Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Shame on the Media, Shame on American voters


Shame on the Media, Shame on American voters

For shame, you American voters. See what you have done. You have plunged the country into socialism and incipient communism, and are making America a second rate, subservient country again. Oh, not you one third of voters who have been indoctrinated into the altruistic aspects of socialism and communism by the schools and universities. There is no hope for you, because you believe in the almost Christ-like altruism of socialism, and have closed your eyes to the millions in totalitarian bondage, and the 120 million people killed by that virulent philosophy in the twentieth century. You hold your left-wing and socialist beliefs almost as a religion, resistant to logic and debate.

No, I target those Trump haters who swung the election to “Biden in the basement”, even forgetting the unconstitutional rule changes introduced in several key swing states. You listened to what the lying media told you, and that kindly, grandfatherly, Joe Biden would restore calm and normalcy in the country.

 They told you that President Trump is responsible for the corona virus, in spite of his efforts to contain it, and his “warp speed” management of vaccine development. That President Trump is a racist, ignoring the benefits that he effected for minorities and their positive response. That President Trump is xenophobic, for establishing borders and enforcing immigration laws. For insisting that the U.S. be treated equitably by China, the EU and other countries. By adhering to the science on the climate, rather than international politics. By ending our continuing involvement in foreign wars. And a plethora of other benefits to our country and our people, which have been largely neglected or contorted by a virulently negative media biased against him.

President Trump was not particularly a “nice guy”, or a “kindly grandfather”. He was a hard-nosed boss that got results, and was not concerned about his abrasive personality, or his “popularity” in the establishment. In my long career, I’ve worked for some bosses like him, and others, who were not only abrasive, but dishonest as well. Trump was a hard-driving boss, but he was honest. He told it like it was, many times to the consternation of his critics.

So now we reap the harvest that the biased and dishonest media has sown. The torrent of Biden’s leftist executive orders has one common theme, - hatred of President Trump, and undoing of everything that he had accomplished.  Joe Biden sits there signing executive orders, mumbling into his Covid mask, not even knowing what it is that he is signing. The EO’s are pre-printed for him, and he is the empty vessel affixing a signature. Any comments that he may have are literally mumbled from a teleprompter, or from the cue cards which are evident in front of him.

 This is not meant to demean Biden’s deficiencies. His propensity to stutter comes from a congenital defect that he has largely overcome, and we cannot knock him for that. Similarly, his flashes of incipient senility are not to be ridiculed. We older folks have numerous friends who have been lost to dementia and Alzheimer’s, and we, ourselves sometimes have difficulty remembering “that movie” or “that actor”, but we are not leaders of the free world. On the other hand, we can’t entirely neglect Biden’s deficiencies, either. An absent-minded grandfather figure who has difficulties with “thousands” and “millions”, and such, does not project very well when “good old kindly Joe” has to deal with Xi, or Putin, or Erdogan on the international stage.

 The sighs of relief that “the nasty orange monster is gone”, will soon turn to chagrin as we lose thousands of jobs to China and other countries, lose our energy independence, and labor under the burden of left-wing taxation to support poorly run democrat cities and states. Our taxes will also support Planned Parenthood, killing more babies and selling their parts for research.

 We will all be classified in our “buckets”, per identity politics, to determine whether we should be rewarded for perceived past “ills”, or punished for past or present “privileges”. Our history will be modified to reflect the views of the New York Times “1619 Project”, which proposes that the history of our country begin in 1619, when the first slaves were brought to our shores, rather than 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Per the “woke” rules, we will not all be equal, we will all be the same, including males, females and gender variations. Female sports will be open to anyone “identifying as “female, including muscular physical males.”

 The new Biden administration seems fueled by hatred for anything that Trump has touched in the previous four years. Their avowed goal seems to be to undo everything, good or bad, that the previous Trump administration has done. Here is a partial list, some of which can be accomplished by executive orders, some with considerably more difficulty in a nearly tied congress.

1.) We are a systemic racist country that owes our origins to 1619, when the first African slaves arrived, not 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. We need to address systemic racism as a societal priority.

 2.) We should continue to disarm our police departments, and rely more on psychological and psychiatric interactions in civil and criminal disturbances, particularly those involving our black or brown citizens. The police are racist, and shouldn’t have guns.

 3.) We should register all firearms, with a view toward eventually banning them. There is no need for an armed populace in our modern, "woke", democratic society.

4.) We should all be classified by group, for assigning rewards or condemnation, per Identity politics. Order of preference should be race, ethnicity, sexual orientation/preference, gender.

5.) Use of “cancel culture”, “doxing” and other forms of social ostracism should not be discouraged, since these practices tend to bring recalcitrant individuals back into line with acceptable thought and opinion, i.e., back to “our truth”.

 6.) Adherents of opposition politics, such as followers of Donald Trump, should be “re-educated” to bring them in line with acceptable political thought.

 t.) Wealthy people and companies should “pay their fair share” of taxes, forgetting that they already have “paid their fair share”, and are using their wealth to grow the economy and create employment.

8.) The Keystone Pipeline should be shut down and “fracking” curtailed for environmental reasons. The effect on energy independence is secondary.

9.) We should reverse Trump’s tax decreases and increase taxes as necessary to pay for the recommended social programs. These programs should start with a 2 trillion-dollar relief package which would include another $1400 payment to all Americans and support for foundering democratic-run cities.

10.) We should enfranchise all inhabitants of the country as U.S. citizens, no matter how they arrived here. We should make our borders accessible to all comers, and welcome them to U.S. citizenship quickly and expeditiously.

 11.) We should immediately rejoin the “Paris Climate Accords”, and our country, along with other wealthy western countries, should join to ban fossil fuels, nuclear energy and other “polluting” power sources, and concentrate on renewable “green” energy, (wind, sun, tides, etc.). Participation by other “developing” countries, such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia would not be mandatory, since they are considered poor and “developing”.

 12.) We should export our “democratic” form of government to “hot spots” around the world, and enforce this “democracy” militarily, if necessary.

