Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Statistical Support for Election Illegality



Statistical Support for Election Illegality

 Thanks to Diane Hardwick for the reference.  This study adds statistical and mathematical weight to common sense observations, such as:

 “How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run cities as ballots were dumped or computer results altered, through the night?”

 And: “How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, garner 14-18 million more votes than Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?  How many of these obviously excess votes came from dead people, double-counting, seeding ballots and tweaks of the voting hardware and software?”

 Quoting from this study,

“Continuing our analysis from our original report cements our confidence in the conclusions we drew there — namely, that Biden’s victory in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia relied on very unusual individual vote updates, which indeed were so extreme that, were they all only at the 99th percentile of co-extremity, Joe Biden would have lost all three states.  This does not prove any particular affirmative case of fraud so much as to point out that what is perhaps the most contested window of time also contained a small number of critically Biden-favoring updates which have measurably unusual characteristics.

 It remains our belief that a maximally detailed forensic audit of all of the vote-counting procedures and the ballots themselves, conducted in the public view, remains the only possible way to address suspicions surrounding these circumstances.”

 Unfortunately, this study, coached in statistical proofs, will fall on the same deaf ears in public, legal and judicial opinion as the whistleblower testimonies, video clips and mountains of other evidence of the illegal election practices in the large, democrat run cities in the swing states.

 No matter what eyewitness testimony, video clips, statistical analysis and other evidence shows, the leftist democrats managed to steal an election and they are getting away with it.  A large proportion of our electorate, watch ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, read the New York Times and Washington Post, and bleat baa—aa, in acquiescence to the lies.

 It is truly sad for our country to be burdened with a completely incompetent, plagiarizing and dishonest crime family leader like Joe Biden, who is additionally sliding into senility, as our next president.  His cabinet choices are already harbingers of bringing back “the swamp”, identity politics, cancel culture and all the trappings of the “new world order”.


Ray Gruszecki
January 5, 2021

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