Thursday, June 16, 2022

January 6


January 6


The aim of Nancy Pelosi’s democrat (+2) January 6 committee and multi-media presentation is to convince the normally gullible and starry-eyed American public, that Donald Trump is an arch villain who orchestrated the overthrow of a democratically elected U.S. government.  Notwithstanding the fact that Pelosi had already presided over the impeachment of Trump in the house for what sounds like pretty much the same reasons, and that Trump was acquitted in the senate.

 Not to condone the degeneration into violence at the capitol on Jan 6, but here are some points not brought out by the “kangaroo” committee

 Trump told the demonstrators at the Ellipse "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,"  The “peacefully and patriotically was omitted by the committee’s presentation.

 There were no firearms amongst the January 6 demonstrators.

 Five people, or police, were not killed by demonstrators.  Ashley Babbitt, a demonstrator, was shot and killed by capitol police.  Three other people died from natural causes.  One person died of a drug overdose.

 Windows were broken in the capitol building, and the demonstrators caused other minor damage. No fires were started as in many cities during the summer of 2020.


 Unfortunately, the January 6 demonstration was seized upon by the democrats and their media and big tech allies to completely discredit any question of election aberrations during the 2020 election.  Donald Trump is an insurrectionist, and Joe Biden is the lawful president, and no one had better question that.

 This is how public opinion in this country is altered by a few bad actors at the capitol on January 6th, and then twisted all out of proportion by a concerted effort to discredit what started out to be a peaceful protest of election abuses.

 In the meantime, left-wing rioting and violence over the whole summer of 2020 is swept under the rug, along with over 20 deaths and nearly $2billion of damage to cities, monuments and infrastructure.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 15, 2022

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