Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ave Atque Vale, Trump

 Ave Atque Vale, Trump

Another incisive article by the incomparable Conrad Moffat Black, “The Right Honourable Lord Baron Black of Crossharbour, and Knight Commander with Star of the Order of St Gregory the Great, KCSG”, and who is a Canadian/British/American member of the House of Lords of Great Britain.
Lord Black has been a friend and vocal Trump supporter for years. President Trump pardoned him from conviction on fraud and obstruction of justice charges.
Conrad Black was born in Canada, and his present nationality is British, so he opines from outside of U.S. politics, but in his long career, he has had extensive experience in the U.S. political press. This article, entitled “Hail and Farewell, Trump” is a good retrospective of President Trump’s accomplishments, and his ultimate defeat by the political, media and financial power massed bloc against him.
In Lord Black’s parting thought, he casts a dystopian view of our country as it now stands, with the defeat of Trump, and the rise of Biden and his Obama style and socialist allies.
“American democracy is at the lowest point in its post-segregation history: corrupt elections, abdicated courts, cowardly legislators, dishonest media, a prosecutocracy that terrorizes the whole country and wins 99 percent of its cases (95 percent without a trial), crumbling standards of education, skyrocketing crime rates, and a president-elect who looks and sounds like a waxworks dummy who has in his over-long career faced in all four directions on every major issue. Adam Smith wrote that there is “a great deal of ruin in a nation,” meaning that it can survive a lot of official incompetence and misfortune. The U.S. will undoubtedly prove that adage to be true, but it is putting it to a good test, and in politics as in other spheres it has its own collective misjudgment to blame for the nation’s decline. It is not irreversible, but it will not be reversed by continuation of the lunacies and absurdities of the last year.”
Ray Gruszecki
January 15, 2021

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