Saturday, June 11, 2022

What Caused Our Current Dystopia?


What Caused Our Current Dystopia?

 There is a malaise gripping the country to the point of dystopia, that is getting worse with time.

 It almost seems as if this Biden administration has consciously set out to destroy the country, and to adversely affect our well-being.  Nearly everything they touch has a deleterious effect on modern American lives, pocketbooks and freedoms.  Yet, when Biden himself, or one of handlers addresses the issues, they pat themselves on the back as if they were doing a great job.  If someone manages to ask Joe or one of his minions a question about the terrible situation in the country, they quickly dissemble and blame Putin. or the oil, or food, or transportation industries, or just refuse to answer.

 Now Joe Biden is a pathetic old man who is clearly in over his head.  But he is a egotistic, cantankerous old buzzard, who consistently strays off script and flirts with nuclear-armed adversaries, and then gets angry when corrected.

 The country is in terrible shape.  We have nearly 10% inflation, $5.00 gasoline, unsafe streets and high crime rates in our democrat run cities, an open southern border with human and drug trafficking and the killer Fentanyl flooding in.  We have psychos perpetrating mass killings across the country.  We have illegal demonstrations at SCOTUS justice homes.

 One theory posits that this deterioration of our country resulted from misguided and mismanaged attempts by the Biden administration to apply several socialist based programs – the “green new deal”, “defund the police”, “critical race theory”, and more than necessary trillions of dollars of socialist programs coached as “Covid relief”, or “America rescue plan”, or “infrastructure plan”.  All of these poorly managed by socialist retreads from past liberal administrations.

 The other, more Machiavellian theory posits that the impetus for this weakening and planned deterioration of our country came right out of Lenin, Trotsky, Maduro and Alinsky, and was funded by someone like George Soros, that master billionaire manipulator.  That it was a planned ruination of the country, followed by replacement by a Marxist regime, as recently happened in Venezuela.

 In considering these two possibilities, it almost seems unlikely that any administration could be so incompetent and so stupid to have caused the first result in so short a period of time.  A planned Marxist takeover?  It wouldn’t be the first time in the world.  If we don’t guard our democratic principles, they will erode away and allow opportunistic Marxism to replace them.

 Unfortunately, we Americans allowed a combination of election chicanery, irregularities and media obfuscation, lies and censorship to allow Biden to be installed as president.  It would have never happened if we were watchful and guarding of our democracy, and not been led down the garden path by those same voices that have now caused this dystopia in our country in a few short months.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 11, 2022

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