 13.) We should rely on non-proliferation treaties, with appropriate monetary incentives, to curb the international spread of nuclear weapons.

 Just for grins, we should record some indicators of where we were on inauguration day, 2021.

No wars in four years
Relative job security
Unemployment 6.7 % (with Covid, - was 3.5% before the pandemic)
Oil independence and exporting energy
GDP (2017 CIA) $19.5 Trillion, $59,400 per capita
Gas, about $2.00 per gallon (Texas)
Dow above 31,000

Ray Gruszecki
January 26, 2021

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Keeping Track – Biden’s (First) 27 “Executive Orders”


Keeping Track – Biden’s (First) 27 “Executive Orders”

 Keeping track.  Most of these “executive orders” are just for show, to make us think that “Teleprompter Joe” is doing something positive, other than acting vindictively against anything that his predecessor accomplished. Most are innocuous, and seemingly of little consequence.  Most of them are blah, blah, blah, leftist rhetoric.

 Shutting down the Keystone pipeline and stopping oil and gas leasing in the Arctic will have a deleterious effect on our energy independence from Middle East sources, and in bound to raise our gasoline and heating energy prices.

 Rejoining the Paris Climate group is toothless, can’t be enforced, and still lets the real polluters off the hook. All it does is give Kerry an opportunity for empty pontification.  Rejoining WHO with Tedros in the CCP’s pocket seems absurd.  We were not leaving officially until mid-2021 anyway.

 Cutting off funding fr the border wall will not make the Border Patrol folks very happy, but 450 miles of substantial wall have been built in the most porous areas, significantly reducing human and drug trafficking.  Apparently, the Biden administration thinks that human and drug trafficking are ok. I don’t think that they’ll bulldoze down the wall that’s built, but you never know with these leftists.  They want those illegal votes from non-citizens.

 The Covid related stuff seems positive, if it speeds up delivery of the vaccines into the arms of the population, and isn’t just more left-wing rhetoric with no action.  Watch the heavy-handed Washington involvement in our federalist system, and their impingement on our freedoms.  A mask mandate at all times on federal facilities is obvious overkill, like Joe’s posing with a mask in front of the cameras.

 Much of the rest of the rhetoric in the 27 “executive orders” is aimed at identity politics principles, so called “systemic racism”, and other favorite leftist terminology.


Ray Gruszecki
January 21, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

President Joe “Nottrump”


President Joe “Nottrump”

 We are inaugurating another president today.  We can call him “Teleprompter Joe”, or “Joe Obamalike Nottrump”, to reflect the main campaign theme from his Delaware basement and car parking lots.

 Just like in Maduro’s Venezuela, there are over 25,000 military troops in the capitol to ensure that the new regime gets installed without protest or demonstration, First Amendment notwithstanding.  As Saul Alinsky dictated, keep them fearful, they’ll be easier to control.

 Now, Joe is not allowed to speak extemporaneously these days because of his historical propensity to plagiarize, exaggerate and embellish, or as Obama once said, to f--- things up.  This is even more important now with his advancing senility, because he gets lost in the middle of a thought, gets pissed off, and ends up by shouting at perceived opponents in the audience.

 His outgoing predecessor, on the other hand, is Mr. Extemporaneous.  He can fashion both “bon mots” and “mal mots” with machine gun rapidity, both verbally, and on line.  Jack Dorsey has broken his tweeter, though, so he has been somewhat hobbled since his last House impeachment.  He has winged away to his Mar-a-Lago estates in Florida to nurse his wounds on the golf course, and plot his next incursion into the American psyche.

 In the meantime, here comes “The Brave New World” of pseudo-socialism, steeped in identity politics as the standard for choosing members of the cabinet and other administration positions.

Identity politics does not hold qualification and ability as the main criteria for a job, as is evident when one looks at the new cabinet choices.  No, choice for a position depends on what you look like and which bucket you’re in.

 The most desirable buckets seem to revolve around color and ethnicity first, then sexual orientation, then gender.  If you are a black, trans-gender, Jamaican-American, your chances for a high-level job are really good, whatever your other qualifications.  Straight Caucasian women, once aiming for political hegemony, have drifted way lower, to just above white heterosexual males.

 The new administration seems fueled by hatred for anything that Trump has touched in the previous four years.  Their avowed goal seems to be to undo everything, good or bad, that the previous administration has done.  Here is a partial list, some of which can be accomplished by executive orders, some with considerably more difficulty in a nearly tied congress.

 1.)   We are a systemic racist country that owes our origins to 1619, when the first African slaves arrived, not 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. We need to address systemic racism as a societal priority.

 2.)   We should continue to disarm our police departments, and rely more on psychological and psychiatric interactions in civil and criminal disturbances, particularly those involving our black or brown citizens.  The police are racist, and shouldn’t have guns.

 3.)   We should all be classified by group, for assigning rewards or condemnation, per Identity politics.  Order of preference should be race, ethnicity, sexual orientation/preference, gender.

 4.)   Use of “cancel culture”, “doxing” and other forms of social ostracism should not be discouraged, since these practices tend to bring recalcitrant individuals back into line with acceptable thought and opinion, i.e., back to “our truth”.

 5.)   Adherents of opposition politics, such as followers of Donald Trump, should be “re-educated” to bring them in line with acceptable political thought.

 6.)   Wealthy people and companies should “pay their fair share” of taxes, forgetting that they already have “paid their fair share”, and are using their wealth to grow the economy and create employment.

 7.)   The Keystone Pipeline should be shut down and “fracking” curtailed for environmental reasons.  The effect on energy independence is secondary.

 8.)   We should reverse Trump’s tax decreases and increase taxes as necessary to pay for the recommended social programs.  These programs should start with a 2 trillion-dollar relief package which would include another $1400 payment to all Americans and support for foundering democratic-run cities.

 9.)   We should enfranchise all inhabitants of the country as U.S. citizens, no matter how they arrived here.  We should make our borders accessible to all comers, and welcome them to U.S. citizenship quickly and expeditiously.

