Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Riotous Hypocrisy


A Riotous Hypocrisy

 All summer long, across many of our major cities, we were abused by insurrectionist, left-wing, Marxist mobs, burning, looting and killing, while calls from left-wing politicians were to “defund the police”, and “no bail” for the criminal rioters.  The excuses given by the Marxist rioters, the left-wing politicians in the afflicted cities and states, and the propagandized media were “systemic racism” and “social justice”, after the brutal killing of petty criminal and junkie, George Floyd, in Minneapolis in May.

 While some of the original protests and demonstrations were, in fact valid, First Amendment assembly reactions to the killing of George Floyd, this killing was exaggerated and overblown by the left-wing politicians and the dishonest media.  It soon became apparent to any rational person, that the rioting and continuing, Marxist inspired, violence, was in fact, an insurrection against the government, and particularly against President Donald Trump.  Federal facilities were attacked and destroyed in several cities, and an “autonomous zone” was established in Seattle by the leftist mob.  The insurrectionist nature of the riots was never acknowledged or condemned by the left-wing politicians, or the rabid, propagandized, left-wing media, who instead stoked the violence.

 Contrast those essentially anti-Trump and anti-government insurrections of the summer, to the January 6th attack by a mob on the capitol building in Washington, which was angry because they felt that the election in November was rigged against Trump.  This attack by a small mis-guided criminal element was just as wrong as the summer riots, and was quickly condemned by virtually everyone in the country, including republicans, supporters of President Trump and so-called “right-wingers.

 But, since the attack on the capitol was deemed to be perpetrated by Trump supporters rather than “peaceful” Marxist agitators, the “sh--- literally hit the fan”.  This attack scared the b’Jesus out of the politicians in the capitol.  It was close to home, not in Seattle or Kenosha.  And it was by those nasty “right-wingers”.  Not by our benevolent “peaceful” Marxist mobs.

 In rolled waves of leftist political, media and big tech condemnation and vilification, not only of the few who criminally attacked the capitol, but also of President Trump and of anyone who supported him in the past, including all republicans.  President Trump’s comments about “peaceful and patriotic protest” were distorted by Nancy Pelosi to impeach the president a second time.  The cancel culture and “doxing” run rampant.

 Asking for an investigation of the suspect election is forbidden, as is questioning the Bidens’ past criminal “pay for play” activities, or any other dubious activities, past and present, of the new ruling cabal.  McCarthy’s pursuit of the communists in the 1950’s was child’s play compared to this leftist political, media and big tech barrage.  American citizens are afraid to voice their First Amendment opinions for fear of reprisals by the massed leftist forces.

 There are 25,000 National Guard troops in Washington D.C. just prior to the inauguration of Joe Biden tomorrow.  There are countless other troops in the state capitols, adding to the manufactured fear and hysteria of a “right-wing insurrection”.  Right out of Saul Alinsky, keep the sheep fearful, they will be easier to control.  One can ask, “where were these troops this summer when our cities and heritage were being destroyed?”

Ray Gruszecki
January 19, 2021

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