Thursday, June 9, 2022

The January 6th Kangaroo Committee


The January 6th Kangaroo Committee

 I just watched Benny Thompson’s and Liz Cheny’s introductions to the January 6th democrat (+2) kangaroo committee.  WHAT A HATCHET JOB ON PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!  I’m recording the rest of it, which probably will not be worth watching, since it’s contrived to blame President Trump for an “insurrection”, while ignoring a whole summer’s, full country, pillaging and rioting over the death of a petty criminal and drug addict in Minneapolis.

 This latest democrat multi-media farce is an appropriate culmination of the persecution of Trump which began on the escalator of the Trump Tower in 2015.  The obvious aim of this January 6th kangaroo committee is to impugn Trump by accusations, lies and half-truths, such that he will not run for president again in 2024.  The leftists impeached him, but couldn’t convict him (after he left office), so now they have produced this multi-media shiny object to dazzle the masses.

 Will the sheep that make up so much of the American public be swayed away from Biden’s 30% approval ratings by this glib multi-media production against Trump?  Or will they remember $2.00/gal gasoline under Trump, while they pay $5.00/gal for Biden gasoline?  Or paying $200/week for groceries under Trump, rather than $300/week+ for Biden groceries?  Or safe streets and an actual southern border under Trump?  Or which bathrooms to use?  Or two sexes, and not multiple LGBTQI+++++ genders.  Or only anti-Trump propaganda, rather than full-bore Marxist propaganda?

 Let’s hope that this latest “shiny object” will not change the fact that you have to go back as far as James Buchanan in 1857, to find a president as bad as Joe Biden and his Marxist cabal.  Some say Jimmy Carter in 1977, but Jimmy was a nice guy, trying to do what’s right.  He was just inept.  Joe Biden is a nasty hack and crook of a politician who is complicit in destroying the country, and too stupid, or too stubborn to admit it and do something about it.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 9, 2022

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