Saturday, January 2, 2021

Corona Virus and American Federalism


Corona Virus and American Federalism


One of the criticisms of President Trump and his administration is that they did not act quickly and decisively enough to stop the spread of the corona virus in the U.S. in the early stages of the pandemic.  These critics say that the Trump administration used our American federalism as an excuse for lack of a cohesive national Covid-19 response plan.  Without referencing what our national, state and local federalism comprises, the leftist democrats used the lack of a dictatorial national corona virus plan against Trump in the election to blame him for the virus.  Obviously this one of many, democrat dirty tricks worked.  The gullible public went baa—aa, and ate it up.  In the meantime, the same unscrupulous democrats “cooked the books” just enough in the swing states, to elect “Basement Joe Biden”.

 But I digress.  This article from the New England Journal of Medicine is a well-researched, studious discussion of how our American federalism curtailed efforts to stop the early spread of the corona virus.  Since the article is from a medical perspective, it points to complete shut downs as an effective means of stopping the spread of the virus, and cites the uneven responses by American states and localities.  They inappropriately cite comparatively small and homogeneous South Korea and Taiwan as national examples of controlling the virus by shutting down.

 Still, the article is representative of a range of somewhat liberally oriented, medical opinion, which forms the basis for further political thought and action.


Ray Gruszecki
January 2, 2021

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