Saturday, June 25, 2022

Morals and Ethics - Abortion


Morals and Ethics - Abortion

 Back in the mid-2010’s, I undertook a review of Morals and Ethics in the world with a focus on what my beliefs were concerning society’s “hot topics”.  This is what I came up with respect io abortion:  The links are still valid.


 A pretty comprehensive overall study of abortion laws and practices around the world has been done by the Pew Research Group.  This link refers.

 Science has defined that life begins in that one second that it takes egg and sperm to unite to form a zygote, a single cell that is the combination of egg and sperm.  Life does not begin with syngamy, the first division of the zygote, or at some more recognizable form of an embryo.  Life begins with fertilization, the formation of a zygote.  A good scientific explanation of the beginning of life is given in this link.

 This being the case, any attempt to stop or curtail life’s further development, through abortion or other means is killing life.  Is it ever justified?  Not in my opinion based on scientific fact.  The laws permit abortion.  Scientifically, abortion means killing a human being.  This is not a right wing or right to life position.  It is a scientific fact.  The decision around abortion is an ethical and moral dilemma for every person forced to make a choice whether to let life develop, or kill it.  A difficulty in the debate around abortion is relating to life at a molecular/zygote level.  If you can’t see it, how can it be life…? Etc.  And the rationalizations about the size of the embryo, which trimester, etc. all belie the major issue here.  Do you want to kill it or let it continue to develop into a complete human being?”

 There is nothing in the science that has changed the above conclusions.  Life begins upon conception.  That new life has its own DNA and life’s characteristics.  The feminist “My Body, My Choice” is an empty slogan, because the new life is a distinct entity, and not part of the “My Body” mantra.

 At any rate the question of aborting and killing life is back with the people in the states where it should have been for these past nearly 50 years.  Trying to construct a federal constitutional right out of thin air, where none existed, and propping it up with weak, but emotional and violent arguments all of these years was the real “abortion”.

 Since 1973, when Roe vs Wade was first passed, 63,889,756 infants have been killed by abortion in the U.S..  How many Jefferson’s, Einstein’s, Mozart’s, Mother Teresa’s, and other potentially great people has abortion killed?

 Ray Gruszecki
June 25, 2022


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