 The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

 That provision has been held to guarantee some rights that are not mentioned in the Constitution, but any such right must be “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition” and “implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.” Washington v. Glucksberg, 521 U. S. 702, 721 (1997) (internal quotation marks omitted). The right to abortion does not fall within this category.

 Until the latter part of the 20th century, such a right was entirely unknown in American law. Indeed, when the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, three quarters of the States made abortion a crime at all stages of pregnancy. The abortion right is also critically different from any other right that this Court has held to fall within the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection of “liberty.”

 Roe’s defenders characterize the abortion right as similar to the rights recognized in past decisions involving matters such as intimate sexual relations, contraception, and marriage, but abortion is fundamentally different, as both Roe and Casey acknowledged, because it destroys what those decisions called “fetal life” and what the law now before us describes as an “unborn human being.”

 13 Stare decisis, the doctrine on which Casey’s controlling —————— 13Miss. Code Ann. §41–41–191(4)(b) (2018). 6 DOBBS v. JACKSON WOMEN’S HEALTH ORGANIZATION Opinion of the Court opinion was based, does not compel unending adherence to Roe’s abuse of judicial authority.

 Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division.

 It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives. “The permissibility of abortion, and the limitations, upon it, are to be resolved like most important questions in our democracy: by citizens trying to persuade one another and then voting.” Casey, 505 U. S., at 979 (Scalia, J., concurring in judgment in part and dissenting in part). That is what the Constitution and the rule of law demand.”


Dobbs vs Jackson [ overturn Roe V. Wade ad Casey


Roe v. Wade


Planned Parenthood v. Casey


 Ray Gruszecki
June 24, 2022

Monday, June 20, 2022

Who Controls Joe Biden?


Who Controls Joe Biden?


Who controls Joe Biden?  Not easy to find a direct answer, nut research comes up with the following:

 Biden’s Close Advisors

 Ron Klain, Chief of Staff

Jen O’Malley Dillon, Deputy Chief of Staff

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor

Susan Rice, Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council 

Mike Donilon, Senior Advisor

Jeffrey Zients, Corona Virus

Steve Ricchetti, White House counselor

Vinay Reddy and Carlyn Reichel, Speechwriters

Who writes the teleprompter notes? - It frequently depends on the subject. If it’s domestic policy issues, it will be coordinated with the Domestic Policy Council (Susan Rice) and the Spokesperson’s office through the Chief of Staff who can veto anything in the speech.

When it’s foreign policy, it usually gets multiple councils involved along with the National Security Council (Jake Sullivan) and the Chief of Staff (Ron Klain) who decide the tone and language.

Jill Biden?

Hunter Biden?

Obama-Soros-China Cabal?



 Brian Deese, director of the National Economic Council

Cecilia Rouse, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers

Jared Bernstein and Heather Boushey. members of the Council of Economic Advisers

Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury

Jerome Powell, Chair of Federal Reserve

Paul Krugman, Robert Reich, other media useful idiots

 Ray Gruszecki
June 20, 2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Media Truth


Media Truth

 We, in our connected, modern life, are inundated with news, opinions and live, “Johnny on the spot” reports, from anywhere in the world.  Mountains of written press, volumes of TV reports, and terabytes of online data are produced almost hourly, to inform us, convince us, and more importantly, get us to buy something in the interludes.  And all of the media now interfaces to ensure that we don’t escape the message that the media mavens are pushing.

 How much of the “news” we read or watch or access online is true?  To be honest, most of the news that we consume is biased. And there are fact checkers to identify which of the content out there is really unbiased news.  Probably the best bias vetting website out there is MediaBiasFactCheck, - and are two reliable, unbiased fact checkers.  Snopes, which was once considered balanced, is now rated as left of center.

 At one time the network TV channels had Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow, or David Brinkley reading the news for a half hour or so without any opinion or commentary.  Now we have highly paid opinion mongers like Rachel Maddow or Don Lemmon or Tucker Carlson giving us their spin on the news, for an hour while we are inundated with blasting 3-4 minutes of commercials in between segments.

 The Internet

 Typically, by default, most of us use Google Chrome as our web page, the Google search engine for our online searches, and Wikipedia for our topic lookup.  This ensures that we consistently are guided to the left on most issues, because the algorithms embedded in all of the above are designed to do exactly that – guide us consistently to a left view of things.  Similarly, the embedded algorithms in Facebook, Twitter and other major social media platforms ensure that we are guided to left-slanted views.

 This is not right-wing “bullshit”, in the words of Bill Barr.  I have tested Wikipedia versus other (Infogalactic) topic lookup engines, and you’d be amazed at the differences found. (I used “Black Lives Matter” as a test topic).  Also, Google Chrome and Google Search sets you up for targeted ads.  Ever wonder why, when you look up socks or shirts, ads for these products seem to follow you on line forever?  Thank Google.

