Saturday, January 16, 2021

Second Impeachment Embarrassment


Second Impeachment Embarrassment

 I did not watch all of it, but I did see snatches of the embarrassment in the House of Representatives today, the second fake impeachment of President Trump for purely political reasons. I thought that nothing could get worse than the earlier Ukrainian phone call impeachment in the basement “star chamber this summer. But I was wrong. Today’s deal was a one day “snap” impeachment with about the weight of a quorum call. There were no legal proofs of the article offered, nor was President Trump able to defend himself. It was an exposition on the floor of the House, of Pelosi’s and the democrats' hatred of the “big nasty orange monster”.  This was a punctuation point after over four years of non-stop harassment of this president and attempts to overthrow his government.

 Not to argue a ridiculous point, but if President Trump’s words caused the violence and lawlessness at the capitol last week, then half of the left-wing members of congress should be impeached for their insurrectionary rhetoric supporting lawlessness and violence in our cities, including federal facilities, last summer.

 Those leftists dancing around the maypole in glee at Pelosi’s attempts to twice falsely besmirch a sitting president by frivolous impeachments, have opened a Pandora’s box that they will no doubt regret. Fatuously weakening tools like impeachment will no doubt have dire consequences on how we treat our presidents in the future.

Ray Gruszecki
January 14, 2021

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