 10.)                   We should immediately rejoin the “Paris Climate Accords”, and our country, along with other wealthy western countries, should join to ban fossil fuels, nuclear energy and other “polluting” power sources, and concentrate on renewable “green” energy, (wind, sun, tides, etc.).  Participation by other “developing” countries, such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia would not be mandatory, since they are considered poor and “developing”.

 11.)                   We should export our “democratic” form of government to “hot spots” around the world, and enforce this “democracy” militarily, if necessary.

 12.)                   We should rely on non-proliferation treaties, with appropriate monetary incentives, to curb the international spread of nuclear weapons.

 Just for grins, we should record some indicators of where we are on this inauguration day, 2021.

No wars in four years
Relative job security
Unemployment 6.7 % (with Covid, - was 3.5% before the pandemic)
Oil independence and exporting energy
GDP (2017 CIA) $19.5 Trillion, $59,400 per capita
Gas, about $2.00 per gallon (Texas)
Dow above 31,000

Ray Gruszecki
January 20, 2021

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Riotous Hypocrisy


A Riotous Hypocrisy

 All summer long, across many of our major cities, we were abused by insurrectionist, left-wing, Marxist mobs, burning, looting and killing, while calls from left-wing politicians were to “defund the police”, and “no bail” for the criminal rioters.  The excuses given by the Marxist rioters, the left-wing politicians in the afflicted cities and states, and the propagandized media were “systemic racism” and “social justice”, after the brutal killing of petty criminal and junkie, George Floyd, in Minneapolis in May.

 While some of the original protests and demonstrations were, in fact valid, First Amendment assembly reactions to the killing of George Floyd, this killing was exaggerated and overblown by the left-wing politicians and the dishonest media.  It soon became apparent to any rational person, that the rioting and continuing, Marxist inspired, violence, was in fact, an insurrection against the government, and particularly against President Donald Trump.  Federal facilities were attacked and destroyed in several cities, and an “autonomous zone” was established in Seattle by the leftist mob.  The insurrectionist nature of the riots was never acknowledged or condemned by the left-wing politicians, or the rabid, propagandized, left-wing media, who instead stoked the violence.

 Contrast those essentially anti-Trump and anti-government insurrections of the summer, to the January 6th attack by a mob on the capitol building in Washington, which was angry because they felt that the election in November was rigged against Trump.  This attack by a small mis-guided criminal element was just as wrong as the summer riots, and was quickly condemned by virtually everyone in the country, including republicans, supporters of President Trump and so-called “right-wingers.

 But, since the attack on the capitol was deemed to be perpetrated by Trump supporters rather than “peaceful” Marxist agitators, the “sh--- literally hit the fan”.  This attack scared the b’Jesus out of the politicians in the capitol.  It was close to home, not in Seattle or Kenosha.  And it was by those nasty “right-wingers”.  Not by our benevolent “peaceful” Marxist mobs.

 In rolled waves of leftist political, media and big tech condemnation and vilification, not only of the few who criminally attacked the capitol, but also of President Trump and of anyone who supported him in the past, including all republicans.  President Trump’s comments about “peaceful and patriotic protest” were distorted by Nancy Pelosi to impeach the president a second time.  The cancel culture and “doxing” run rampant.

 Asking for an investigation of the suspect election is forbidden, as is questioning the Bidens’ past criminal “pay for play” activities, or any other dubious activities, past and present, of the new ruling cabal.  McCarthy’s pursuit of the communists in the 1950’s was child’s play compared to this leftist political, media and big tech barrage.  American citizens are afraid to voice their First Amendment opinions for fear of reprisals by the massed leftist forces.

 There are 25,000 National Guard troops in Washington D.C. just prior to the inauguration of Joe Biden tomorrow.  There are countless other troops in the state capitols, adding to the manufactured fear and hysteria of a “right-wing insurrection”.  Right out of Saul Alinsky, keep the sheep fearful, they will be easier to control.  One can ask, “where were these troops this summer when our cities and heritage were being destroyed?”

Ray Gruszecki
January 19, 2021

Monday, January 18, 2021

The Internet and the Left


The Internet and the Left

 Staistica estimates that there were 312 million internet users in the United States in 2019.  This is slightly less than the total population of the U.S. the same year, estimated as 328.2 million people.

 Most of these American internet users are channeled by the embedded algorithms of the West Coast big tech giants, (Alphabet (Google and YouTube), Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle), toward whatever their commercial, political or social interests dictate.

 These 300 million plus computer and internet users are being manipulated and brainwashed without even knowing it.  They may have some idea, when ads for an item in which they expressed interest, follow them on successive web pages, but this is just an open commercial pitch.  The political and social indoctrinations are hidden, are deeper and are more insidious.

 Typical American computer and internet users, who have bought their equipment “off the shelf”, default to the programs, search engines and apps of the tech giants.  They are readily available, “free” and easy to use.  We all use them, other than techies that know better, and they have become ubiquitous and second nature.

 We use Google to “look up stuff”.  We use some form of email using default servers from the big tech companies.  We use YouTube to watch funny cat videos.  We use Facebook and Twitter and Apple apps to socialize.  We use all sorts of Microsoft and Apple apps for a myriad of purposes.  We use Oracle products without even knowing it.

 And working within all of this “free stuff”, are programmed algorithms that guide us how to think, mostly toward a left-leaning political position.  We are being continually brainwashed toward a left-wing slant, enhancing what we mostly see on TV and read in most of our newspapers. Eventually, the “truth” will lean to the left, and denounce opposing political thought as “disinformation” or “misinformation”.

 Which “truth” do the big tech oligopolies push? -  Most of the leftist “liberal” mantra.

 1.)   We are a systemic racist country that owes our origins to 1619, when the first African slaves arrived, not 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

 2.)   We should continue to disarm our police departments, and rely more on psychological and psychiatric interactions in civil and criminal disturbances, particularly those involving our black or brown citizens.  The police are racist, and shouldn’t have guns.

3.)   We should all be classified by group, for assigning rewards or condemnation. (Identity politics).