 Alternatives?  Use “Brave” in place of Google Chrome, for web access.  Use “Duckduckgo” in place of Google search. (Funny name, but it works just fine).  Use “Infogalactic” in place of Wikipedia.  This is a little cumbersome, but it removes the Wikipedia’s bias.


 You can use MediaBiasFactCheck, as above, to vet various publications.  Of the major newspapers, the New York Times and the Washington Post are left-wing, almost to the point of propaganda.  The Wall Street Journal slants to the right, as does the Boston Herald.  The National Review Magazine is a well-respected conservative publication.

 TV Stations and Broadcasts

 Most network TV slants to the left.  This includes ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS.  Cable news channels CNN and MSNBC are almost propaganda tools for the democrats and the left of politics.  Fox News is pretty well balanced to the right, and OAN, Newsmax and Breitbart are further right.

 For a discerning user of the news media, just watching ABC or CBS or Fox News, or reading the New York Times or Wall Street Journal is not enough.  Neither is just “googling” a topic on the Internet.  One really has to consider the source and aims of the news outlet in question.  On controversial topics, it also helps to peruse or listen to both sides of the argument and not just automatically gravitate to “your view”.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 17, 2022

Internet Bias and Privacy


Internet Bias and Privacy

 It is a known fact that continued use of the most common and ubiquitous online internet tools, Google Chrome as a web access page, Google Search as a search engine, and Wikipedia for encyclopedic topic lookup, will invariably guide us toward a left-wing political view.  This is because the underlying algorithms in Google are designed that way, and common usage has also slanted Wikipedia to the left.

 Also, as you may have heard, these “free” internet tools collect every little bit of information about us, so that the cyber world can target us and sell us stuff

 There are alternatives to the most common internet tools and some are listed below.

 Brave browser  - From Brave’s boiler plate: “The Brave browser is characterized by an unapologetically pathological focus on user privacy. Its primary mechanism for delivering this is something called Brave Shields, which combines traditional tracker-blocking technology, paired with several under-the-hood browser configuration tweaks.”

 Duckduckgo - Private Search Engine, in spite of weird name.

Privatizes, and does not track searches, which is Google’s “bread and butter”.

 Infogalactic is an online encyclopedia that aimed to be an improved version of Wikipedia. To this end, Infogalactic is a fork of Wikipedia, meaning that its content is derived from a past version of Wikipedia and has diverged from it over time. Infogalactic aspires to avoid the bureaucracy and biases of Wikipedia.

 This is a Wired Magazine article on Wikipedia, infogalactic, other online encyclopedia wikis.  Remember, Wired is rated as “left center bias” by Media Bias Fact Check, so their characterizations are dubious.

 Also, a word about VPN, or virtual Private Networks.  Once quite expensive and used only by corporations, VPN has become cheap and ubiquitous.  From Norton, “A virtual private network (VPN) gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. VPNs mask your internet protocol (IP) address so your online actions are virtually untraceable. Most important, VPN services establish secure and encrypted connections.”  Many inexpensive VPN’s are available.  I bought and used VyprVPN to defeat the “The Great Firewall of China”, when I was there in 2015.

 There are other techniques, like the Linux based TAILS (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), using both the conventional web and the dark web, use of even more robust encryption technology that ensures completely un-trackable access.  These latter impinge on dubious and sometimes illegal activities, and are better left alone by the average competent user.

 But use of Brave, Duckduckgo, Infogalactic and a VPN will ensure effective, relatively unbiased, private and uncommercialized internet access.

 Ray Gruszecki,
June 17, 2020. and June 17, 2022



Thursday, June 16, 2022

Lest We Forget


Lest We Forget

 It has become decidedly “uncool” and not “woke” to raise any questions about the legality of Joe Biden’s election in 2020.  Questions and discussions on this issue are either ignored, or met with derision or contempt.  After all, don’t we have a multi-episode TV show produced by a committee of democrats (+2) condemning ex- President Donald Trump and his followers on January 6, 2021?  Surely the public has accepted this presentation as fact, as intended by Nancy Pelosi.

 Some of us will not relent, and will continue to raise questions about the 2020 election.  In the face of many lower court decisions by mostly democrat chosen judges, and in spite of Bill Barr’s “bullshit” epithet, this will remind the brainwashed public of how the “fix was in” to give the election to a manifestly incompetent Joe Biden.

 Various rule changes were rammed through before the 2020 presidential election by biased state courts in the swing states, rather than by state legislatures as defined in the federal constitution.  These allowed mail-in voting without identification, ballot harvesting and other election anomalies favoring the democrats.

 Questions about the election night itself:

 How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, receive 14-18 million more votes than the saintly Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?

 House seats:  How could the republicans have picked up upwards of 10 house seats, most of the contested state houses and legislatures, and lost the presidency?

 How could Trump’s massive support in the primary vote not get translated into an election win, as in all previous elections?

 How could Biden underperform Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and in those big cities in swing states run by Democrats, alter the election in favor of Biden?

