Saturday, June 18, 2022

Media Truth


Media Truth

 We, in our connected, modern life, are inundated with news, opinions and live, “Johnny on the spot” reports, from anywhere in the world.  Mountains of written press, volumes of TV reports, and terabytes of online data are produced almost hourly, to inform us, convince us, and more importantly, get us to buy something in the interludes.  And all of the media now interfaces to ensure that we don’t escape the message that the media mavens are pushing.

 How much of the “news” we read or watch or access online is true?  To be honest, most of the news that we consume is biased. And there are fact checkers to identify which of the content out there is really unbiased news.  Probably the best bias vetting website out there is MediaBiasFactCheck, - and are two reliable, unbiased fact checkers.  Snopes, which was once considered balanced, is now rated as left of center.

 At one time the network TV channels had Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow, or David Brinkley reading the news for a half hour or so without any opinion or commentary.  Now we have highly paid opinion mongers like Rachel Maddow or Don Lemmon or Tucker Carlson giving us their spin on the news, for an hour while we are inundated with blasting 3-4 minutes of commercials in between segments.

 The Internet

 Typically, by default, most of us use Google Chrome as our web page, the Google search engine for our online searches, and Wikipedia for our topic lookup.  This ensures that we consistently are guided to the left on most issues, because the algorithms embedded in all of the above are designed to do exactly that – guide us consistently to a left view of things.  Similarly, the embedded algorithms in Facebook, Twitter and other major social media platforms ensure that we are guided to left-slanted views.

 This is not right-wing “bullshit”, in the words of Bill Barr.  I have tested Wikipedia versus other (Infogalactic) topic lookup engines, and you’d be amazed at the differences found. (I used “Black Lives Matter” as a test topic).  Also, Google Chrome and Google Search sets you up for targeted ads.  Ever wonder why, when you look up socks or shirts, ads for these products seem to follow you on line forever?  Thank Google.

 Alternatives?  Use “Brave” in place of Google Chrome, for web access.  Use “Duckduckgo” in place of Google search. (Funny name, but it works just fine).  Use “Infogalactic” in place of Wikipedia.  This is a little cumbersome, but it removes the Wikipedia’s bias.


 You can use MediaBiasFactCheck, as above, to vet various publications.  Of the major newspapers, the New York Times and the Washington Post are left-wing, almost to the point of propaganda.  The Wall Street Journal slants to the right, as does the Boston Herald.  The National Review Magazine is a well-respected conservative publication.

 TV Stations and Broadcasts

 Most network TV slants to the left.  This includes ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS.  Cable news channels CNN and MSNBC are almost propaganda tools for the democrats and the left of politics.  Fox News is pretty well balanced to the right, and OAN, Newsmax and Breitbart are further right.

 For a discerning user of the news media, just watching ABC or CBS or Fox News, or reading the New York Times or Wall Street Journal is not enough.  Neither is just “googling” a topic on the Internet.  One really has to consider the source and aims of the news outlet in question.  On controversial topics, it also helps to peruse or listen to both sides of the argument and not just automatically gravitate to “your view”.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 17, 2022

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