 4.)   Use of “cancel culture”, “doxing” and other forms of social ostracism should not be discouraged, since these practices tend to bring recalcitrant individuals back into line with acceptable thought and opinion, i.e., back “the truth”.

 5.)   Adherents of opposition politics, such as followers of Donald Trump, should be “re-educated” to bring them in line with acceptable political thought.

 6.)   Wealthy people and companies should “pay their fair share” of taxes, forgetting that they already have “paid their fair share”, and are using their wealth to grow the economy and create employment.

 7.)   We should enfranchise all inhabitants of the country as U.S. citizens, no matter how they arrived here.  We should make our borders accessible to all comers, and welcome them to U.S. citizenship quickly and expeditiously.

 8.)   Our country, along with other wealthy western countries, should join to ban fossil fuels, nuclear energy and other “polluting” power sources, and concentrate on renewable “green” energy, (wind, sun, tides, etc.).  Participation by other “developing” countries, such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia would not be mandatory.

 9.)   We should export our “democratic” form of government to “hot spots” around the world, and enforce this “democracy” militarily, if necessary.

 10.)                   We should rely on non-proliferation treaties, with appropriate monetary incentives, to curb the international spread of nuclear weapons.

 So just doing nothing but watching mainstream media news an TV, reading the large influential newspapers and magazines, and normal use of the ubiquitous “free” internet tools offered by the big tech oligopolies, a preponderance of American citizens will we slanted toward the left in their politics.  That this is true is evident from our last election, and the current make-up of our government.

 How to avoid this insidious indoctrination on the internet?  Use neutral software, search engines and apps that are not tainted with a left-wing or commercial brush. 

 1.)   Use “Brave” as a browser in place of Google Chrome. (Or “Dissenter” to color it a little right)

 2.)   Use “Infogalactic” as a browser for an even more conservative slant.

 3.)   Use “Duck-Duck Go” as a search engine rather than Google. - Funny name, but it’s neutral, and doesn’t track you.

 4.)   The big oligopolies have shut down “Parler” as an alternative to Twitter.

 5.)   Use “Gab” in place of Facebook.

 6.)   Use “Rumble” as another alternative to Twitter.

 The above are easily installed in place of the ones pushed by the big tech companies, by even a geriatric user who has an eight-year-old kid to help them.  A path further travelled by the computer technophile is to get out of the Microsoft and Windows and Apple world entirely, and go with freeware like one of the Linux distributions, and open-source software for all of the usually used Windows-specific programs.  I had kept up with this world for a while, but I must admit that I have not up to date any more.

 Also, use good anti-virus and anti-spyware programs.  Avast and AVG are still free anti-virus programs.  Malwarebytes is still a free anti-spyware program.  VPN’s, (Virtual Private Networks), create a secure “tunnel” when you’re online.  It’s worth paying for a decent one like VyPrVPN, which I use.


Ray Gruszecki
January 18, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ave Atque Vale, Trump

 Ave Atque Vale, Trump

Another incisive article by the incomparable Conrad Moffat Black, “The Right Honourable Lord Baron Black of Crossharbour, and Knight Commander with Star of the Order of St Gregory the Great, KCSG”, and who is a Canadian/British/American member of the House of Lords of Great Britain.
Lord Black has been a friend and vocal Trump supporter for years. President Trump pardoned him from conviction on fraud and obstruction of justice charges.
Conrad Black was born in Canada, and his present nationality is British, so he opines from outside of U.S. politics, but in his long career, he has had extensive experience in the U.S. political press. This article, entitled “Hail and Farewell, Trump” is a good retrospective of President Trump’s accomplishments, and his ultimate defeat by the political, media and financial power massed bloc against him.
In Lord Black’s parting thought, he casts a dystopian view of our country as it now stands, with the defeat of Trump, and the rise of Biden and his Obama style and socialist allies.
“American democracy is at the lowest point in its post-segregation history: corrupt elections, abdicated courts, cowardly legislators, dishonest media, a prosecutocracy that terrorizes the whole country and wins 99 percent of its cases (95 percent without a trial), crumbling standards of education, skyrocketing crime rates, and a president-elect who looks and sounds like a waxworks dummy who has in his over-long career faced in all four directions on every major issue. Adam Smith wrote that there is “a great deal of ruin in a nation,” meaning that it can survive a lot of official incompetence and misfortune. The U.S. will undoubtedly prove that adage to be true, but it is putting it to a good test, and in politics as in other spheres it has its own collective misjudgment to blame for the nation’s decline. It is not irreversible, but it will not be reversed by continuation of the lunacies and absurdities of the last year.”
Ray Gruszecki
January 15, 2021

Frivolous Impeachments


Frivolous Impeachments

 President Donald Trump has been frivolously impeached twice by Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in the House of Representatives. They impeached him because they hate him, with the backing of the 90% biased anti-Trump media, and certainly not for cause.

 This is essentially the part of the phone call with the Ukrainian President that Nancy Pelosi and the House impeached President Trump for the first time. The impeachment was started based on information from an anonymous administrative state whistleblower, whose veracity was never questioned, and whose anonymity was protected.

 “The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.”

 The following was part of President Trump’s speech on January 6, 2021, that was used by Nancy Pelosi and the House to impeach President Trump a second time, this time for inciting an insurrection. Now these idiots want a Senate trial to remove the president from office after his term has ended and he has left office. And these people are supposed to be our lawmakers?

 “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

 Will the sheep that comprise the electorate in this country wake up and vote out the hypocrites that perpetrate these kind of injustices (and worse),on a duly elected president? Or will they allow this degeneration of our Republic into dystopian chaos?