 How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run states as ballots were dumped through the night?

 Why were legal republican poll watchers turned away in big city democrat precincts?

 Why were legal voters turned away on election day and told that they had already voted by mail?

 Why did so many dead people and out of state people vote?

 Why did more people vote than were registered in many democrat-run large cities in swing states?

 Why are not the whistleblowers that have come forth not been taken at least as seriously as the anonymous whistleblower that was held so inviolable and resulted in a presidential impeachment?  There are many signed affidavits by eyewitness whistleblowers claiming a slew of illegal and fraudulent practices.

  Prior to the Election – Hunter’s Laptop

 This aspect of “the fix” concerns the censorship and burying of the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop that the New York Post and a few other honest news outlets released just before the election.  If the news about Joe Biden’s involvement in the Biden crime family had been allowed to be released and not covered up, Joe Biden would never have become the president.

 These are the numbers:

 Biden won the electoral college in 2020 by 306 to 232, with 270 electoral votes necessary to win.  This included Arizona with 11 electoral votes, and with 10,457 winning popular votes; Georgia, with 10 electoral votes and 12,670 popular votes; Pennsylvania, with 20 electoral votes and 81,660 popular votes; Wisconsin, with 10 electoral votes and 20,682 popular votes.  These four states add up to 51 electoral votes, and would have given Trump a winning total of 283 electoral votes.  The total popular vote in the four states necessary to attain these 51 electoral votes would have been 125,469 popular votes out of the 18,360,000 total votes cast, or less than 7 tenths of one percent of the total votes cast in these states.

 It is pretty obvious that these small popular voter margins would have easily been overcome, and Trump would have been re-elected president, if the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop had not been suppressed by our dishonest politicians, mainstream media and big tech.”

 Increasingly, public opinion rules in this country, and public opinion is the result of the

extremely biased left-wing broadcast and print media, and more and more of the big leftist tech giants and their algorithms acting as diverters and censors. The courts, the legislatures, and our executive seem to be inept echoes of public opinion. Our culture, our history, the very foundations of our country are changing from “one nation under God”, to a Godless, lawless, secular socialism as defined by Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

 Now that the whole world is denouncing the actions of a few violent elements who rioted and broke into the capitol building on January 6, 2021, and is associating this action to a speech that President Trump made earlier in the day, it is easy to lose perspective, and paint all of the 74 million people who voted for Trump with the same brush. Trump’s speech was about aberrations during the election, and demonstrating at the capitol in a peaceful and patriotic manner.  Of course, our dishonest media left out this last part about being peaceful and patriotic, and the speech itself has been perverted.

 All of a sudden, concerns about the rule changes, procedures and legality of the election are no longer questioned.  A partisan multi-media presentation posing as a “committee” spews a one-sided narrative of what happened on January 6, and the gullible public accepts it as fact.  After all, a few right-wing kooks broke into the capitol, caused some mayhem, and this illegal activity is representative of the whole movement to question the legality of the election.

 Heard over and over in the public opinion formed by the media propagandists and censors, is that the election was completely legal and free from fraud, and we’d better accept it and stop making noise about it.  The fact that a bunch of redneck right-wingers broke into the capitol proves it.

 But we should not forget the very valid points made by great numbers of both republicans and democrats about the legality of the election.  These points exist whether or not the courts adjudicated them properly, and no matter what the partisan January 6th committee tries to feed the American public, or whether or not Bill Barr pronounces “bullshit”.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 16, 2022

January 6


January 6


The aim of Nancy Pelosi’s democrat (+2) January 6 committee and multi-media presentation is to convince the normally gullible and starry-eyed American public, that Donald Trump is an arch villain who orchestrated the overthrow of a democratically elected U.S. government.  Notwithstanding the fact that Pelosi had already presided over the impeachment of Trump in the house for what sounds like pretty much the same reasons, and that Trump was acquitted in the senate.

 Not to condone the degeneration into violence at the capitol on Jan 6, but here are some points not brought out by the “kangaroo” committee

 Trump told the demonstrators at the Ellipse "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,"  The “peacefully and patriotically was omitted by the committee’s presentation.

 There were no firearms amongst the January 6 demonstrators.

 Five people, or police, were not killed by demonstrators.  Ashley Babbitt, a demonstrator, was shot and killed by capitol police.  Three other people died from natural causes.  One person died of a drug overdose.

 Windows were broken in the capitol building, and the demonstrators caused other minor damage. No fires were started as in many cities during the summer of 2020.


 Unfortunately, the January 6 demonstration was seized upon by the democrats and their media and big tech allies to completely discredit any question of election aberrations during the 2020 election.  Donald Trump is an insurrectionist, and Joe Biden is the lawful president, and no one had better question that.

 This is how public opinion in this country is altered by a few bad actors at the capitol on January 6th, and then twisted all out of proportion by a concerted effort to discredit what started out to be a peaceful protest of election abuses.

