Friday, January 8, 2021

The Most Hated President


The Most Hated President
The raw, unbridled hatred for the man and what he stands for exceeds all rational political philosophies. The hatred for President Trump is irrational and almost palpable. Hating the man himself is somewhat understandable. He is a flamboyant, egotistical, narcissistic New York real estate developer. His personal pronouncements and tweets have been sometimes raw and insulting. He is a “boss”. He does not normally evoke “warm, fuzzy feelings”. That is Donald Trump, the man, himself.
What Trump stands for is a populism that is anathema to the established political administrative order of the Washington, DC bureaucracy. Trump is an American patriot, at a time where patriotism is falsely equated with stale and outdated philosophies created 250 years ago by slave-owning white men, to the exclusion of nonwhites and women. What the critics of our founders fail to acknowledge is the resilience that those white folks embedded in our system, which has provided for enfranchisement and equal rights and opportunities for all Americans, including minorities, women and the LGBTQ+ community. This is what Trump really believes – that all Americans are created equal under God, not arbitrarily placed into identity politics “boxes” for further reward or condemnation.
Trump has also fostered “America First”, and American exceptionalism and hegemony among the nations of the world, rather than bowing to, and accepting a subservient or gullible role in the community of nations. He has worked to identify and redress economic and political inequities where the U.S. had been a ‘sucker” in international dealings. This has many times been to the consternation of special interests that were profiting from prior arrangements. He has avoided wars, decreased our military overseas and established a Middle East peace initiative which conventional diplomacy considered impossible.
Domestically, Trump is pro-law enforcement and pro-police at a time that anarchy, riots and civic disorder are increasingly tolerated by democrat run cities and states, and “defund the police” movements are common. Acknowledged Marxist movements like Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” have destroyed large swaths of democrat run cities in defiance of any civilized mores. Obviously, these Marxist forces have no love for Trump, the American patriot, and do everything they can to denigrate all that he proposes or does. On the abortion issue, Trump is pro-life, which further exacerbates the enmity of the left
And then there’s the corona virus. Trump’s actions were within our federalist system, but they have been criticized for not being dictatorial or centralized enough. Imagine the opprobrium if he were more dictatorial. Trump’s Immediate shutdown of travel to China and Europe early on saved countless lives. His “warp speed” vaccine initiative will have saved countless many more lives. Yet his enemies, including the ridiculously biased media, blamed him for the pandemic and for loss of American lives. The gullible American public believed this nonsense, and this was one factor in him losing the presidency in the 2020 election.
President Trump “lost” the election, even though 74 million people voted for him. Many Americans think that the election was stolen by the democrats by unconstitutional state election rule changes, ballot dumping and harvesting, media censorship about the Bidens just prior to the election, and other election chicanery and illegalities. Whistleblower testimony, video clips and other evidence has been discounted by the courts, including the Supreme Court, on procedural grounds. The consensus is that the leftists “cooked the books”, stole the election, and got away with it.
This past Wednesday, angry protestors illegally stormed and broke into the capitol building while electoral college votes were being counted by the congress. This mob violence was, of course blamed on Trump’s earlier rhetoric about reversing the electoral vote. Calls by the leftists immediately went up for Trump to be “thrown out of office”, imposing the 25th amendment, and (another) impeachment.
What President Trump has endured during his (first) four years in office would make an almost unbelievable work of fiction. And all of this was occurring while he was accomplishing more in four years, for all Americans than other presidents do in eight.
First, immediate calls by the leftists and their media accomplices, for the 25th amendment and impeachment even before he was inaugurated. Then charges that he was a Russian agent, and was elected with Russian collusion, coupled with a “perjury trap” for National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and other Trump aides. The pornographic “Russian Dossier”, eventually found to be paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The $40 million Mueller special prosecutor investigation into Russian collusion, which found none.
The Jim Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page FBI/administrative state collusions, the unbelievable “star chamber” impeachment over a foreign phone call. The corona virus, and attempts to blame President Trump for the virus and the loss of lives. Biased print, broadcast and social media algorithms, lies, innuendoes and censorship. And finally, for his fight against the stolen election, another call for the 25th amendment and impeachment in his last days in office.
The democrat-socialists coming to power (just barely), in early 2021 finally got rid of the “nasty big orange monster” who, with his patriotism, was such a detriment to their continuing cultural and political makeover of the country in the image of Venezuela. Rather than a hated, strong, ebullient president in office, let’s see what damage a senile, old slug and political hack and his Obama-style minions can do.
Ray Gruszecki
January 8, 2021

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