Ray Gruszecki
January 16, 2021


Second Impeachment Embarrassment


Second Impeachment Embarrassment

 I did not watch all of it, but I did see snatches of the embarrassment in the House of Representatives today, the second fake impeachment of President Trump for purely political reasons. I thought that nothing could get worse than the earlier Ukrainian phone call impeachment in the basement “star chamber this summer. But I was wrong. Today’s deal was a one day “snap” impeachment with about the weight of a quorum call. There were no legal proofs of the article offered, nor was President Trump able to defend himself. It was an exposition on the floor of the House, of Pelosi’s and the democrats' hatred of the “big nasty orange monster”.  This was a punctuation point after over four years of non-stop harassment of this president and attempts to overthrow his government.

 Not to argue a ridiculous point, but if President Trump’s words caused the violence and lawlessness at the capitol last week, then half of the left-wing members of congress should be impeached for their insurrectionary rhetoric supporting lawlessness and violence in our cities, including federal facilities, last summer.

 Those leftists dancing around the maypole in glee at Pelosi’s attempts to twice falsely besmirch a sitting president by frivolous impeachments, have opened a Pandora’s box that they will no doubt regret. Fatuously weakening tools like impeachment will no doubt have dire consequences on how we treat our presidents in the future.

Ray Gruszecki
January 14, 2021

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The “Legal” Presidential Election


The “Legal” Presidential Election


Increasingly, public opinion rules in this country, and public opinion is the result of the extremely biased left-wing broadcast and print media, and more and more of the big leftist West Coast tech giants and their algorithms acting as diverters and censors. The courts, the legislatures, and our executive seem to be inept echoes of public opinion. Our culture, our history, the very foundations of our country are changing from “one nation under God”, to a Godless, lawless, secular socialism.

 Now that the whole world is denouncing the actions of a few criminal elements who rioted and broke into the capitol building last Wednesday, January 6, and is associating this action to a speech that President Trump made earlier in the day, it is easy to lose perspective, and paint all of the 74 million people who voted for Trump with the same brush. Trump’s speech was about stealing the election, and demonstrating at the capitol in a peaceful and lawful manner.  Of course, our dishonest media left out this last part about being peaceful and lawful, and the speech itself has been taken down, so we can only read about the biased media’s propagandized version of it.

 All of a sudden, concerns about the rule changes, procedures and legality of the election are longer questioned.  After all, a few right-wing kooks broke into the capitol, caused some mayhem, and this illegal activity is representative of the whole movement to question the legality of the election.  Heard over and over in the public opinion formed by the media propagandists and censors, is that the election was completely legal and free from fraud, and we’d better accept it and stop making noise about it.  The fact that a bunch of redneck right-wingers broke into the capitol proves it.

 But we should not forget the very valid points made by great numbers of both republicans and democrats about the legality of the election.  These points exist whether or not the courts adjudicated them.

 Various rule changes were rammed through before the 2020 presidential election by biased state courts in the swing states, rather than by state legislatures as defined in the federal constitution.  These apparently illicit rulings have resulted in election abuses, illegal actions, fraud and ballot seeding, both manually and by voting hardware/software, such that massive numbers of illegal votes were awarded to Joe Biden.  Early attempts to uphold State legislative hegemony over election rules rather than the executive or judiciary, have proven unsuccessful, all the way to SCOTUS,

 President Trump’s legal teams have disputed practices and results in several key states, and claimed chicanery and fraud, accumulating whistleblower testimony and myriad affidavits to that effect.  The state and circuit courts (some of whom passed the originally unconstitutional rule changes), so far have considered Trump’s cases anecdotal or too late, and claimed that an insufficient number of votes were affected to reverse the projected results showing Biden to be the winner.

 This summarizes the main points of the Trump challenge:

 Popular Vote totals in recent years

Obama 2008               69,499,428

Obama 2012               65,918,507

Trump 2016               62,985,153

Hillary 2016               65,853,677

Biden 2020                80,074,510 ??

Trump 2020               73,861,985

 How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, receive 14-18 million more votes than Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?

 House seats:  How could the republicans have picked up upwards of 10 house seats, most of the contested state houses and legislatures, and lost the presidency?

 How could Trump’s massive support in the primary vote not get translated into an election win, as in all previous elections?

 How could Biden underperform Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and in those big cities in swing states run by Democrats, alter the election in favor of Biden?

 How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run states as ballots were dumped through the night?

 Why were legal republican poll watchers turned away in big city democrat precincts?

 Why were legal voters turned away on election day and told that they had already voted by mail?

 Why did so many dead people and out of state people vote?

 Why did more people vote than were registered in many democrat run large cities in swing states?

 Why are not the whistleblowers that have come forth not been taken at least as seriously as the anonymous whistleblower that was held so inviolable and resulted in a presidential impeachment?  There are many signed affidavits by eyewitness whistleblowers claiming a slew of illegal and fraudulent practices.

 To summarize, “the fix was in” by the democrats long before the election.  As result of unconstitutional rule changes in many democrat run states allowing all manner of illegal votes to be counted without proof of identity (dead people, out of state people, people voting multiple times) votes against Trump burgeoned.  As Trump and many of his followers claimed, the democrats stole the election.  It cannot be proven.  And, the democrats got away with it.  Of course, any attempt to voice these opinions after the break-in at capitol are met with derision and hoot-calls of “right wing kook”.

 That’s how public opinion works.  Its twisted all out of any semblance of truth by media propaganda and censorship, and punctuated by a few idiots that broke into the capitol, and did irreparably more harm that just defiling Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 10, 2021