 In the meantime, left-wing rioting and violence over the whole summer of 2020 is swept under the rug, along with over 20 deaths and nearly $2billion of damage to cities, monuments and infrastructure.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 15, 2022

The Many Faces of Donald Trump


The Many Faces of Donald Trump

 When I worked in Manhattan about a million years ago, Donald Trump’s egotistical personality and rampant commercialism offended my conservative, three-piece suit professionalism.  I considered the “Trump” name all over my New York City buildings and infrastructure as being offensive and “over the top”.

 So, “The Donald” was not one of my favorite people back then.  What were his politics?  One day he seemed to be a democrat. The next day, republican.  The third day, almost libertarian.  No one could pin him down.  His marriages and romantic foibles were almost daily fare in the city’s gossip rags.  As he sold himself nationally with his very popular reality shows, I could have cared less, and I lost interest in all things Trump.

 Then, back he came, down that escalator in Trump Tower in 2015, accompanied by a very classy Melania, and espousing a “love America”, flag hugging, conservative theme.  What patriotic American wouldn’t wake up and get interested in someone who wanted to “make America great again”, and stop its slide toward a godless secular dystopia?  The inveterate left-wing, trained in Marxism in many of our universities over the past 50 years, wouldn’t respond positively, but to many other Americans, this new Donald Trump was like breath of fresh air.

 Trump was like nothing ever seen in the political world.  He told it like it was, sometimes in a plain hard-nosed manner learned on the streets of the Bronx, Queens and Manhattan, and tempered by the criticism of the toughest critics in the world, the businesses and people of those streets.

 Not given an inkling of a chance to win, first he won the republican nomination, and then the presidency. He decimated the republican political machine, and then the vaunted Clinton/Obama cabal, to win the 2016 election. 

 Left-wing knives were out for him from the day of his announcement that he was running for president on that escalator in 2015 onward. He was not a politician and not well versed in all of the dirty tricks of Washington DC, so he got slammed by a slanderous claim of Russian collusion that adversely affected two years of his presidency.  After attaining a house majority in 2018, Nancy Pelosi and the democrats frivolously impeached President Trump twice.

 In spite of continuous persecution by his left-wing enemies, the first three years of Trump’s presidency was marked by growth and prosperity from his administration’s business-like approach to government.  A strong foreign policy resulted in increased contributions to NATO by our European allies, and kept international bad actors like Iran, Russia, China and North Korea at bay.  Innovative policies, including a wall, normalized unwanted illegal immigration across the southern border.  The Abraham Accords brought peace to much of the Middle East.  All of this while he was constantly under attack by his political opponents, most of the media, the entertainment industry, and big tech.

 And during his presidency, Trump continued being Trump, and gave as good as he got.  He ranted and tweeted and railed at his continuing tormenters, sometimes to the detriment of his character and personality as president.  He didn’t care.  He was a fighter from the New York City real estate wars, and he was not about to take any crap from the leftist machine in Washington.

 Then came the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2021, and the world’s economies, including the U.S. “went to hell in a hand basket”.  What to do to save lives?   There was no precedent.  So, he essentially shut down the country like the rest of the world, and destroyed one of the best economies that we ever had.  Having no guidelines, he fumbled and made some early mistakes, but he rammed through an unprecedented program named “warp speed” to develop vaccines against Covid-19 in nine short months.

 Trump was starting to bring the country back from its Corona Virus torpor, and eager to revive the country completely by applying the sound business acumen of the first three years of his presidency.  But the “fix was in”.  Using the pandemic as an excuse to bypass constitutional election laws, democrat operative in several swing states changed the rules to favor unverified mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other aberrations favoring democrats.  The pro-left media colluded by censoring or burying news that would have changed the electorate’s votes, such as the news about the contents of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”.

 Trump did not accept the election, claiming fraud and that the election was stolen.  Mountains of anecdotal evidence was produced which promptly was relegated to the dust bin of history, primarily by courts and judges who had been installed by the democrats.  Similarly, the many whistleblower witnesses of election anomalies were not taken at all seriously, not like the whistleblower who was a key to a presidential impeachment.

 Backers of President Trump demonstrated at the capitol on January 6, 2021, and it got out of hand.  Several violent, but unarmed individuals broke into the capitol building and threatened members of government.  One demonstrator was killed by capitol police, and 4 others died of drug and medical issues.  Trump was blamed for inciting the riot, and impeached again by Nancy Pelosi’s kangaroo house court.

 The biased media and all of the organs affecting public opinion seized on the January 6th demonstration at the capitol as an example of the whole resistance to the questionable 2020 election.  The whole world accepted that the election was fair and legal, and that Joe Biden had been elected out of his Delaware basement. 

