Thursday, January 21, 2021

Keeping Track – Biden’s (First) 27 “Executive Orders”


Keeping Track – Biden’s (First) 27 “Executive Orders”

 Keeping track.  Most of these “executive orders” are just for show, to make us think that “Teleprompter Joe” is doing something positive, other than acting vindictively against anything that his predecessor accomplished. Most are innocuous, and seemingly of little consequence.  Most of them are blah, blah, blah, leftist rhetoric.

 Shutting down the Keystone pipeline and stopping oil and gas leasing in the Arctic will have a deleterious effect on our energy independence from Middle East sources, and in bound to raise our gasoline and heating energy prices.

 Rejoining the Paris Climate group is toothless, can’t be enforced, and still lets the real polluters off the hook. All it does is give Kerry an opportunity for empty pontification.  Rejoining WHO with Tedros in the CCP’s pocket seems absurd.  We were not leaving officially until mid-2021 anyway.

 Cutting off funding fr the border wall will not make the Border Patrol folks very happy, but 450 miles of substantial wall have been built in the most porous areas, significantly reducing human and drug trafficking.  Apparently, the Biden administration thinks that human and drug trafficking are ok. I don’t think that they’ll bulldoze down the wall that’s built, but you never know with these leftists.  They want those illegal votes from non-citizens.

 The Covid related stuff seems positive, if it speeds up delivery of the vaccines into the arms of the population, and isn’t just more left-wing rhetoric with no action.  Watch the heavy-handed Washington involvement in our federalist system, and their impingement on our freedoms.  A mask mandate at all times on federal facilities is obvious overkill, like Joe’s posing with a mask in front of the cameras.

 Much of the rest of the rhetoric in the 27 “executive orders” is aimed at identity politics principles, so called “systemic racism”, and other favorite leftist terminology.

Ray Gruszecki
January 21, 2021

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