Friday, January 8, 2021

The Most Hated President


The Most Hated President
The raw, unbridled hatred for the man and what he stands for exceeds all rational political philosophies. The hatred for President Trump is irrational and almost palpable. Hating the man himself is somewhat understandable. He is a flamboyant, egotistical, narcissistic New York real estate developer. His personal pronouncements and tweets have been sometimes raw and insulting. He is a “boss”. He does not normally evoke “warm, fuzzy feelings”. That is Donald Trump, the man, himself.
What Trump stands for is a populism that is anathema to the established political administrative order of the Washington, DC bureaucracy. Trump is an American patriot, at a time where patriotism is falsely equated with stale and outdated philosophies created 250 years ago by slave-owning white men, to the exclusion of nonwhites and women. What the critics of our founders fail to acknowledge is the resilience that those white folks embedded in our system, which has provided for enfranchisement and equal rights and opportunities for all Americans, including minorities, women and the LGBTQ+ community. This is what Trump really believes – that all Americans are created equal under God, not arbitrarily placed into identity politics “boxes” for further reward or condemnation.
Trump has also fostered “America First”, and American exceptionalism and hegemony among the nations of the world, rather than bowing to, and accepting a subservient or gullible role in the community of nations. He has worked to identify and redress economic and political inequities where the U.S. had been a ‘sucker” in international dealings. This has many times been to the consternation of special interests that were profiting from prior arrangements. He has avoided wars, decreased our military overseas and established a Middle East peace initiative which conventional diplomacy considered impossible.
Domestically, Trump is pro-law enforcement and pro-police at a time that anarchy, riots and civic disorder are increasingly tolerated by democrat run cities and states, and “defund the police” movements are common. Acknowledged Marxist movements like Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” have destroyed large swaths of democrat run cities in defiance of any civilized mores. Obviously, these Marxist forces have no love for Trump, the American patriot, and do everything they can to denigrate all that he proposes or does. On the abortion issue, Trump is pro-life, which further exacerbates the enmity of the left
And then there’s the corona virus. Trump’s actions were within our federalist system, but they have been criticized for not being dictatorial or centralized enough. Imagine the opprobrium if he were more dictatorial. Trump’s Immediate shutdown of travel to China and Europe early on saved countless lives. His “warp speed” vaccine initiative will have saved countless many more lives. Yet his enemies, including the ridiculously biased media, blamed him for the pandemic and for loss of American lives. The gullible American public believed this nonsense, and this was one factor in him losing the presidency in the 2020 election.
President Trump “lost” the election, even though 74 million people voted for him. Many Americans think that the election was stolen by the democrats by unconstitutional state election rule changes, ballot dumping and harvesting, media censorship about the Bidens just prior to the election, and other election chicanery and illegalities. Whistleblower testimony, video clips and other evidence has been discounted by the courts, including the Supreme Court, on procedural grounds. The consensus is that the leftists “cooked the books”, stole the election, and got away with it.
This past Wednesday, angry protestors illegally stormed and broke into the capitol building while electoral college votes were being counted by the congress. This mob violence was, of course blamed on Trump’s earlier rhetoric about reversing the electoral vote. Calls by the leftists immediately went up for Trump to be “thrown out of office”, imposing the 25th amendment, and (another) impeachment.
What President Trump has endured during his (first) four years in office would make an almost unbelievable work of fiction. And all of this was occurring while he was accomplishing more in four years, for all Americans than other presidents do in eight.
First, immediate calls by the leftists and their media accomplices, for the 25th amendment and impeachment even before he was inaugurated. Then charges that he was a Russian agent, and was elected with Russian collusion, coupled with a “perjury trap” for National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and other Trump aides. The pornographic “Russian Dossier”, eventually found to be paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The $40 million Mueller special prosecutor investigation into Russian collusion, which found none.
The Jim Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page FBI/administrative state collusions, the unbelievable “star chamber” impeachment over a foreign phone call. The corona virus, and attempts to blame President Trump for the virus and the loss of lives. Biased print, broadcast and social media algorithms, lies, innuendoes and censorship. And finally, for his fight against the stolen election, another call for the 25th amendment and impeachment in his last days in office.
The democrat-socialists coming to power (just barely), in early 2021 finally got rid of the “nasty big orange monster” who, with his patriotism, was such a detriment to their continuing cultural and political makeover of the country in the image of Venezuela. Rather than a hated, strong, ebullient president in office, let’s see what damage a senile, old slug and political hack and his Obama-style minions can do.
Ray Gruszecki
January 8, 2021

Thursday, January 7, 2021

President Trump a Racist?


President Trump a Racist?

 President Trump has been falsely accused of being a "racist" so many times by his political and media enemies, that the public, who watches the leftist propaganda channels, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and reads the even more biased New York Times and Washington Post, has been brainwashed to accept that he is indeed a racist. Of course, this is all based on anecdotal, out of context quotes attributed to Trump that "prove" his racism. Detractors never report on what Trump has actually done for the minority communities.

Let's just put this nonsense about President Trump being a racist to rest. This is a list of what he has done for minorities during his term in office, compared to the great "Saint Obama". A little long, but in truth, Trump has really done a lot for American minorities. Remember, these are things that Trump has actually done; not promises made at election time and forgotten until the next election, which is a leftist tactic.

This is a true view of Trump's "racism". You'll never see this reported in the New York Times or in any leftist media outlet. But it is worthwhile to actually see the truth in print.

"Trump vs Obama in Who’s Done More for Blacks, By Kevin Jackson

-October 22, 2020

I DARE Leftists to put President Trump’s accomplishments for Blacks against that of Barack Obama.

Obama’s record of achievement for Blacks should embarrass Leftists. They are just too stupid to realize it. When asked years ago what Obama had done for Blacks, Valerie Jarrett actually mentioned these three things: Obamacare, getting lighter sentencing for crack cocaine, and the growth of welfare.

With Obamacare, Jarrett saw the legislation as reparations for Blacks. The idea was that most Blacks wouldn’t need to use the insurance, but would get the roughly $3,000 stipend.

Regarding welfare, Jarrett celebrated the idea that Blacks were out of work but Obama had provided the safety net of chump change.

Finally, while crack users got harsher sentences than those caught with coke, I still find the idea of Blacks being crackheads demeaning. Most Blacks don’t use crack. So how did this impact us enough to actually brag about it as something that benefitted Blacks as a whole. To benefit Blacks as a whole requires the average Black person benefitting, not just crackheads.

And if we’ve learned anything from Hunter Biden, it’s that Blacks aren’t the only crackheads. Now let’s compare.

President Trump’s Historic Accomplishments for the Black Community

“We are lifting up citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed. And we are delivering a future of fairness, justice, and dignity. We are defending our values, our principles, and our way of life.”