 Our descent into Biden’s dystopia and the ruination of our country, thus began.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 15, 2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Legality of the Biden Presidency


The Legality of the Biden Presidency

 The whole world has now blithely accepted that the 2020 presidential election, where the incompetent Joe Biden was elected out of his Delaware basement, was an honest and fair election.  Any opinions counter to this view are relegated to conspiracy theories and cuckoo land.

 At risk of Bill Barr’s “bullshit” epithet, I take this opportunity to remind everyone of how the “fix was in” to give the election to a manifestly incompetent Joe Biden.

 Even forgetting for moment, the still (IMHO) outstanding questions about the election itself, which are enumerated and discussed later, there is the question of suppression of news about Hunter Biden’s laptop just before the election.

 This aspect of “the fix” concerns the censorship and burying of the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop that the New York Post and a few other honest news outlets released just before the election.  If the news about Joe Biden’s involvement in the Biden crime family had been allowed to be released and not covered up, Joe Biden would never have become the president.


 This article is about Hunter Biden’s laptop, how it was covered up just before the election, and how miniscule was Biden’s electoral college margin of “victory” in several key swing states:

 Hunter’s Laptop and the Worst President Ever

 We not only have the most abysmal “president” and “vice president” ever, in our history, they should have never been there in the first place.

 The deep state, consisting of the left-wing politicians, much of the media, big tech and entertainment industry have made it seem as if this is some conspiracy theory or misplaced right-wing lie.  And the gullible American public has swallowed the propaganda that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fairly.  He would not have been elected if the content of Hunter Biden’s laptop was not suppressed

 Even after admitting that Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents are real, this same cabal continues to hide news about it and denigrate its existence. And where is the FBI, who has had the laptop since December of 2019?

 Let’s remember, if the news about Hunter’s laptop was not suppressed by the above dishonest mob just before the 2020 election, Joe Biden would never have been elected.  All you have to do is look at the numbers.

 Biden won the electoral college in 2020 by 306 to 232, with 270 electoral votes necessary to win.  This included Arizona with 11 electoral votes with 10,457 winning popular votes; Georgia 10 electoral, 12,670 popular; Pennsylvania 20 electoral, 81,660 popular; Wisconsin 10 electoral, 20,682 popular.  These four states add up to 51 electoral votes, and would have given Trump a winning total of 283.  The total popular vote in the four states necessary to attain these 51 electoral votes would have been 125,469 out of the 18,360,000 total votes cast, or less than 7 tenths of one percent of the total votes cast in these states.

 It is pretty obvious that these small popular voter margins would have easily been overcome, and Trump would have been re-elected president, if the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop had not been suppressed by our dishonest politicians, mainstream media and big tech.”


 Written right after the January 6, 2021demonstrations at the capitol.  The questions raised about the legality of the 2020 election have never been satisfactorily answered, IMHO, except by Bill Barr’s “bullshit” epithet, and just swept under the rug by numerous mostly democrat elected judges.

 “The “Legal” Presidential Election

 Increasingly, public opinion rules in this country, and public opinion is the result of the extremely biased left-wing broadcast and print media, and more and more of the big leftist West Coast tech giants and their algorithms acting as diverters and censors. The courts, the legislatures, and our executive seem to be inept echoes of public opinion. Our culture, our history, the very foundations of our country are changing from “one nation under God”, to a Godless, lawless, secular socialism.

 Now that the whole world is denouncing the actions of a few criminal elements who rioted and broke into the capitol building last Wednesday, January 6, and is associating this action to a speech that President Trump made earlier in the day, it is easy to lose perspective, and paint all of the 74 million people who voted for Trump with the same brush. Trump’s speech was about stealing the election, and demonstrating at the capitol in a peaceful and lawful manner.  Of course, our dishonest media left out this last part about being peaceful and lawful, and the speech itself has been taken down, so we can only read about the biased media’s propagandized version of it.

 All of a sudden, concerns about the rule changes, procedures and legality of the election are no longer questioned.  After all, a few right-wing kooks broke into the capitol, caused some mayhem, and this illegal activity is representative of the whole movement to question the legality of the election.  Heard over and over in the public opinion formed by the media propagandists and censors, is that the election was completely legal and free from fraud, and we’d better accept it and stop making noise about it.  The fact that a bunch of redneck right-wingers broke into the capitol proves it.

 But we should not forget the very valid points made by great numbers of both republicans and democrats about the legality of the election.  These points exist whether or not the courts adjudicated them.

 Various rule changes were rammed through before the 2020 presidential election by biased state courts in the swing states, rather than by state legislatures as defined in the federal constitution.  These apparently illicit rulings have resulted in election abuses, illegal actions, fraud and ballot seeding, both manually and by voting hardware/software, such that massive numbers of illegal votes were awarded to Joe Biden.  Early attempts to uphold State legislative hegemony over election rules rather than the executive or judiciary, have proven unsuccessful, all the way to SCOTUS,

 President Trump’s legal teams have disputed practices and results in several key states, and claimed chicanery and fraud, accumulating whistleblower testimony and myriad affidavits to that effect.  The state and circuit courts (some of whom passed the originally unconstitutional rule changes), so far have considered Trump’s cases anecdotal or too late, and claimed that an insufficient number of votes were affected to reverse the projected results showing Biden to be the winner.

