Sunday, January 10, 2021

The “Legal” Presidential Election


The “Legal” Presidential Election


Increasingly, public opinion rules in this country, and public opinion is the result of the extremely biased left-wing broadcast and print media, and more and more of the big leftist West Coast tech giants and their algorithms acting as diverters and censors. The courts, the legislatures, and our executive seem to be inept echoes of public opinion. Our culture, our history, the very foundations of our country are changing from “one nation under God”, to a Godless, lawless, secular socialism.

 Now that the whole world is denouncing the actions of a few criminal elements who rioted and broke into the capitol building last Wednesday, January 6, and is associating this action to a speech that President Trump made earlier in the day, it is easy to lose perspective, and paint all of the 74 million people who voted for Trump with the same brush. Trump’s speech was about stealing the election, and demonstrating at the capitol in a peaceful and lawful manner.  Of course, our dishonest media left out this last part about being peaceful and lawful, and the speech itself has been taken down, so we can only read about the biased media’s propagandized version of it.

 All of a sudden, concerns about the rule changes, procedures and legality of the election are longer questioned.  After all, a few right-wing kooks broke into the capitol, caused some mayhem, and this illegal activity is representative of the whole movement to question the legality of the election.  Heard over and over in the public opinion formed by the media propagandists and censors, is that the election was completely legal and free from fraud, and we’d better accept it and stop making noise about it.  The fact that a bunch of redneck right-wingers broke into the capitol proves it.

 But we should not forget the very valid points made by great numbers of both republicans and democrats about the legality of the election.  These points exist whether or not the courts adjudicated them.

 Various rule changes were rammed through before the 2020 presidential election by biased state courts in the swing states, rather than by state legislatures as defined in the federal constitution.  These apparently illicit rulings have resulted in election abuses, illegal actions, fraud and ballot seeding, both manually and by voting hardware/software, such that massive numbers of illegal votes were awarded to Joe Biden.  Early attempts to uphold State legislative hegemony over election rules rather than the executive or judiciary, have proven unsuccessful, all the way to SCOTUS,

 President Trump’s legal teams have disputed practices and results in several key states, and claimed chicanery and fraud, accumulating whistleblower testimony and myriad affidavits to that effect.  The state and circuit courts (some of whom passed the originally unconstitutional rule changes), so far have considered Trump’s cases anecdotal or too late, and claimed that an insufficient number of votes were affected to reverse the projected results showing Biden to be the winner.

 This summarizes the main points of the Trump challenge:

 Popular Vote totals in recent years

Obama 2008               69,499,428

Obama 2012               65,918,507

Trump 2016               62,985,153

Hillary 2016               65,853,677

Biden 2020                80,074,510 ??

Trump 2020               73,861,985

 How could Biden, sitting in his basement for most of the campaign, receive 14-18 million more votes than Barrack Obama did in his two victorious years?

 House seats:  How could the republicans have picked up upwards of 10 house seats, most of the contested state houses and legislatures, and lost the presidency?

 How could Trump’s massive support in the primary vote not get translated into an election win, as in all previous elections?

 How could Biden underperform Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and in those big cities in swing states run by Democrats, alter the election in favor of Biden?

 How could Trump have been leading by hundreds of thousands of votes at around midnight of election night, and lose in six primarily democratically run states as ballots were dumped through the night?

 Why were legal republican poll watchers turned away in big city democrat precincts?

 Why were legal voters turned away on election day and told that they had already voted by mail?

 Why did so many dead people and out of state people vote?

 Why did more people vote than were registered in many democrat run large cities in swing states?

 Why are not the whistleblowers that have come forth not been taken at least as seriously as the anonymous whistleblower that was held so inviolable and resulted in a presidential impeachment?  There are many signed affidavits by eyewitness whistleblowers claiming a slew of illegal and fraudulent practices.

 To summarize, “the fix was in” by the democrats long before the election.  As result of unconstitutional rule changes in many democrat run states allowing all manner of illegal votes to be counted without proof of identity (dead people, out of state people, people voting multiple times) votes against Trump burgeoned.  As Trump and many of his followers claimed, the democrats stole the election.  It cannot be proven.  And, the democrats got away with it.  Of course, any attempt to voice these opinions after the break-in at capitol are met with derision and hoot-calls of “right wing kook”.

 That’s how public opinion works.  Its twisted all out of any semblance of truth by media propaganda and censorship, and punctuated by a few idiots that broke into the capitol, and did irreparably more harm that just defiling Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 10, 2021

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