– President Donald Trump


President Trump is working to build the most inclusive economy in American history and provide Black community with access to the American dream.

Black American employment has increased 1.3 million in the past 5 months. This represents the recovery of roughly 4 in 10 Black American jobs lost in the pandemic.

It took the previous Administration nearly 2 years (23 months) to recover the same share of Black American employment lost in the 2008-09 recession.

President Trump created the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council to provide additional federal support for distressed communities.

Through the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, the Trump Administration has already taken over 200 actions to benefit underserved communities.

Then, President Trump signed legislation creating Opportunity Zones, providing investment opportunities in nearly 9,000 economically distressed communities across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five territories.

As of the end of 2019, Opportunity Zones have attracted $75 billion in funds and driven $52 billion of new investment in economically distressed communities.

These investments have created at least 500,000 new jobs.

Approximately one million Americans will be lifted from poverty as a result of these new investments.

Private equity investments into businesses in Opportunity Zones were nearly 30% higher than investments into businesses in similar areas that were not designated Opportunity Zones.

Alone, an Opportunity Zone designation has increased property values within them by 1.1%.

This will provide an estimated $11 billion in new wealth for the nearly half of Opportunity Zone residents who own their own homes.

According to the most recent Census survey, the homeownership rate for black households increased 2.3 percentage points from 2016 to 2019, bringing it from three-decade lows.

President Trump is committed to supporting America’s minority-owned businesses.

The President has worked tirelessly to remove unnecessary and burdensome regulations that hinder small business growth.

The Administration, through the Minority Business Development Agency (MDBA), has helped facilitate billions of dollars in funding to support minority enterprises.

President Trump signed legislation providing $60 billion in loans under the Paycheck Protection Program targeted to support minority and disadvantaged communities.

The President promised in September 2020 to create 3 million jobs for the Black community, 500,000 new black-owned businesses, and increase access to capital in black communities by $500 billion.


President Trump has worked to create a fairer justice system for all Americans through landmark reforms.

President Trump signed into law the groundbreaking First Step Act, which made transformative changes to our justice system, and repealed unjust provisions that disproportionally harmed African Americans.

As a result of the FIRST STEP Act, more than 3,000 Americans have been released from prison and 90% of those who have had their sentences reduced are black Americans.

This legislation eliminated the “three strikes” life sentencing provision for some offenses, expanded judges’ discretion in sentencing of non-violent crimes, and more.

The First Step Act is helping inmates successfully return to society by expanding access to rehabilitative programs.

President Trump was honored to receive the 2019 Bipartisan Justice Award for his leadership in the passage of the historic First Step Act.

The President formed the Federal Interagency Crime Prevention and Improving Reentry Council to create more second chances for Americans returning home from prison.

President Trump has promoted second chance hiring, providing Americans the opportunity to succeed and rejoin their communities.

The President has wisely issued pardons and commutations to a number of individuals adversely impacted by the criminal justice system, such as Alice Johnson, Jon Ponder, Jack Johnson, Tynice Nichole Hall, and Angela Stanton.


President Trump is taking historic action to increase the adoption of best practices in law enforcement and support a safe and secure America.

The President is restoring law and order to communities across the Nation through numerous Federal initiatives, including launching Operation Legend.

President Trump issued an Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities that will encourage law enforcement agencies to implement best practices and protect the communities they serve.

Under the Order, the Attorney General will allocate certain grant funding to only those law enforcement agencies that meet high standards, including around use-of-force and de-escalation techniques, as credentialed by reputable independent bodies.

The Order provides incentives for law enforcement agencies to use a nationwide database to track terminations, criminal convictions, and civil judgments against law enforcement officers for excessive use-of-force, which will create accountability between agencies.

The Administration will prioritize training and other programs for police and social workers responding to incidents involving the mentally ill, addicted, and homeless.

President Trump is directing his Administration to develop and propose new legislation to Congress to further the policies of the Order and build community engagement.

Our law enforcement officers provide critical protection to all Americans, and we need to work collectively to strengthen relationships across our country.

In May 2020, President Trump, provided full remarks about the death of George Floyd.

President Trump met privately with families of people lost to police killings including Ahmaud Arbery, Botham Jean, Antwon Rose, Jemel Roberson, Atatiana Jefferson, Michael Dean, Darius Tarver, Cameron Lamb, Everett Palmer and committed his Department of Justice to reviewing those cases so that justice will be served.

Trump has repeatedly, clearly, and forcefully denounced all forms of hatred.

In September, President Trump signed a resolution and expressed his desire to see the KKK prosecuted as domestic terrorists.

President Trump in August 2019: “In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart, and devours the soul.”


President Trump has made it a priority to support our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and expand school choice.

President Trump signed into law the FUTURE Act, which made permanent $255 million in annual STEM funding for minority-serving colleges, including roughly $85 million specifically allocated to HBCUs.

During his first weeks in office, President Trump issued an Executive Order to move the federal HBCU initiative back to the White House, ensuring HBCUs were a key priority and establishing the President’s Board of Advisors on HBCUs.

The Trump Administration created the first Framework for the Development of a Federal HBCU Competitiveness Strategy which coordinated the Federal government in aligning agency and department HBCU planning.

Federal departments and agencies now have plans to improve the conditions under which HBCUs compete for federal resources and opportunities.

The Trump Administration relaunched the HBCU Capital Finance Board to make millions of dollars available to support HBCUs’ long-term growth and improvement.

The administration has announced that any restrictions on those funds going to institutions with a religious mission is unconstitutional.

President Trump signed the Farm Bill that included more than $100 million dollars for scholarships, research, and centers of excellence at HBCU land-grant institutions.

The Trump Administration fully forgave $322 million in disaster loans to four HBCUs in 2018, so they could fully focus on educating their students.

President Trump became the first sitting President to address the National HBCU Week Conference.

The President has made school choice a top priority for his Administration because a child’s future shouldn’t be determined by his or her parents’ income or area code.

During his first few months in office, President Trump authorized the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program — the only federally funded voucher program in America.