 This summarizes the main points of the Trump challenge:

 Popular Vote totals in recent years

Obama 2008               69,499,428

Obama 2012               65,918,507

Trump 2016                62,985,153

Hillary 2016                65,853,677

Biden 2020                 80,074,510 ??

Trump 2020                73,861,985

 How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, receive 14-18 million more votes than Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?

 House seats:  How could the republicans have picked up upwards of 10 house seats, most of the contested state houses and legislatures, and lost the presidency?

 How could Trump’s massive support in the primary vote not get translated into an election win, as in all previous elections?

 How could Biden underperform Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and in those big cities in swing states run by Democrats, alter the election in favor of Biden?

 How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run states as ballots were dumped through the night?

 Why were legal republican poll watchers turned away in big city democrat precincts?

 Why were legal voters turned away on election day and told that they had already voted by mail?

 Why did so many dead people and out of state people vote?

 Why did more people vote than were registered in many democrat run large cities in swing states?

 Why are not the whistleblowers that have come forth not been taken at least as seriously as the anonymous whistleblower that was held so inviolable and resulted in a presidential impeachment?  There are many signed affidavits by eyewitness whistleblowers claiming a slew of illegal and fraudulent practices.

 To summarize, “the fix was in” by the democrats long before the election.  As result of unconstitutional rule changes in many democrat run states allowing all manner of illegal votes to be counted without proof of identity (dead people, out of state people, people voting multiple times) votes against Trump burgeoned.  As Trump and many of his followers claimed, the democrats stole the election.  It cannot be proven.  And, the democrats got away with it.  Of course, any attempt to voice these opinions after the break-in at capitol are met with derision and hoot-calls of “right wing kook”.

 That’s how public opinion works.  Its twisted all out of any semblance of truth by media propaganda and censorship, and punctuated by a few idiots that broke into the capitol, and did irreparably more harm that just defiling Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 10, 2021”

Ray Gruszecki
June 12, 2022

Mass Shootings – Causes and Fixes


Mass Shootings – Causes and Fixes

 The frustration, sympathy and anger after every mass shooting in the country is understandable.  Unfortunately, these heart-felt emotions are seized upon by politicians who know very little about firearms, and who have their own agendas.  Marches on Washington or other cities are whipped up in the angry, but clueless sheep that constitute much of our young public.  Useless laws are conjured up in congress to address the public outcry

 Rather than increasing security at our soft targets such as schools, and concentrating on mental health issues that cause mass shooters to go off the track, these demonstrations are aimed (sic) against an inanimate object, the gun used in the shootings.  This is comparable to a drunk driver killing people in a crowd, and blaming the car.

 Many of the shootings in the country occur in jurisdictions that have the most draconian anti-gun laws, - California, New York State, Illinois.  It has been statistically proven that concocting laws against guns as inanimate objects has no meaning.  Neither do reactionary laws in response to anecdotal events.  Recent crazed shooters were 18 years old, so pass laws making 21 the minimum age to purchase AR-15’s.  How absurd!

 Let’s look once again at the numbers.  Our population is in the U.S. is about 335 million people. It is estimated that there are somewhere around 400 million guns in the country, and 20 million AR-15 style .223 rifles.  Every time the anti-gun lobby and anti-gun legislators, parroted by a clueless Joe Biden make threatening moves against second amendment gun rights, citizens that otherwise normally would not buy a gun, flock to sporting goods stores to arm themselves, and further increase the number of guns in the country.

 So, puny incremental anti-gun laws against classes of firearms are inadequate against the shear number of guns in the country, and the attitudes of many gun owners about their “cold dead hands”.  Inventing meaningless terminology like “assault weapons” or “weapons of war” for one-shot at-time semi-automatic rifles and pistols just obfuscates the issue in the minds of a gullible and ovine public.

 Why do we have so many mass shootings, and what can be done about it, if passing more anti-gun laws does not work?  What is wrong with our society?  We seem to have a mass shooting at a school or a church or a super market, or other such soft target, as often as every week.

 What happened to our country?  It’s not the guns.  We’ve always had guns.  Guns are endemic to the American ethos and culture.  We just used them as the tools that they were intended to be, and not against each other, or to enter a school and start killing innocent children.

 In the past, we were raised with guns.  A Red Ryder BB gun at age eight.  A .22 rifle at age twelve.  Then shotguns, higher caliber rifles and pistols when I got older.  And we carried these firearms around in our cars and trucks, and didn’t even think twice about it.  They were tools, for hunting, or for target practice.  Never in a million years would the thought arise to turn a gun on another human being.

 But it was different world.  We went to church.  We respected our parents and teachers and the police.  We obeyed the laws.  We were taught to be good citizens by the paragons of our communities.

