Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Many Faces of Donald Trump


The Many Faces of Donald Trump

 When I worked in Manhattan about a million years ago, Donald Trump’s egotistical personality and rampant commercialism offended my conservative, three-piece suit professionalism.  I considered the “Trump” name all over my New York City buildings and infrastructure as being offensive and “over the top”.

 So, “The Donald” was not one of my favorite people back then.  What were his politics?  One day he seemed to be a democrat. The next day, republican.  The third day, almost libertarian.  No one could pin him down.  His marriages and romantic foibles were almost daily fare in the city’s gossip rags.  As he sold himself nationally with his very popular reality shows, I could have cared less, and I lost interest in all things Trump.

 Then, back he came, down that escalator in Trump Tower in 2015, accompanied by a very classy Melania, and espousing a “love America”, flag hugging, conservative theme.  What patriotic American wouldn’t wake up and get interested in someone who wanted to “make America great again”, and stop its slide toward a godless secular dystopia?  The inveterate left-wing, trained in Marxism in many of our universities over the past 50 years, wouldn’t respond positively, but to many other Americans, this new Donald Trump was like breath of fresh air.

 Trump was like nothing ever seen in the political world.  He told it like it was, sometimes in a plain hard-nosed manner learned on the streets of the Bronx, Queens and Manhattan, and tempered by the criticism of the toughest critics in the world, the businesses and people of those streets.

 Not given an inkling of a chance to win, first he won the republican nomination, and then the presidency. He decimated the republican political machine, and then the vaunted Clinton/Obama cabal, to win the 2016 election. 

 Left-wing knives were out for him from the day of his announcement that he was running for president on that escalator in 2015 onward. He was not a politician and not well versed in all of the dirty tricks of Washington DC, so he got slammed by a slanderous claim of Russian collusion that adversely affected two years of his presidency.  After attaining a house majority in 2018, Nancy Pelosi and the democrats frivolously impeached President Trump twice.

 In spite of continuous persecution by his left-wing enemies, the first three years of Trump’s presidency was marked by growth and prosperity from his administration’s business-like approach to government.  A strong foreign policy resulted in increased contributions to NATO by our European allies, and kept international bad actors like Iran, Russia, China and North Korea at bay.  Innovative policies, including a wall, normalized unwanted illegal immigration across the southern border.  The Abraham Accords brought peace to much of the Middle East.  All of this while he was constantly under attack by his political opponents, most of the media, the entertainment industry, and big tech.

 And during his presidency, Trump continued being Trump, and gave as good as he got.  He ranted and tweeted and railed at his continuing tormenters, sometimes to the detriment of his character and personality as president.  He didn’t care.  He was a fighter from the New York City real estate wars, and he was not about to take any crap from the leftist machine in Washington.

 Then came the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2021, and the world’s economies, including the U.S. “went to hell in a hand basket”.  What to do to save lives?   There was no precedent.  So, he essentially shut down the country like the rest of the world, and destroyed one of the best economies that we ever had.  Having no guidelines, he fumbled and made some early mistakes, but he rammed through an unprecedented program named “warp speed” to develop vaccines against Covid-19 in nine short months.

 Trump was starting to bring the country back from its Corona Virus torpor, and eager to revive the country completely by applying the sound business acumen of the first three years of his presidency.  But the “fix was in”.  Using the pandemic as an excuse to bypass constitutional election laws, democrat operative in several swing states changed the rules to favor unverified mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and other aberrations favoring democrats.  The pro-left media colluded by censoring or burying news that would have changed the electorate’s votes, such as the news about the contents of Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell”.

 Trump did not accept the election, claiming fraud and that the election was stolen.  Mountains of anecdotal evidence was produced which promptly was relegated to the dust bin of history, primarily by courts and judges who had been installed by the democrats.  Similarly, the many whistleblower witnesses of election anomalies were not taken at all seriously, not like the whistleblower who was a key to a presidential impeachment.

 Backers of President Trump demonstrated at the capitol on January 6, 2021, and it got out of hand.  Several violent, but unarmed individuals broke into the capitol building and threatened members of government.  One demonstrator was killed by capitol police, and 4 others died of drug and medical issues.  Trump was blamed for inciting the riot, and impeached again by Nancy Pelosi’s kangaroo house court.

 The biased media and all of the organs affecting public opinion seized on the January 6th demonstration at the capitol as an example of the whole resistance to the questionable 2020 election.  The whole world accepted that the election was fair and legal, and that Joe Biden had been elected out of his Delaware basement. 

 Our descent into Biden’s dystopia and the ruination of our country, thus began.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 15, 2022

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