The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship has awarded life-changing scholarships to over 10,000 students. Scholarship students’ average household income is about $23,000 and three-quarters of scholarship students are African American.


President Trump and his Administration are focusing on healthcare disparities impacting minority communities.

The White House has provided at least 550,000 Black American stakeholders with comprehensive, direct updates on preparedness, response, and mitigation efforts in nearly every state through more than 50 briefing calls/video-teleconferences and events.

President Trump in May 2020 hosted a listening session with African American leaders in Michigan to discuss efforts to support minority communities impacted by the coronavirus.

The President directed the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council to focus resources on minority communities impacted by the virus.

The Trump Administration is distributing over 500,000 rapid coronavirus tests to 107 HBCUs in an effort to prevent potential COVID-19 outbreaks in high-risk communities.

The Trump Administration is working with a consortium — with the consortium of black medical schools to fund and scale local efforts in communities that reach communities of color.

The Administration announced a $40 million initiative partnering with Morehouse School of Medicine to fight COVID-19.

The President signed the CARES Act legislation providing nearly $1 billion to HBCUs, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and other minority serving institutions that have experienced hardship due to coronavirus.

President Trump signed legislation to guarantee coronavirus testing free of cost-sharing, removing financial obstacles for Americans who would otherwise be unable to access them.

The Trump Administration is investing approximately $2 billion in community health centers, helping their 28 million patients in medically underserved areas receive the care and testing they need.

The Administration is working to increase access to critical telemedicine and mobile services in underserved areas.

The Trump Administration awarded $11.5 million through the Telehealth Resource Centers and awarded an additional $20 million to increase telehealth access and infrastructure.

The President’s team will work towards reforming public health data infrastructure, take action on chronic conditions in at-risk populations, and address food insecurity – all of which will help repair healthcare disparities in our communities.

The Trump Administration is leading unprecedented activity in research, medical education, and models of care in support of people with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and signed into law the Sickle Cell Disease and Other Heritable Blood Disorders Research, Surveillance, Prevention, and Treatment Act of 2018.

President Trump signed an Executive Order on Advancing American Kidney Health, to improve the lives of Americans suffering from kidney disease, expand options for American patients, and reduce healthcare costs.

The Trump Administration will work with Congress to make significant investments in minority-serving healthcare institutions.


President Trump celebrates the diversity of America by honoring the rich contributions of the Black community.

Annually, President Trump recognizes National African American History Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, Juneteenth, Minority Enterprise Development Week, National School Choice Week, The National HBCU Week, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day through proclamations, events and other celebrations.

President Trump presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Eldrick “Tiger” Woods.

Trump participated in the promotion pinning ceremony for 2020 State of the Union Gallery guest and retired Tuskegee Airman, Colonel Charles McGee, promoting him to Brigadier General in the Oval Office.

President Trump signed into law the Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act, awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to Katherine Johnson, Christine Darden, Dorothy Vaughan (posthumously), Mary Jackson (posthumously), and in recognition of all the other women who contributed to the success of NASA during the Space Race.

The Trump Administration announced the NASA headquarters building in Washington, D.C., would be named after Mary W. Jackson, the first Black American female engineer at NASA.

President Trump signed into law The Commission on the Social Status of Black Men & Boys Act, which will study & make recommendations to address the conditions affecting Black men & boys.

President Trump signed an Executive Order creating the National Garden of American Heroes to pay tribute to historical figures including Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Jackie Robinson.

In 2017, President Trump visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture with Secretary Ben Carson and Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of Black History Month.

President Trump has paid his respects at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington DC numerous times.

President Trump signed the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act into law in Atlanta, creating Georgia’s first National Historical Park.

President Trump added the John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to the African American Civil Rights Network.

Who’s the real racist? I suggest it’s Obama. Because the rich, white, Republican president did more for Blacks in a week, than Obama did in 8 years.

Quite a long list of actual positive accomplishments for minorities, and particularly for the Black Community. A bit of a far cry from what the biased, propagandizing media would like us to believe from their fragmented, anecdotal, out of context representations of President Trump as a bigoted racist. Just who are the bigots and the racists?

Ray Gruszecki
January 7, 2021

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Statistical Support for Election Illegality



Statistical Support for Election Illegality

 Thanks to Diane Hardwick for the reference.  This study adds statistical and mathematical weight to common sense observations, such as:

 “How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run cities as ballots were dumped or computer results altered, through the night?”

 And: “How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, garner 14-18 million more votes than Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?  How many of these obviously excess votes came from dead people, double-counting, seeding ballots and tweaks of the voting hardware and software?”

 Quoting from this study,

“Continuing our analysis from our original report cements our confidence in the conclusions we drew there — namely, that Biden’s victory in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia relied on very unusual individual vote updates, which indeed were so extreme that, were they all only at the 99th percentile of co-extremity, Joe Biden would have lost all three states.  This does not prove any particular affirmative case of fraud so much as to point out that what is perhaps the most contested window of time also contained a small number of critically Biden-favoring updates which have measurably unusual characteristics.

 It remains our belief that a maximally detailed forensic audit of all of the vote-counting procedures and the ballots themselves, conducted in the public view, remains the only possible way to address suspicions surrounding these circumstances.”

 Unfortunately, this study, coached in statistical proofs, will fall on the same deaf ears in public, legal and judicial opinion as the whistleblower testimonies, video clips and mountains of other evidence of the illegal election practices in the large, democrat run cities in the swing states.

 No matter what eyewitness testimony, video clips, statistical analysis and other evidence shows, the leftist democrats managed to steal an election and they are getting away with it.  A large proportion of our electorate, watch ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, read the New York Times and Washington Post, and bleat baa—aa, in acquiescence to the lies.

 It is truly sad for our country to be burdened with a completely incompetent, plagiarizing and dishonest crime family leader like Joe Biden, who is additionally sliding into senility, as our next president.  His cabinet choices are already harbingers of bringing back “the swamp”, identity politics, cancel culture and all the trappings of the “new world order”.


Ray Gruszecki
January 5, 2021