 Elements of our society lost being decent, God-fearing people, somewhere along the way, and lost their ethical and moral integrity.  Maybe it was related to the reaction to the second world war and the movement away from religion and toward secularization.   Maybe it started with the assassinations in the 1960’s of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, and the world-wide movement toward anarchy.  Maybe it was related to the resurgence of socialism and communism being taught in our universities, with insufficient stress on the corrosive nature of those philosophies.

 And more recently, this ethical and moral degradation has been hastened by the ready availability of destructive anarchic material and pornography readily available to young minds on the internet, and the rise of “wokeness”, political correctness and “cancel culture” as active facets of popular thought.  Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa fan the flames of violence, and people like George Soros fund it.  

 Many Americans, at least in “fly over country” retain solid American values.  They still use firearms as the tools for which they were intended.  But unfortunately, some younger Americans have lost touch with what America is all about, and enough of these are disenchanted or lawless or “woke” enough to riot violently in the streets and cause destruction, or to pick up a weapon and go on a shooting spree.

 Ray Gruszecki
A Hot June 12, 2022

Saturday, June 11, 2022

What Caused Our Current Dystopia?


What Caused Our Current Dystopia?

 There is a malaise gripping the country to the point of dystopia, that is getting worse with time.

 It almost seems as if this Biden administration has consciously set out to destroy the country, and to adversely affect our well-being.  Nearly everything they touch has a deleterious effect on modern American lives, pocketbooks and freedoms.  Yet, when Biden himself, or one of handlers addresses the issues, they pat themselves on the back as if they were doing a great job.  If someone manages to ask Joe or one of his minions a question about the terrible situation in the country, they quickly dissemble and blame Putin. or the oil, or food, or transportation industries, or just refuse to answer.

 Now Joe Biden is a pathetic old man who is clearly in over his head.  But he is a egotistic, cantankerous old buzzard, who consistently strays off script and flirts with nuclear-armed adversaries, and then gets angry when corrected.

 The country is in terrible shape.  We have nearly 10% inflation, $5.00 gasoline, unsafe streets and high crime rates in our democrat run cities, an open southern border with human and drug trafficking and the killer Fentanyl flooding in.  We have psychos perpetrating mass killings across the country.  We have illegal demonstrations at SCOTUS justice homes.

 One theory posits that this deterioration of our country resulted from misguided and mismanaged attempts by the Biden administration to apply several socialist based programs – the “green new deal”, “defund the police”, “critical race theory”, and more than necessary trillions of dollars of socialist programs coached as “Covid relief”, or “America rescue plan”, or “infrastructure plan”.  All of these poorly managed by socialist retreads from past liberal administrations.

 The other, more Machiavellian theory posits that the impetus for this weakening and planned deterioration of our country came right out of Lenin, Trotsky, Maduro and Alinsky, and was funded by someone like George Soros, that master billionaire manipulator.  That it was a planned ruination of the country, followed by replacement by a Marxist regime, as recently happened in Venezuela.

 In considering these two possibilities, it almost seems unlikely that any administration could be so incompetent and so stupid to have caused the first result in so short a period of time.  A planned Marxist takeover?  It wouldn’t be the first time in the world.  If we don’t guard our democratic principles, they will erode away and allow opportunistic Marxism to replace them.

 Unfortunately, we Americans allowed a combination of election chicanery, irregularities and media obfuscation, lies and censorship to allow Biden to be installed as president.  It would have never happened if we were watchful and guarding of our democracy, and not been led down the garden path by those same voices that have now caused this dystopia in our country in a few short months.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 11, 2022

Friday, June 10, 2022

Orange Man Bad


Orange Man Bad

 The January 6th “committee” is not a congressional committee allowing adversarial dialogue.  It is a left-wing multi-media extravaganza designed to once more attempt to discredit President Trump.  Apparently, the continuous persecution of Trump starting with his announcement that he was running for president in 2015, and including two frivolous and misplaced impeachments orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi was not enough.  The goal of the January 6th “committee” is to publicly denounce Trump, so that he will not run for president in 2024.

 The nature and goals of the multi-media presentation quickly became evident as soon as the cherry- picked excerpts of January 6th videos were shown, including one in which “peaceful and patriotic” were omitted from Trump’s speech.

 What President Trump did not admit on January 6, 2021, was that the fix was in, and he had to accept it.  Instead, he chose to object to the election fix, and many supporters chose to back him.  Things got out of hand at the capitol, and several protesters and police were hurt and killed, some by capitol police, and some by the mob, which had become violent, apparently patterning itself on that summer’s left-wing violence.

 The January 6th multi-media presentation continues to heap blame on President Trump for the capitol riot, and eschews any veracity for Trump’s claim of a stolen election.  This in spite of the election chicanery and irregularities observed during the election, but not acknowledged by various post-election authorities.  Also, in spite of the censorship and claims of disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop, that would have swung the election to Trump if the truth about the laptop’s contents were known by the electorate.

