Saturday, January 2, 2021

We Have Been Brainwashed!


We Have Been Brainwashed!

 The American public, though distracted by the increasing corona virus numbers across the country, is willing to accept the continuing propaganda that Joe Biden legally won the presidency with no fraud or illegalities.  This is in spite of a multitude of whistleblower witnesses and myriad smartphone video clips and a ton of other evidence to the contrary.  We have been brainwashed, folks.  By the biased print and broadcast media; by the algorithms in our social media; by our lying, unscrupulous, politicians.  Josef Goebbels’ Nazi’s, and the Soviet and Red Chinese propagandists could not have done any better.

 These forces, which started just being anti-Trump and hatred of Trump, are now are so obviously against free speech, a truly free press and against so much of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, that they have subverted the foundations of our republic.

 We know that there is unprincipled media, big tech and entertainment industry bias against Trump, against republicans and for the socialist principles of the democrats in this country that runs to rank hypocrisy. The Trump bashing of the past five years, and the fawning over Obama, and now Biden, is not only disgusting, it is tearing our country apart.

 This is nowhere more evident than when an anonymous “whistleblower” is protected, considered sacrosanct and used as a basis by a partisan “star chamber” House of Representatives procedure to impeach a sitting president over an innocuous phone call; and then when myriad whistleblowers submit open affidavits of fraud and chicanery in our elections, and are dismissed or ignored and called “conspiracy theorists” or “right wing kooks”, by the massed biased leftist forces. “Nothing to see here” says the mainstream media, as whistleblower after whistleblower comes forth with sworn testimony backed by signed affidavits, at risk to their lives and well-being.

 Where are the champions of the whistleblowers, who are risking life and limb, to tell the truth about our fraudulent and illegal election?

 The whole process, with the “fix” being in long before the election, is truly worthy of the most vile, egregious, totalitarian regimes that fix their elections to place their favored dictator in power, and revile or persecute those brave enough to object.

 The censorship and cover-up by the major media outlets of the news by the New York Post, one of the oldest and largest newspapers in the country, of Hunter Biden’s “pay for play” scandal, is a study of outright lying to the electorate.  Many voters said they would not have voted for Biden if they knew about the “Biden crime family’s” ties to China.  This is manipulation of the truth worthy of the most corrupt banana republics.

 Forgetting even the whistleblowers’ accounts relating such abuses as interstate transport and fraudulent processing of large volumes of ballots, any rational person just looking at the election results has to have serious questions about the validity of the election.  In fact, a majority of republicans and many honest democrats believe that something was wrong with the election.

 How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, garner 14-18 million more votes than Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?  How many of these obviously excess votes came from dead people, double-counting, seeding ballots and tweaks of the voting hardware and software?

 How could the republicans have “flipped” upwards of 12 house seats, most of the contested state houses and legislatures, and lost the presidency?

 How could Trump’s massive support in the primary vote not get translated into an election win, as in all previous elections?

 How could Biden underperform Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and in those big cities in swing states run by Democrats?

 How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run cities as ballots were dumped or computer results altered, through the night?

 Should there not be congressional hearings and perhaps a special prosecutor to investigate questions such as these and hear the testimony of the whistleblowers in an official setting?  If we can waste over two years and nearly $40 million on the Russian collusion farce, it seems that we should expend similar energies on whether our presidential election was rigged.

 But so far, the biased media have praised the election as “fair”.  The State and federal courts have demurred to hear the cases of fraud and illegalities presented by Trump’s legal teams.

 So, we have been brainwashed!  Unfair, unscrupulous and illegal leftist elements have “cooked the books”, and managed to steal an election, and there’s nothing we can do about it.  Mourn for our poor Republic.  Actions such as these by the leftists will surely kill it.

Ray Gruszecki
January 2, 2021

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