 Because of their absolutely ruinous policies, the democrats are clearly hurting with respect to the approaching mid-term elections.  So, we hear things from them like “abortion”, “AR-15”, and now, “January 6”, all shiny objects to get our minds off of $5.00 gasoline, 10% inflation, crime in our cities, fentanyl deaths of our young people.

 All the January 6th “committee” multi-media presentations are apt to do, however, is to exacerbate the divisions in our already fragmented society.  Backers of Trump will back him more strenuously.  Haters will hate him more.  Those in the middle won’t fail to see the partisan leftist slant of the presentations, and aim for the truth.

 Left out of the cherry-picked video of President Trump’s January 6th speech at the Ellipse:         “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard today.

Those were not his only directions to the crowd, however. In the same speech, he also used the following phrases while encouraging people to head to the Capitol and protest his election loss, according to the transcript and video of the speech:

 “We will stop the steal.”

“We will not let them silence your voices.”

“You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing.”

“We’re going to try and give [lawmakers] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

“We’re going to have to fight much harder.”

“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

 Ray Gruszecki
June 10, 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022

The January 6th Kangaroo Committee


The January 6th Kangaroo Committee

 I just watched Benny Thompson’s and Liz Cheny’s introductions to the January 6th democrat (+2) kangaroo committee.  WHAT A HATCHET JOB ON PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!  I’m recording the rest of it, which probably will not be worth watching, since it’s contrived to blame President Trump for an “insurrection”, while ignoring a whole summer’s, full country, pillaging and rioting over the death of a petty criminal and drug addict in Minneapolis.

 This latest democrat multi-media farce is an appropriate culmination of the persecution of Trump which began on the escalator of the Trump Tower in 2015.  The obvious aim of this January 6th kangaroo committee is to impugn Trump by accusations, lies and half-truths, such that he will not run for president again in 2024.  The leftists impeached him, but couldn’t convict him (after he left office), so now they have produced this multi-media shiny object to dazzle the masses.

 Will the sheep that make up so much of the American public be swayed away from Biden’s 30% approval ratings by this glib multi-media production against Trump?  Or will they remember $2.00/gal gasoline under Trump, while they pay $5.00/gal for Biden gasoline?  Or paying $200/week for groceries under Trump, rather than $300/week+ for Biden groceries?  Or safe streets and an actual southern border under Trump?  Or which bathrooms to use?  Or two sexes, and not multiple LGBTQI+++++ genders.  Or only anti-Trump propaganda, rather than full-bore Marxist propaganda?

 Let’s hope that this latest “shiny object” will not change the fact that you have to go back as far as James Buchanan in 1857, to find a president as bad as Joe Biden and his Marxist cabal.  Some say Jimmy Carter in 1977, but Jimmy was a nice guy, trying to do what’s right.  He was just inept.  Joe Biden is a nasty hack and crook of a politician who is complicit in destroying the country, and too stupid, or too stubborn to admit it and do something about it.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 9, 2022

Some Scenes and Events that I’ll Never Forget


Some Scenes and Events that I’ll Never Forget

-        Adams, MA from Mount Greylock Memorial Tower

 -        Lasy, Moje Lasy - Savoy

 -        Manhattan from the Twin Towers

 -        Manhattan from the Empire State Building

 -        Tulips in Spring in Holland

 -        Tower of London

 -        Paris from the Eiffel Tower

 -        Versailles

 -        Pisa from the Leaning Tower (Gravity experiments not allowed)

 -        Flying Over the Alps

 -        Berlin, Checkpoint Charlie, 1962 during Berlin crisis, and 2013

 -        Coliseum and Forum in Rome

 -        Dachau, Near Munich

 -        Auschwitz (Oswiencim), Poland

 -        Ruins in Pompei

 -        Six Day War, Rioting in Beirut, Evacuation of Family

 -        Camel on the Streets of Karachi

 -        Acropolis in Athens

 -        Temple of Delphi

 -        Flying over the tan Sahara for 5 hours

 -        Flying over the Rift Valley in Kenya in a small plane

 -        Being Chased by a Rhino in Kenya, 1967

 -        Being Chased by a Water Buffalo in Kenya, 1978

 -        Flying over green Sumatra for 3 hours

 -        Flying my own Small Plane Over North Texas

 -        Arizona Monument in Hawaii

 -        Warsaw Uprising Monument

 -        Black Madonna, Czestochowa

 -        On the Bosporus.  Asia to the right, Europe to the left

 -        Gallipoli

 -        Hot air ballooning over Cappadocia, Turkey tufa formations

 -        China, Great Wall

 -        China, Terra Cotta Warriors

 -        Russia – St Petersburg, Hermitage

 -        Russia, Kremlin, Red Square

 -        Vienna, Danube, Budapest, Bucharest

 Ray Gruszecki
June 8, 2022